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So I was looking through my old posts....


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And I came across this thread called "schoolhouse rock", and it was from late July of last year. Basically, it was a complaint thread about all the stupid little grammatical things in the English language.


Anyway, we ended up talking about the commas and periods for money amounts, like if I said I had a thousand bucks, I'd type it $1,000.00, while in like France or something, it would be $1.000,00, which I find to be very odd.


Sooo...I thought maybe we could continue a thread like that, but really the reason I opened this up was to ask...


In England, is there a key on the keyboard for pounds instead of dollars?

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On my Belgian keyboard there's an € (Alt Gr+e), £ (shift+"µ"-key), $ (seperate key for it which also has: Alt Gr + key: ], shift+key *).


And we don't write . or , in 1,000.00 or 1.000,00 we just write either 1000,00 or 1 000,00. It used to be obligatory but now it's not allowed anymore

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Really? it's Ctrl(1-9) to change tabs with me. Alt(1-9) seem to do stuff with LF.


Oh, just a question, Das, what exactly is the alternative character for your 3 key (assuming it's not the pound sign like on a British Keyboard)

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Everyone, hit Crtl+Alt+Del as many times as you can, really fast. It's like, the coolest! :eek:


Nothing happens.


That button on the front of your computer tower does some cool things if you hold it down for 5 seconds.



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Oh, yes, that's right, newer versions of Windows don't do that. <_<


...Hmm, nope, newer versions of Windows would say "Twice as much happens"...


You can't use IRC error messages on an online forum. :p


Ok, I will use a hopefully more approConnection closed by foreign host.

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