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The Fan Art Competition Thread (ex-poll)


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Tuetonic708 mentioned in another thread that there shoul be a competition to see who draws Manny the best. We could actually start holding fan art competitions and challenges in these forums. Things like "Draw the strangest couple you can think of", "Draw Manny as a hippie" and things like that. The winner of the competition could pick the next challenge and the next winner. It would then go on and on. And I bet someone with a GF site would really like to host the best pictures. James?


So, is there interest for this kind of thing?


EDIT: I changed the thread's title from "Interest for fan art competitions?". Just because I can, felt like it and think it suits the thread better now.

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Um, ok, sorry that I was totally too lazy to color it. Or shade it. Or even fill in their eyes. 0_o


See, it was originally gonna be this cool thing, where Domino was like, all black but his face and hands, and.. stuff... but I spent most of the morning putting a loooot of effort into this Psychonauts fanart/fanmade character contest thing, and now I'm like, blaaaaa, lazy.

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Whoa, those are both fantastic! I love the colours, style and idea in Thrik's one. Rubacava's picture has the characters true to the game and having Domino admire himself is classic. If nobody else takes part, I'm going to tear my hair out when trying to decide which should win.

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If I counted the days right, this challenge ends today. And I've picked the winner, even though it was really hard and I'm now bald.


Rubacava's picture wins. The style reminds me of the game and while it isn't coloured, it delivers the message -- whatever that is. Also, it has Domino in it.


So, now it's up to Rubacava to announce the next challenge.

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Okay, hmmm. I'm so bad at thinking of things. I've thought of a couple, but judging by my mood... I think I'll go for the stranger one. Draw something along the lines of the theme "Grim Fandango meets Psychonauts". Either the two styles combined, or a mix of the characters, whatever. If you haven't played Psychonauts, you could look up some Psychonauts art and try drawing Grim characters in that style. People are prolly gonna hate this one... but oh well. @_@

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I can't believe I didn't see this thread earlier... somehow I managed to miss it :o. But it's a great idea, and the entries so far look great.


And I bet someone with a GF site would really like to host the best pictures. James?


Yup, I'd love to host the best pieces in the DOD's fan art section. If anyone wants their competition entry hosted then just send me a private message, email or just mention it in this thread, and then I'll add them right away :).


I would enter into this contest, but I'm not very good at hand drawn stuff. I'd give it a go if I could enter Photoshop created images, but it looks like everyone's hand-drawing their pieces.

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Okay, here is my entry to the new challenge. I want to stress that I've never played Psychonauts and finding useful screen captures was a little difficult, so the characters don't look like themselves very much. Loboto's bottom half was made up since I didn't find any pictures about his feet.


Click here and laugh!


This is a fun challenge, Rubacava. :D


And James, I don't know about anyone else, but I don't mind computer-created images. As long as you create something of your own, it should be fine. *shrug*

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Ok, here's my attempt. It didn't really turn out how I planned it, because at the moment it looks like I just cut and pasted some stuff and applied a filter, but actually I drew it all out with the pen tool in Photoshop (which took a while). I thought I'd post it anyway though, because it took me some time...

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