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Changing "Registerred User"

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I know probably a lot of people have all ready asked this but I couldn't find a thread where they were talking about it, but how do you change the words "regestered user" under your username? I see other people who have changed it to other things like General and Super Clone and stuff like that. Do you have to have a certain amount of posts in order to be able to change that or what? :confused:

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2 things could happen then:

1. They (Admins) can lower your post count, so it takes even longer for you to reach 1000.


2. They (everyone, Mods, S-Mods, and Admins) will ban your ass. ;)


The latter option will happen in 99% of the times. ;):p


Once you're banned it's against the rules to return.

Just an FYI.

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They may be a Moderator/super moderator or admin. some of these people tend to hang around the forums without posting much unless they feel they need to, which is why they have a low post count, but people in those categories can change their rank to whatever they want.

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??? What I want to know is if you have to go up to 1000 posts, how come there is someone with only 77 who has a rank? Did they already change the ranks?

It's probably an Administrator. I know there are a few admins with low post counts because they do more behind-the-scenes stuff.

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The "Registered User" title will not go away until we upgrade the forums to vB 3.5.2., and even then, it will take some time for us to implement the codes needed to have them. In the meantime, we may decide to effect a temporary title rank structure or we may not.


Either way, you're going to have to sit tight and wait it out. Bitching about it isn't going to get it done any faster.

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Ok, that explains that, but why are there a bunch of people named 'Bantha Cleaner'? Or Wanna-be Pirate? Most of them have 0 posts. And I couldn't find ny that were an Admin or Mod...


That's kind of odd, wanna-be-pirate was the rank given to users in the monkey island forum when they had less than (I think) 50 posts and Bantha Cleaner is a similar rank in another forum (probably some Star Wars one), but I was under the impression the whole of LF was stuck with registered user until 1000.

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