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The SW KotOR and The Sith Lords Trivia Thread


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Shardan - Can either kill him, give him Ajunta Pall's sword, or give him a fake sword so Uthar will kill him.

Mekel - Can either let Jorak Uln kill him, do it yourself, or let him go and take Uln's tablet.

Lashowe - Can either let her take the holocron back to Uthar, or kill her and take it yourself.

Crap-I-Forget-This-Guy's-Name - Can either recommend that he goes to the Jedi on Dantooine, or turn him over to Uthar for his faithlessness.

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A: 1 Lashowe: You meet her first in Dreshdae, where she wants you to amuse her. You can team up with her to defeat the Tu'kata Queen for an ancient Sith holocron, then she betrayes you and you have the option of killing her or letting her take all the prestige.


2. Mekel: you first see him "torturing" some sith wannabees. Later he is held prisoner by Jorak Uln in the tomb of Tulak Hord. He can die if you answer too many questions wrong, in the fight with Jorak, you can kill him yourself or you can let him go en convert him to the light side.


3. Shardaan: First seen right outside of the landing pad, he's humiliating some sith wannabees. After you reclaim the sword of Ajunta Pall, he will try to take it from you. You can give him the sword and nothing happens or you can give him a fake one, which he brings to Uthar who will not be fooled and kill him or you can kill him yourself.


4. Kel Algwinn you first see him in the Sith academy. You can turn him to the light side ( and run into him on Dantooïne later) or you can turn him in to Uthar.


There is also Dustil Onasi, you can eather kill him or convince him to turn back to the light side and Dak Vesser who you meet at the archeological site and who runs away to leave Korriban and the Sith, if you have Juhani in your party


Oh and peeps, Carth's wife was named Morgana, it is mentioned...

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When you talk to Carth about his wife, he mentions it. I'm not sure but I think you have to have a female pc.


Q: How many Sith students that you encounter on Korriban, either mock someone or threaten/attack you?


I'm not sure what you mean by that, can you clarify? As it is now I would say all of them.

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When you talk to Carth about his wife, he mentions it. I'm not sure but I think you have to have a female pc.



I don't think I've ever heard this in the game.


BUT: http://swforums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html?topic=368217&forum=89


To answer the latest question:


Lashowe and her friends= 3

Mekel= 1

Sith students and the medallion= 4

Sith Student fighting a prisonner= 1

Sith Student using force lightning on prisonners= 1

Dustil= 1

Shardan= 1


Total= 12


Q: There are two major corporations in the KotOR universe. Which are they?

Why is one of those corporations considered "bad"?

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Umm... to Vlad's earlier post on what erands for the mandies on Dxun, you could also Kill a zakkeg and take its ear to teh sentry and blow up a permacrate mine for mandalore. and not sure but u might get a scolding for killing Davrel.


since Mono's not asking... what was the name of the female scientist on the station below Manaan's surface?

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