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KOTOR 3 guessings.


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Maybe LA should release a book a couple of months before they release KOTOR 3. The book should be about the Exile and what happened after (s)he destroyed Kreia. The book should give everyone that conclusion that we felt after beating KOTOR 1. The end of the book should tie in with the new PC fron the third game.


I think that only the droids should make a return to the party.(seeing how every fan of the series wants them to return) The rest of them should die in the book. I think that revan and the exile should be hidden characters who help U only with the final boss. You shouldn't have any control over them. You also have to spend time looking for clues and doing hidden quest to find them.( that way you wont rush through the game)


One more thing I like to say, if you are a true fan of the games you have played a male and a female character.( also LS and DS for both) So it shouldn't matter which direction the devs(whoever is making the game)take the story. I would be lying if I said i didn't prefer revan to be LSM and the exile to be DSF, but if the story for KOTOR 3 has them both LSM than i'll have to deal with that. Also if their looks don't match the faces I chose for the first to games, I guess i'll have to play both games again to match the faces they chose. Sweet, I guess that would give me a resone to play KOTOR 1 and 2 again:)

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An interesting idea you have there. Although I don't think it would work simply because anyone that didn't read the book would feel pretty alienated coming into the game, plus the fact that your roleplaying options would be pretty limited. Additionally, I don't think there's a need to kill off npcs, Revan and Exile left their friends and comrades behind to fight the true Sith so they wouldn't even be a factor. Revan as an npc is quite simple, just stick him in robes and mask and have his dialogue be dictated by stating whether he was DS or LS.


As for the PC, I would go with the Exile just for the reasons I stated above, primarily being he's already established, he knows everything we know and that introducing a third pc might be difficult.


I'm also against creating canonical gender or appearence, especially with Revan as it can be masked quite easily. The Exile not so much so. However, the Exile's got his own problems as pc as well. He's already completed his character arc, there's not much mystery to him anymore, etc.


Difficult decision indeed.

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I'm also against creating canonical gender or appearence, especially with Revan as it can be masked quite easily. The Exile not so much so. However, the Exile's got his own problems as pc as well. He's already completed his character arc, there's not much mystery to him anymore, etc.


In that case, the Exile wouldn't be very interesting since his character arc is pretty much done.

You wouldn't have much choice during the game would you?

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An interesting idea you have there. Although I don't think it would work simply because anyone that didn't read the book would feel pretty alienated coming into the game, plus the fact that your roleplaying options would be pretty limited. Additionally, I don't think there's a need to kill off npcs, Revan and Exile left their friends and comrades behind to fight the true Sith so they wouldn't even be a factor. Revan as an npc is quite simple, just stick him in robes and mask and have his dialogue be dictated by stating whether he was DS or LS.


As for the PC, I would go with the Exile just for the reasons I stated above, primarily being he's already established, he knows everything we know and that introducing a third pc might be difficult.


I'm also against creating canonical gender or appearence, especially with Revan as it can be masked quite easily. The Exile not so much so. However, the Exile's got his own problems as pc as well. He's already completed his character arc, there's not much mystery to him anymore, etc.

Difficult decision indeed.



Okay, green I agree with. Red I do not.


You see, it could work with Revan behind the mask and everything...but if he/she's an NPC, then they would still have to come up with a voice for him/her. And That voice (obviously) would have to be gender specific. So that much at least you would need to decide.


Okay...do we really need a whole ton of mystery to the Exile anymore, when we're dying to try and figure out where Revan is, what he's been doing, and what he was looking for? And after that, where the Ancient Sith are? To me, there's quiet a bit of mystery anyway. Plus, they could introduce an entire new party...along with some old characters (*cough* Bastila *cough cough*), which would leave character arcs to be completed as well.

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As for the PC, I would go with the Exile just for the reasons I stated above, primarily being he's already established, he knows everything we know and that introducing a third pc might be difficult.

We will not be playing Revan or the Exile in the next installment, it just isn't done, and would make the game pointless... utterly pointless! Let's see... the Exile would start at around level 28, level 15 in a Jedi Class with a level 13 Prestiege Class... and as such you would have a 15 minute long unbalanced game, maximum, no way this will happen. There is no progression, there is no time to tell the story. Even with PnP RPG's you do not start a campaign with vetran characters it always ends badly for all involved.


See the whole purpose of an RPG is to start as a level one neophyte character and have to figure out what is going on, whilst unlocking the games story, starting from nothing and becoming the savior of the story, you cannot do that playing the Exile, or even Revan.


How are you going to explain the Exile being level one again... amnesia? P-l-e-a-s-e that has been done to death... There is no reasonable way to have us play the Exile... or Revan in KOTOR III.


There will be a new level one PC and we will find out the fates of both our previous characters as the story unfolds... there is no other way. ;)


There is no way that you will be Revan or Exile, unless you lose all your powers and abilities. Part of the game, and any RPG for that matter, is increasing your powers and abilities. They do this to make the game challenging. You can't just have your PC fully formed and powered at the beginning of the game. If they want to do that, they might as well just come out with a book instead of a game. It might be an interesting read, but it wouldn't be an interesting game. I mean let's be logical here and look at how things should be to make it a good game instead of trying to fit in unrealistic plot items.

Quoted for emphasis! :D

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How are you going to explain the Exile being level one again... amnesia? P-l-e-a-s-e that has been done to death...


Yes, lets please not have any more of that. That is one of the problems I have with playing the Exile or Revan-Along with having to be level 30 or something if so. So, I doubt it, although I still keep getting the feeling that amnesia is starting to become a normal part of KOTOR.

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Yeah, definatly no anmneisia anymore. That's just stupid after the second time. REALLY annoying.


But you guys seem to be missing the entire point. The story would be entirly new, yes, just bringing back the old crew. Heck, we could dump the entire old gang (Handmaiden/Desciple, Visas, Bao-Dur, etc etc) and get a new party members. See, with Exile as the PC, then you would simply state what happened in KotOR I and II and continue from there. Now, for the past two games, the plot has been to go to different planets in search of something. In I it was the Star Maps, in II it was the Masters. Instead, you'd run around looking for clues of Revan. When eventually you do, you travel beyond the Outer Rim, trying to find him. You do find him, then run around the Unknown Territories searching for the Ancient Sith. Therefore bringing the series to a close without adding a new character and it would be a pretty good length game. Perhaps longer than the other two, I dunno...

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I highly doubt you will be Revan or the Exile. The reasons are already stated above by others.(and in multiple other threads)


HOWEVER, what if the Force was not strong in the outer rim? We know its stronger in some areas, so there has to be areas where its not present at all, or perhaps just very weak. If a Jedi (even a very powerful on) was to travel to these areas, they would not have the ability to use the force as they normally would. Your PC (Revan/Exile) would start from scratch. They would have to learn to reconnect to the Force across the distance.




The outer rim areas could have a strange energy that interfers with the Force. The PC would have to grow stronger to get back his/her powers in this "Force Vacuum."


I don't think that will happen, but people kept saying they didn't see how to explain stating a level 30+ charactor at level 1, so I just thought I would throw that out. Of course, that says nothing for other feats and skills which would have to start at level 1, as well. Though Kreia did say that a Jedi who loses the Force would be less capable that people who never felt it. Maybe that works?


Like I said, I highly doubt you will be Revan ot the Exile, though. I just wanted to provide a possible, though still problematic, way you could be.


hehehe.. reminds me alot of like Star Trek's Time Traveling Space Anomaly Rifts ;)


Makes me wonder how many times something has to happen before its not considered an anomaly. hehe

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hehehe.. reminds me alot of like Star Trek's Time Traveling Space Anomaly Rifts ;)

[Darth Vader] Nooooooooo! :vadar:


Oops! Revan slipped on a bar of soap in the shower and hit his/her head and got amnesia again... clumsy Revan! :roleyess:


Oops! The Exile was painting the arches over the front door at the Trayus Academy and fell off the repulsor platform and got amnesia... clumsy Exile! :p


I think not! :xp:

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You could get away with Revan starting as say a level 10 and going from there. I know i know, you go higher in kotor1 but it would be similar to say a BG1 to BG2 where you are the same character and start at level 10 and continue the story. Would be hard to do with the exile as i think there was a level limit of 50 in kotor2?

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Maybe you could work out something so that even though Revan has a super high level all the enemies in the unknown regions have a even higher level so he is really not that powerful. However, I like Bob Lion54's idea for a "force vaccuum". But still, I think it would be cool if you play as a new pc and eventually meet up with Revan in the unknown regions and be able to play as him or something, using one of the above ideas to explain why he isn't exactly whooping everbody's butt across the horizon.

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We will not be playing Revan or the Exile in the next installment, it just isn't done, and would make the game pointless... utterly pointless! Let's see... the Exile would start at around level 28, level 15 in a Jedi Class with a level 13 Prestiege Class... and as such you would have a 15 minute long unbalanced game, maximum, no way this will happen. There is no progression, there is no time to tell the story. Even with PnP RPG's you do not start a campaign with vetran characters it always ends badly for all involved.


See the whole purpose of an RPG is to start as a level one neophyte character and have to figure out what is going on, whilst unlocking the games story, starting from nothing and becoming the savior of the story, you cannot do that playing the Exile, or even Revan.


How are you going to explain the Exile being level one again... amnesia? P-l-e-a-s-e that has been done to death... There is no reasonable way to have us play the Exile... or Revan in KOTOR III.


There will be a new level one PC and we will find out the fates of both our previous characters as the story unfolds... there is no other way. ;)

So you are willing to sacrifice a great story for the sake of the gameplay? You know most people would play KOTOR 3 because of the story. Let me explain:


I buyed KOTOR 1 because I like RPG's and Star Wars as a whole and I thoguht maybe this game will be great. It turned out to be the best. I buyed KOTOR 2 to see what kind of a story it has. To my surprise it continued the story from KOTOR 1 (with a new character). Even though the KOTOR 2 story wasn't the best, but it made an ending that can lead the story into something MUCH bigger than I hopped to be. The game's story has potential to become the greatest game EPIC of all times, as well the BEST GAME OF ALL TIMES. Under the condition that one or both of them be as PC's, as party member's or game characters (vital ones).


And here you are, complaining that by continuing their story, it would be stupid because: Revan can't have amnesia again and Ry'ghol (Exile) can't be Level 6?


Sorry, but you'll have to come up with a MUCH better argument than that. Revan's amnesia can be a vital asspect of the story.


If they start the next game with another PC, that would be like a completely new story. So they mean what?


Some guy/girl from a desert far far away goes on into life and does a lot of things in the galaxy. And all the enemies are some monsters???


Imagine it to be like this below. This is what the players might think while playing and tell to their friends about this game:


Some guy: "Hey I'm just some guy from some back of the bone village and I became some guy who can do ANYTHING he likes. I can marry someone, I can buy houses, I can buy Force Powers and I can even go to the BATHROOM! You can buy weed also. I'm high on crack now if you haven't noticed by the way. *Smirk* So anyway, the game is easy, just go to some dungeon, they mention some Sith guy, you go and you kill them. You also get some doo-doo brainiac bratty, drunk teen-agers that s**t to you about how you can play poker with them or have a cat-fight. There are some cool shotguns and some weid flash-lights. Maybe the story sucks but the gameplay ROCKS!"


Some other guy: "What do you mean it rocks? You can't marry anyone, you can't buy houses and the fighting system animations remind me of children bashing swords at each other. Also, when you shoot, the comp aims for you. How cool is that?"


Some guy: "But it has some cool RPG elements. Not so many classes, but who the F**K cares? So, you can't complain."


Some other guy: "Yes, I have also noticed that the story sucks? Why didn't they make it better? The story really was good in the past two and in this one the story could have rocked if it continued on the past two with either of the characters."


Some guy: "It's because amnesia would be over-used, it would suck with Revan. It wouldn't make sence and how could you explain by starting Level 1 with the Exile? So it's better that it is a new character."


Some other guy: "But couldn't they at least insert some hack-and-slash? So that we could enjoy cutting our enemies into pieces?"


Some guy: "No, because it is NOT an FPS, it is based on D20 rules and I think that that's the best."


Some other guy: "Well, I must be really dumb to want those things I mentioned. I should agrre with you."


Some guy: "You did a good thing."


^^^ Yes! Enjoy your conservative ways, while the others start throwing rocks at the developers, burning their offices and robbing distribution houses. The game without a great story is the new trend isn't it? Maybe we shouldn't get exited when a potential EPIC story-based game triology starts and ends with just "GREAT" gameplay. Thanks a lot!


Ha Ha! I hope you get thee point from the above. :xp: :xp: :xp:


And yes! I am pretty sure that a lot of people have an idea for the story that would fit with you starting as Revan or the Ry'ghol at Level 1.


And just because someone who doesn't agree with the youth that Revan or Ry'ghol (Exile) should be a party member or PC, is a honorary member with 2000+ posts doesn't mean that we should call that one a genius and that we should agree with that one. LOL HA HA HA HA :lol::rofl::);):D:xp:

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/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\


LOL! YES! Thank you! My point exactly. If they started with a new character, then the story would turn out to be hillariously BAD. Or deadly bad, take your pick. I mean...its just too late to introduce a new character into this whole thing when its the last game. I'm not saying it is definatly the last game, but I'd rather KotOR be a trilogy, rather than a seiries of games going on and on and on and on till infinity and NEVER finishing the original plot line.


And I don't really see what's the big deal with you suddenly having to start at level one again. To tell the truth, I could care LESS. I really dont give a sh*t if we have to start from negative 50 or something. Gimme a break.

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Good point Vladimir-Vlada. I still think that that would be cool to be a new character (and not have to go through amnesia either if its there), but I do think that Revan and the Exile should be party members, although I would like it also if I was Revan. And yes, there are a lot of great ideas for why Revan or Exile is at level one. I think it was BOB LION54 who suggested that there would be kind of a force vaccuum in the Unknown Regions which would interfere with your connection to the force. There is a lot others, but I am not going to quote all of them.

Anyways, I agree mostly with you. I don't understand why people have all these problems with Revan or the Exile even just appearing again.

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And I don't really see what's the big deal with you suddenly having to start at level one again. To tell the truth, I could care LESS. I really dont give a sh*t if we have to start from negative 50 or something. Gimme a break.

My point exatcly. What's the fuss about either of them being level 1? That can even be a vital point of the story (in my version at least).


I don't understand why people have all these problems with Revan or the Exile even just appearing again.

Well, it's mostly those who like old style RPG's.


Sorry people, your versions of new characters without the old ones, new story of the same theme may work with knights, princesses, kings, swords, axes, bows, wizards, dragons, demons and dark magic lords, but it doesn't with Star Wars. :)

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Anyways, what I was going to add to my earlier post before I had to get off for a while, was that I still am not quite sure how they're are going to work in being Revan if you've been exploring the unknown regions for 5+ years and having seen lots of stuff and maybe found what he was trying to find. Of course they could have him start right after Exile defeated Traya at Malachor, and so the time period would not be so long and therefore they wouldn't have to explain so much. I have gotten kind of tired of amnesia, so I just hope they will come up with something different. Of course, when I first found this site I wanted only to play as Revan, but then I decided it would be cool if we started as a new character because Revan was too powerful and all the other stuff people have suggested why we couldn't play as Revan, but after hearing some ideas to explain for this stuff I am unfortunately starting to waffle again. :dozey:

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Instead of mindless bashing on the opposing argument, perhaps somebody could come up with something better then "the story will suck with a new PC".

What I don't understand is that strict very conservative mindset. If it's new, it's bad.

We don't need to play as the old characters. We can have a very interesting story with a whole new character. How many of you, complained about there being a new PC in TSL? How many whined about that? So many. What happens now? "We want the Exile back."


I already explained how you can make a new PC totally interesting, how the gameplay with Revan or the Exile again would simply be bad.


Devon once argued that we should litteraly have to choose our light or dark allegiance in the beginning. To that, the answer was in no way we should destroy one of the core gameplay mechanics and perhaps the most popular one, which is the ability to choose your alignment based on your actions.

You cannot have a neutral Revan at the beginning of K3 as you cannot have a neutral Exile either.

It makes no sense, worse then the whole starting at level 1. He went dark, went back to the light and then becomes neutral again? What the hell?

Another story of amnesia? Give me a break, we've been there, accusing us of being conservative, those who even consider that idea are even more conservative, trying to keep an old and already used formula.


Force vacuum? That sounds way too farfetched or something coming from some bad EU author who tried too hard to come up with a "cool" element.


Up to now, there has been no intelligent, well formulated argument on why the story would suck if we played with a new PC. All the partisans of that idea can come up with is:"But it wouldn't finish the storyline!"

Why would it not? What if you play Revan's son looking for his father or mother? Has anyone of you even considered any possibilities?

Or is the argument down to:"I like Revan/Exile. I want to play as Revan/Exile."


I won't point fingers at anyone, but a lot of "ideas" might sound "nice" on paper but put into a more physical form, it might not work at all. Hell, some of the ideas some people have would simply destroy the game, I'll say it clearly, that's what I think some of you want. For a "cool" factor, you're ready to sacrifice the gameplay.


I'll conclude with this matter. We all want a good story but this is a video game. If the gameplay is horrible, the game is horrible, the story then becomes just another thing on the side people forgot, however good it is, simply because playing the game became like working in an african diamond mine.


Second matter, FPS gameplay. This is also something about the "cool" factor that doesn't work in reality. It might look or sound nice on paper, but it's not going to work in an RPG. End of the line.


Finally, I'll have to say something about veterans. Veterans are not gods, they're not smarter or wiser then anyone. They only have more experience then most newbies about posting here at LFN.

Thus most of them also are quite knowledgeable about certain genres of video game. We have played them forever, we still play them, we know how it works inside and out.

But you don't have to be a veteran to be knowledgeable about anything. You don't need 2000+ posts to be able to handle an intelligent conversation.

If a newbie, acts mature, discuss with good arguments, he will be respected as much as any veteran.

Look at Hai Wan. He doesn't have that many posts yet I have a lot of respect for him.

Commas also. He was the only defensor of the "Exile for K3" philosophy that came up with good solid arguments.

If you can come up with good solid arguments, ways to truly convince the most "conservative" veteran, then your voice will be heard.

If the only thing you can come up with is:"But that would be so cool!" then no, nobody will listen to you.


LIYAD out.

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Devon once argued that we should litteraly have to choose our light or dark allegiance in the beginning. To that, the answer was in no way we should destroy one of the core gameplay mechanics and perhaps the most popular one, which is the ability to choose your alignment based on your actions.

You cannot have a neutral Revan at the beginning of K3 as you cannot have a neutral Exile either.

It makes no sense, worse then the whole starting at level 1. He went dark, went back to the light and then becomes neutral again? What the hell?



There has been a lot of ideas on how they would be chosen either too be light or dark. What about in KOTOR II? Depending on what you said about him/her, Revan would be set too dark or light side. Have you ever thought about having a prologue playing as a different character and talking to somebody about Revan, therefore setting Revan to either light or dark?


Second matter, FPS gameplay. This is also something about the "cool" factor that doesn't work in reality. It might look or sound nice on paper, but it's not going to work in an RPG. End of the line.


Now that I do agree with. KOTOR started out as an RPG, it should stay that way, especially with something that big.


Force vacuum? That sounds way too farfetched or something coming from some bad EU author who tried too hard to come up with a "cool" element.


Whats wrong with that? As whoever pointed it out, the force is stronger in some areas than others, and so the force is weaker in areas than others. It just means your connection to the force is a lot weaker. What about those cages that prevented force users from using the force that palpatine and others used to imprison jedi? Besides, thats not the only idea.


All that said, I am not saying that it would be bad to have an new pc, in fact that is my original story idea for KOTOR III. It is just that I am still not sure now what the story will be, especially since there is a lot of ways it could work either as Revan/New PC.

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There has been a lot of ideas on how they would be chosen either too be light or dark. What about in KOTOR II? Depending on what you said about him/her, Revan would be set too dark or light side. Have you ever thought about having a prologue playing as a different character and talking to somebody about Revan, therefore setting Revan to either light or dark?


It is entirely different. When you play an RPG such as KotoR, you have the chance to choose your alignment by the actions you do. If it's choosing before or at the end (like in K1 which is something I always frowned upon), it simply removes one of the core mechanics of the game.

In K2, you didn't play with Revan, that's why it simply didn't matter.





Whats wrong with that? As whoever pointed it out, the force is stronger in some areas than others, and so the force is weaker in areas than others. It just means your connection to the force is a lot weaker. What about those cages that prevented force users from using the force that palpatine and others used to imprison jedi? Besides, thats not the only idea.


To me, it simply sounds stupid. It would not make sense to go fight these big bad strong in the Force Sith Lords when the area around is "force weak".



All that said, I am not saying that it would be bad to have an new pc, in fact that is my original story idea for KOTOR III. It is just that I am still not sure now what the story will be, especially since there is a lot of ways it could work either as Revan/New PC.


I don't know what the story could be either. I'm just saying pro-Revan people haven't come up with any solid argument other then "it could suck". Hell, it's not even like that, it's:"It will suck".

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You have a lot of good points there LIYAD.


To me, it simply sounds stupid. It would not make sense to go fight these big bad strong in the Force Sith Lords when the area around is "force weak".


True, but there are areas where the dark side of the force is so strong that light side users can not regain or even in extreme cases use the force. Of course, I am not sure how this would work for dark siders unless you went up against some kind of Jedi and Sith enemies like the "true sith". But that might have to create an actual "grey" side of the force, which might be a bit corny. So, this is probably in favor of making a new PC.


It is entirely different. When you play an RPG such as KotoR, you have the chance to choose your alignment by the actions you do. If it's choosing before or at the end (like in K1 which is something I always frowned upon), it simply removes one of the core mechanics of the game.

In K2, you didn't play with Revan, that's why it simply didn't matter.


But you don't have to make him a light/dark side mastery character, you could just imply which side he was just oriented toward, therefore making he slightly light, giving him full choice which side he wants to go to. Or, you could start out as Revan in a prologue making big choices therefore automatically sending to which side he was heading toward. Besides, just because he ended KotOR as either dark or light side doesn't mean he stayed that way. If he was light side he could have become a bit darker after being in the unknown regions.


However, I might be a bit hard to try and wrap up three characters in one game. I mean, unless we were playing a guy with "no name and no past" who just got created out of the blue. Revan and the Exile still have to be wrapped up, so I don't think that it would be good if we were playing somebody who would have to have a good story and be all completed and everything done with him and two others at the end.

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But you don't have to make him a light/dark side mastery character, you could just imply which side he was just oriented toward, therefore making he slightly light, giving him full choice which side he wants to go to. Or, you could start out as Revan in a prologue making big choices therefore automatically sending to which side he was heading toward. Besides, just because he ended KotOR as either dark or light side doesn't mean he stayed that way. If he was light side he could have become a bit darker after being in the unknown regions.


Of course not, but you've played a previous game which made Revan either a mighty Sith Lord or a great Light Side Jedi. Why would he change alignment again? It simply limits the logical things you can do. He becomes the Dark Lord and then decides to become light again? Just like that? Doesn't make much sense. Of course, you could say that it's already something you can do in the game, but from a story perspective it makes little sense.

Besides, not many toyed with that.


However, I might be a bit hard to try and wrap up three characters in one game. I mean, unless we were playing a guy with "no name and no past" who just got created out of the blue. Revan and the Exile still have to be wrapped up, so I don't think that it would be good if we were playing somebody who would have to have a good story and be all completed and everything done with him and two others at the end.


The game could be longer and the new PC could be less grand character like Revan or the Exile. Besides, the only true way to wrap things up is to kill them all off. Then there's no way for a sequel.

So in a way, the wrapping things up is only relative. Their stories will end in some way or another, but it might never be wrapped up enough for some people.

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