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I'm glad that Lucasarts is coming out with another expansion for Star Wars: Galaxies!


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Linkage? There's no mention of it at LA's site...


And plus, they shouldn't be making another expansion (which I doubt they are), they should be fixing the current ones!


EDIT: Oops... Just read DMUK's thread about it... I guess they are... But I don't think they should be releasing another expansion already.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Galaxies has too many problems. To release yet another cash making expansion that really keeps the time line going back is a joke. The time line MUST go forward. The only reason for this - keeping it all in the past, is if they are working on a Galaxies II - which might take us forward....but that will be a long wait


This had better be a free download because charging for Rage Of The Wookiees was unforgivable. Do we really need another 50 same old same old quests? Get mission - kill mob - return to mission giver, get new misison - kill mob - go back - rinse and repeat until deal bored.Its like buying a car without a steering wheel (in this case a product with important feature missing - gameplay.)



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I heard it was a free download after looking at it a little closer, but that may have just been a rumor. They made it sound like it would be downloaded instead of bought in the store, so I would assume it would be free.

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I see the point. Why not make the corrections to the current game before releasing another expansion. However, I believe, LucasArts is trying to focus on having the game story driven. This is because it plays along chronologically with the movies. What this means is: they are trying to release all the games in the same sense that they released the movies. They will tweak and make the corrections that are needed after the new expansion's release. You're never going to have everyone agree with the way Lucasarts (or anything in the world for all that matter) does with things such as a new expansion release. There will always be a few individuals that want to disagree with the way things are done.



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This is because it plays along chronologically with the movies. What this means is: they are trying to release all the games in the same sense that they released the movies.



HAHHAA! While I can't argue that point, I'll make mine. SWG was originally based between the movies of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. No Grevious ship/clone, jedi starfighters, clone trooper armor, or JEDI! were around in that timeline buddy. They have fit it more into some twisted mass puttin in Prequel crap to try and get more customer base.


They will tweak and make the corrections that are needed after the new expansion's release.




And you are quite wrong there as they have made that promise BEFORE releasing expansions, only to break them and add even more bugs in the end.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Remember that Galaxies actually had no combat for over one year - as it was broken. Hang on, its Star wars...without the war! It took them 18 months to chuck together the Combat Upgrade copied badly from World of Warcraft.


When you still have bugs in a game that are over 2 years old (from beta) these need to be fixed.The dev team are small and creating another expansion full of bugs will probably just be the final nail for this flagging 'experience'



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HAHHAA! While I can't argue that point, I'll make mine. SWG was originally based between the movies of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. No Grevious ship/clone, jedi starfighters, clone trooper armor, or JEDI! were around in that timeline buddy. They have fit it more into some twisted mass puttin in Prequel crap to try and get more customer base.


This is very true! Yes, releasing the expansions with the bugs in them is not a desired side effect for the finished product which is the game that is released. You have to realize, however, that there are well over hundreds of thousands of people who play "Star Wars Galaxies: Online" so it's really hard to estimate which type of Star Wars mod fixes work with that many amount of people who log on. Just put yourself in the Shoes of the Programmers. The program team has people above them who tell them what needs to be released. They have to abide by releasing a product that is massively multi-player for over hundreds of thousands of people within a certain deadline! With this being the case, it can be understandable that there are some minor bugs in the system that need to be worked on and fleshed out.






And you are quite wrong there as they have made that promise BEFORE releasing expansions, only to break them and add even more bugs in the end.


Like I had mentioned above, the program team for "Star Wars Galaxies: Online" have to released a product within a certain amount of time that they are told to release it by the people who are in charge of them. In this case, It would be Lucas Arts. So they are doing the best job with what time restrictions they are given.



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He's not trying to twist your words to say something else than what you ment (everyone can read that anyway), he's just "fixing" the line to fit the facts more accuratly. ;)


I'm sorry to say, but this game is going from worse, to worser (yeah, I know that's not really a word ;) ) and beyond.


I fear in order to correct this game they will have to scrap it and start over. :(

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I don't like the idea of an expansion coming out that is geared towards Jedi.. The community on a whole does nothing but complain about the amount of Jedi - yet everything seems to get geared towards them. I for one am not a Jedi and never intended to be one.. But it seems like the only way to play the game anymore is to become one.. PVP - PVE all geared towards Jedi.. And yes I do know that there will be other missions on the planet - but the Jedi can do those as well... I have 3 accounts that I pay for and most of the profession I do are broke... Make the game better for everyone - before adding yet another thing geared towards Jedi..


Bad move Lucasarts... :blast5:

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I don't like the idea of an expansion coming out that is geared towards Jedi.. The community on a whole does nothing but complain about the amount of Jedi - yet everything seems to get geared towards them. I for one am not a Jedi and never intended to be one.. But it seems like the only way to play the game anymore is to become one.. PVP - PVE all geared towards Jedi.. And yes I do know that there will be other missions on the planet - but the Jedi can do those as well... I have 3 accounts that I pay for and most of the profession I do are broke... Make the game better for everyone - before adding yet another thing geared towards Jedi..


Bad move Lucasarts... :blast5:



I agree. After a long hard battle of rmy emotions Jan, DMUK and most of the other ppl on this site have convinced me( along with my own experiences with trying ot be a jedi) that jedi sap the fun outta this game. I am about 3 days from uninstalling this game, as it bores me to near death, and eats a load of my comps memory. Something has to be done to make this game fun, i'm just sad i cant wait any longer and wont be around to see it. :(

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Galaxies has too many problems. To release yet another cash making expansion that really keeps the time line going back is a joke. The time line MUST go forward. The only reason for this - keeping it all in the past, is if they are working on a Galaxies II - which might take us forward....but that will be a long wait


This had better be a free download because charging for Rage Of The Wookiees was unforgivable. Do we really need another 50 same old same old quests? Get mission - kill mob - return to mission giver, get new misison - kill mob - go back - rinse and repeat until deal bored.Its like buying a car without a steering wheel (in this case a product with important feature missing - gameplay.)



Thats what its all about,CASH,i play EQ2 now,(great game btw),and they release mini adventure packs for about £5 a time,now thats what i call value,not too much in them but enough to keep you going.


The price of ROTW was a scandal,frankly and whoever sets the prices for it,be it SOE or LA should hang thier heads in shame.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The idea of the new expansion (my guess) is to take Jedi away from the cities. Players are moaning that Jedi spoil pvp - which they do - ive been ganked by 3 jedi - like I stand a chance!


Im sure all the quests here will all be the same linear experience we have come to expect from galaxies in addition to the bugs.



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they'll get it right sooner or later. =\ i for one, love the combat upgrade. it's so much better than the crap that it was before. of course.....it's a bit crazy now with all the Jedi running the place, so i just roleplay and duel for pvp, and every now and then i go into space. i wish they'd go for implementing more of the EU instead of Prequel stuff. I'll defenetely be back whenever the area i live at gets broadband. had to cancel my account 2 months ago. :(

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Hello everyone,

I didn't intend to spur controversy about the problems of Star Wars Galaxies: online on my thread. Now that the Cat's out of the bag (so to speak) I have to say that I am a Star Wars fan from thick and thin. I'm about to purchase the Star Wars Galaxies: The total Experience and Regardless that their are current problems with publish 22 which was recently released the representatives from Lucas Arts and Sony online entertainment have recognized it and are in the process of correcting these flaws. If all of us will just give them the benefit of the doubt I'm sure they will not try to disappoint us for to much longer. Just be patient with it. Eventually, it sorts itself out in the end!




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Guest DarthMaulUK

Good luck with it Darth. Patience comes at a price. £8.99($15approx) a month @ 36 months = a lot of £££ and its still not there



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Good luck with it Darth. Patience comes at a price. £8.99($15approx) a month @ 36 months = a lot of £££ and its still not there




Yes, this is true. However, I'm willing to pay $15.00 every month to enjoy the product by Sony Online Entertainment and Lucasarts. I guess when you maintain such devotion, the ruff times of things don't seem to be to difficult to endure. Eventually, what I believe will happen is, Sony Online Entertainment will finally correct the problem that they incorporated in Star Wars Galaxies: Online and I will be there "in game" to see the changes as they happen with the release of the next Publish.



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Yes, this is true. However, I'm willing to pay $15.00 every month to enjoy the product by Sony Online Entertainment and Lucasarts. I guess when you maintain such devotion, the ruff times of things don't seem to be to difficult to endure. Eventually, what I believe will happen is, Sony Online Entertainment will finally correct the problem that they incorporated in Star Wars Galaxies: Online and I will be there "in game" to see the changes as they happen with the release of the next Publish.

When I first bought galaxies, I didn't read any reviews or know about all the downing it gets here. So, I thought it was going to be one of the best games I have ever played. I was so excited when I got it.


And then I played it and have lost interest already only 2 months into it. Luckily I only had a 2 month subscription. I hope you have a better experience than I did.

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When I first bought galaxies, I didn't read any reviews or know about all the downing it gets here. So, I thought it was going to be one of the best games I have ever played. I was so excited when I got it.


And then I played it and have lost interest already only 2 months into it. Luckily I only had a 2 month subscription. I hope you have a better experience than I did.



Like I had mentioned earlier, DarthMoeller, I am an avid Star Wars Fan. I loved the classic Star Wars movies and I watched all of the Star Wars Prequels. From 'Episode I: The Phantom Menace' to 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith' (which I saw 7 times, I have 8 ticket stubs - I did an advanced pay showing but forgot that I was working nights at the Radiology department here in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina so I wasn't able to see that showing, although I have kept all my ticket stubs), I have been a devoted fan of LucasArts games ever since they came out with the Classic Star Wars series for the 'Super Nintendo' ® product of Nintendo Entertainment company. There are bugs and glitches that need to be fixed in every genre of game out there. No game is perfect, not even the mmorpg known as 'Everquest' ® product of Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts. So, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that I will enjoy... The Total Experience of Star Wars Galaxies: Online. ;-)



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If you are as avid Star Wars fan as myself, then you are goinbg to get pissed on the amount of Jedi in the game.

Keep in mind when playing that this game has nothing to do with the prequals other than being set 20 years after Ep. III and having left over stuff from that era.

The timeline of this game is set a few months after the destruction of the first Death Star, and as most Star Wars fans knows, the Jedi wasn't around to restore peace to the galaxy again. This time it was up to the regular man and woman to defeat the Sith (with alittle help from Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda).

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I was just like you Darth when i got this game a month and a half ago. Full of fire and galactic passion, then i played the game and very quickly i realised this is not star wars as we know it. Far from anything you will have seen in the movies, the only connection is the skins and names. Dont expect adventures seen in the fillms, expect long boring hours spent killing countless dewbacks and banthas in order to get higher levels only to get there and think "erm now what?" this is a very fruitless game, the only reward is the friends you make. BTW why do you have to put the ® after everything? it's not like Sony cares enough to read these player forums so dont worry about being sued.

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