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In the book or the movie? Cuz in the book I never remember reading the size, but I remember one line keeps coming up.. "Brain the size of a planet and you're all 'oh Marvin do this!'" I think his head is quite huge.


I always assumed (this is me) that his head was normal size but that his brain was amazing. I never took it literaly. So yes, in the book it probably was like that but it conflicted with my image of him so as a fan I was a little upset.


Fangirly? Yes.

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Eh no problem, but this begs the question... what would Marvin look like if he was De-fossilized? (Prof. Farnsworth's technique of making a machine into a living being)


I knew that. I'm a Futurama geek.


I think he would look a little lanky, hunched over, and his eyes would be a bit sunken in.


Marvin wouldn't look like that if he was de-fossilized since he was slightly short in the movie. But that's how I imagined him.


Should I put a disclamer next to that?

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To all who is interested, Sasha is up on my website now. Bleh, I have to leave my computer...my neck kills. I ended up having to do the entire backround over because the original sucked SO MUCH. I really need to start listening to my drawing teacher. I was told to ALWAYS do the backround first...yet I never seem to. And now I'm rambling...


Oh well.

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I'm gonna go look... hang on for a horribly mean Jasper type review.


...Holy. That has got to be my favorite picture of your's so far. So wonderful.




That didn't sound very Jasper like -_o

Hehe, thanx...it caused me a lot of frustration...so i'm glad you like the final product :)


Off to draw Milla!!!

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