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Creating a (Beta) Server (works with Full Version too!)


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How do you have Space Kashyyyk and all those others? Is it just black or is it on SWBF1?? And did you know you can Randomize your Maps with:



just Put that Before the Maps




There are no spawnpoints. Actually, there aren't any additional maps. It's just a list.


Just look in Star Wars Battlefront II Beta\GameData\data\_LVL_PC

there are three maps SPA\spa1.lvl, UTA\uta1.lvl, TAN\tan1.lvl, that's it.


So don't waste your time.

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Sorry if this ends up as a Double post but i hosted Space Kashyyyk and this is the Feedback i got:

(I wasn't even in this Server and they were calling people the host :))

Mofaux: i can't join

Mofaux: *spawn

nintend0g0d: woah this is new

{JKO}J_RYAN: ya but no spawn points

proskater: it wont let us chose

nintend0g0d: uh can you get some lol

{JKO}J_RYAN: wierd

Mofaux: god ddamnit

{JKO}J_RYAN: what

nintend0g0d: yyyep

Mofaux: i can't spawn

CountDooku: how join the game ?

nintend0g0d: damn I was hoping this would work

proskater: me eiter

nintend0g0d: yeah there's no spawn points

{JKO}J_RYAN: i know

Mofaux: awwww

Mofaux: oh wel

{JKO}J_RYAN: wait

Mofaux: are heroes working for you guys?

{JKO}J_RYAN: maybe there a patch avalible

Mofaux: in the past few games i've been in, no heroes

nintend0g0d: is there anyone playing? PLEASE get spawn points

kaziko: how the hell doy ou join?

CountDooku: a+

Mofaux: you dont

{JKO}J_RYAN: maybe there a patch at file planet

nintend0g0d: there was someone on Kashyyyk yesterday but it was private ;_;

Mofaux: this is a chatroom now

nintend0g0d: yeah wassup

kaziko: can we play?

proskater: how o u get patch

nintend0g0d: maybe we could wait till the server resets or something

CountDooku: i love skateboarding

kaziko: want a cookie

nintend0g0d: I can't skateboard for a pile of monkey **** lol

proskater: that nice

nintend0g0d: well

CountDooku: yeah i do varialkickflip !

Dorest0rm: w00t

Dorest0rm: ...

nintend0g0d: can't spawn guys this is some chatroom

nintend0g0d: ;_;

Dorest0rm: oow

nintend0g0d: waa I wanna go in space as a clone person

Dorest0rm: meh 2

nintend0g0d: gah

nintend0g0d: what's your fav map so far

Dorest0rm: Space Yavin

nintend0g0d: I like that and Utapau a lot

nintend0g0d: sup Matt no spawnpoints

Dorest0rm: oow as a spec i can see the planet

nintend0g0d: /cries

=TPR=Matt: where do you spawn

nintend0g0d: no where now

Dorest0rm: nowere

Dorest0rm: chatroom

nintend0g0d: prooty much

=TPR=Matt: what do you have to do then???

Dorest0rm: chit-chat

IdealistCake: KK


IdealistCake: alsdfkasdf

Dorest0rm: i think...=TPR= = a clan

=TPR=steven_skywalker: hi all

IdealistCake: hey guys

=TPR=Wilde: it is

IdealistCake: long tiem no see

Dorest0rm: im good lol

IdealistCake: t

IdealistCake: tt

IdealistCake: t

IdealistCake: t

IdealistCake: t

IdealistCake: ttt

IdealistCake: t

benthechicken: t

benthechicken: t

benthechicken: t

benthechicken: t

IdealistCake: lol

benthechicken: t

benthechicken: t

Dorest0rm: tttt

Dorest0rm: t

benthechicken: t

Dorest0rm: t

Dorest0rm: t

Dorest0rm: t

benthechicken: t

Dorest0rm: t

Dorest0rm: t

benthechicken: t

benthechicken: t

benthechicken: t

benthechicken: t

benthechicken: ttt

Dorest0rm: t

benthechicken: t

Dorest0rm: tt

Dorest0rm: t

Dorest0rm: t

Dorest0rm: t

Dorest0rm: t

Dorest0rm: t

Dorest0rm: t

IdealistCake: lol ok

benthechicken: tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Dorest0rm: haha im fast

IdealistCake: lalla

=TPR=FLY_OR_DIE: noooooooo no spawn point

IdealistCake: damn

Dorest0rm: but ah well i go play bie

=TPR=steven_skywalker: why wecant spawn

IdealistCake: TPR bitches!

IdealistCake: dide!

IdealistCake: lets crash teh server!

IdealistCake: jk

nintend0g0d: SpaceGuy5 was on here yesterday but it was private

nintend0g0d: he must be some mod or something

nintend0g0d: this map must still be in testing

benthechicken: wut the heck

nintend0g0d: no spawn points ;_;

nintend0g0d: so I guess it's kinda like a chatroom

Chooie: whats wrong with this?

benthechicken: hey have any ofu been 2 swbattlefront2wesite?

nintend0g0d: er no

nintend0g0d: what's so new on itlol

nintend0g0d: no spawn points guys

benthechicken: it shows how many days r left untill it cums out

MICHAEL: who was the host

nintend0g0d: I know it comes out November 1st

{JKO}J_RYAN: ya theres no patch

xj7: it wont let me spawn

nintend0g0d: yyyyep

benthechicken: november 1

nintend0g0d: no spawn points

{JKO}J_RYAN: ...

Chooie: why cant i join?

Lord_Filmon: has this server ever worked


{JKO}J_RYAN: no one can

nintend0g0d: I dunno

=TPR=Matt: why cant we play

nintend0g0d: SpaceGuy5 was on here yesterday but it was private

benthechicken: can't u create

nintend0g0d: f*** you private servers!!!

nintend0g0d: hey it's that guy!

benthechicken: this sinks

nintend0g0d: I dunno who he is

g3spike: wtwhy the **** can i not join'

nintend0g0d: I'll come back later and see if the server resets

benthechicken: hey click the sign of your team

nintend0g0d: hm

benthechicken: the clones r fat

Galactic Menace: cant....spawn....must...spawn

nintend0g0d: ZOMG it switches teams -_-

g3spike: i hit spawn and it dont spawn

nintend0g0d: yeah no spawn points

g3spike: wtf

SumptuousScrewdriver: yap wtf

dark_slasher291: hey any of you like the coruscant lvl

g3spike: then we cant play

nintend0g0d: although I guess that's understandable cause this map's

benthechicken: just leave

nintend0g0d: not really supposed to be here yet

Galactic Menace: imm, why dont we have spawn pionts

nintend0g0d: see ya

g3spike: did u guys make a new map and **** it up

Katannadan: it wont let me spawn

dark_slasher291: THIS ****S OUT LOUD!!!

g3spike: no ****ing idden


AUTONET: can you play this

That Guy: i thiink it's cus the clone ships aren't included in the beta

That Guy: i'm outa here, l8r all

AUTONET: just kidding

dark_slasher291: i like the coruscant lvl more

Galactic Menace: I need ammo!

g3spike: this ****s

Helen Keller: I need backup!

g3spike: this ****s!

Helen Keller: I need backup!

Helen Keller: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need repairs!

Helen Keller: I need backup!

MICHAEL: who was the host

g3spike: ****

AUTONET: I need ammo!

AUTONET: I need ammo!

g3spike: ****

AUTONET: I need ammo!

AUTONET: I need a lift!

AUTONET: I need a lift!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need a lift!

AUTONET: I need a lift!

AUTONET: I need a lift!

AUTONET: I need a lift!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need repairs!

AUTONET: I need ammo!

AUTONET: I need a lift!

AUTONET: I need backup!

AUTONET: I need ammo!

AUTONET: I need a lift!


AUTONET: I need a lift!

AUTONET: Attack this position!

g3spike: leave this ****s

Helen Keller: how did you get this level up here

dark_slasher291: how can you make lvs anyhow

g3spike: add the ****ing shipsa


g3spike: ADD THE ****ING SHIPS

Helen Keller: yea how did yo get this lebel in to the line up

MICHAEL: who was the host

Dorest0rm: hello agai

kallejr: spawn

Neoepochx: no one knows

kallejr: I cant I cant spawn

Helen Keller: AUTO NTET is the host

Dorest0rm: spawning is umpossible because this level is incomplete

MICHAEL: autonet download you this level

dark_slasher291: this sucks big balls

Helen Keller: there are no mod levels yet

Dark Commando: holy crap

dark_slasher291: where is autonet


Helen Keller: his is ont that will be shipped with the game


Dark Commando: O MAN WE CANT SPAWN???!!!!


Hazbla: ya me to

Katannadan: me to

dark_slasher291: there asre no spawn points left


Dark Commando: I got the news from the forums

Katannadan: oooooo

dark_slasher291: =(

jecouch66: whe do we get to spaw

Helen Keller: twe dont

jecouch66: why


Dark Commando: well thats why its a test map you cant spanw or do anything

Helen Keller: he level is not complete

dark_slasher291: we dont have spawn points ****

Dark Commando: and it was a locked map anywa

Helen Keller: what do you mean a test map

Dark Commando: look theres anot even a map

Dark Commando: IT WAS A LOCKED MAP!!!

dark_slasher291: its just big empty sppace

Hazbla: some oe try to load this host again

Dark Commando: why cant you understand by the words locked map

jecouch66: why is it locked?

Katannadan: yid you look it

Helen Keller: there are no files for it in the lvl folder

dark_slasher291: /create

Helen Keller: s not that its locked

Dark Commando: lets go


Helen Keller: I need backup!

Dark Commando: THTHIS IS NOT A REA

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Sounds like an idiot...


Two possibilities


1) He's a big fat stinking liar (I'm going to put my money on this one). Why lie? To make people jealous that's why. We all want to play these "new" maps. The same thing happened quite a bit in the kaillera community. People love to pretend they are playing something and can't let others in because they're not cool enough. They refuse to furnish proof, but dangle it in our faces to try to start something.


2) He's part of a higher level beta testing team that has access to a later beta version than we do. If so, why's he acting so immature and bratty about it. Sounds like he isn't exactly high grade material. A real tester would be worried about losing his right to the beta by being so public about something that should probably be kept more secret.



As we both know, ANYBODY can host a game with ANY game mode, if they know the commands, but nobody can PLAY it, because the MAPS that are REQUIRED for those modes to work AREN'T IN THE BETA!


Even if somehow a person had the full version of the game right now. Complete, all maps, etc. And he hosts a game.. nobody could play with him, because they just have the beta, which lacks the assets needed for those maps. The beta has the loading screens for those maps, but not the maps themselves.


So if #2 is true, then this guy is flying around BY HIMSELF on these maps. Wow, what fun. Great way to test the beta. I think some of us got the idea that a new beta version was coming soon and these were "leaks" coming from people that were the first to get the new beta. But we have no word on that, period, just rumors. Obviously the internal beta testers at Pandemic/LucasArts have access to more of the game than we do. The public test is limited for a reason (easier to keep track of one set of files being tested than having lots of random stuff floating around that doesn't need testing, inflates downloads, etc). Perhaps Pandemic did hire some idiots, and they've leaked the info without their conset. Who knows. But I'm more inclined to think he's just making crap up to get our goat. Lots of people make up info about being game insiders, because it makes them feel important and gets others to look up to them.


Insiders exist, but then so do fakers. So there's a strong possibility. ;)


So anyone claiming to play these maps is either higher up the totem pole than we are (in which case I'd expect a more professional attitude or at least more secrecy, not in-your-face bragging and snotty elitism) or else they are flat out BSing.


This stuff about a map being "locked" is plainly BS. You can look in your directory folders and see that the maps don't exist. You can't play a map that you don't have, simple as that.


If somebody is going to make audacious claims or use it to puff themselves up to the rest of us, they need to furnish proof (put up or shut up), and realize we have a right to be skeptical!

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Actually they do exist in our Folder it is Spa3.lvl


Then you have a version of the beta I don't. My \SPA\ folder has only the following files:


spa_sky.lvl 44,464 KB

spa1.lvl 50,334 KB


Those other space lvl files are listed elsewhere in the \_LVL\PC\ directory, but they are ONLY for the loading screens, NOT the maps!


In my server browser it says Beta v. 2.1263. What does your's say? BUSTED!

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I can't explain it. Bear in mind I also got the beta awhile after it came out, since I never paid for a FilePlanet premium subscription, so I had to wait like most of us for the free option to open up. How long was that?


So you're able to play Space Kashyyyk by yourself then??


Because if the map is there, you should be able to play it. Try it and tell me what happens (start the server and try to join it, then try to spawn in). We don't have the map, we can only look at the starfield and the character select screen. ;P


I don't see how you could "accidentally" get the file. Are you in contact with the developers? Did they give you something special to test for them? Did somebody "leak" you the extra file?


Did you get the beta from some other source other than the file planet sign up page? Tell us more...


Edit: I recall now I grabbed the beta 12 days after it first came out. So you grabbed it on Oct. 17th or 18th?

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Sounds like an idiot...


Two possibilities


1) He's a big fat stinking liar (I'm going to put my money on this one). Why lie? To make people jealous that's why. We all want to play these "new" maps. The same thing happened quite a bit in the kaillera community. People love to pretend they are playing something and can't let others in because they're not cool enough. They refuse to furnish proof, but dangle it in our faces to try to start something.


2) He's part of a higher level beta testing team that has access to a later beta version than we do. If so, why's he acting so immature and bratty about it. Sounds like he isn't exactly high grade material. A real tester would be worried about losing his right to the beta by being so public about something that should probably be kept more secret.



As we both know, ANYBODY can host a game with ANY game mode, if they know the commands, but nobody can PLAY it, because the MAPS that are REQUIRED for those modes to work AREN'T IN THE BETA!


Even if somehow a person had the full version of the game right now. Complete, all maps, etc. And he hosts a game.. nobody could play with him, because they just have the beta, which lacks the assets needed for those maps. The beta has the loading screens for those maps, but not the maps themselves.


So if #2 is true, then this guy is flying around BY HIMSELF on these maps. Wow, what fun. Great way to test the beta. I think some of us got the idea that a new beta version was coming soon and these were "leaks" coming from people that were the first to get the new beta. But we have no word on that, period, just rumors. Obviously the internal beta testers at Pandemic/LucasArts have access to more of the game than we do. The public test is limited for a reason (easier to keep track of one set of files being tested than having lots of random stuff floating around that doesn't need testing, inflates downloads, etc). Perhaps Pandemic did hire some idiots, and they've leaked the info without their conset. Who knows. But I'm more inclined to think he's just making crap up to get our goat. Lots of people make up info about being game insiders, because it makes them feel important and gets others to look up to them.


Insiders exist, but then so do fakers. So there's a strong possibility. ;)


So anyone claiming to play these maps is either higher up the totem pole than we are (in which case I'd expect a more professional attitude or at least more secrecy, not in-your-face bragging and snotty elitism) or else they are flat out BSing.


This stuff about a map being "locked" is plainly BS. You can look in your directory folders and see that the maps don't exist. You can't play a map that you don't have, simple as that.


If somebody is going to make audacious claims or use it to puff themselves up to the rest of us, they need to furnish proof (put up or shut up), and realize we have a right to be skeptical!


I can answer this question, i hope....

I believe hm to be full of crap. here is why:

the internal testers at pandemic (LA really doesn't have much to do with the game mechanics) use a different build of the game code than was released to the public.

I know the Guy that wrote the net code and the server files, and thier buiold of the game will not interface with ours.

There is no newer version of the beta than the one that everyone had to update to four weeks ago (has it been that long??)

The guys at pandemic aren't really playing it anymore or working on it. In fact, most of them are on vacation.


As far as to why you can get teh loading screens, but there is no level data for any of the other maps, the spawn screen and load screens are already built into the game code. the actual level data is in different files, and they have not been released yet.


As far as my contacts at Pandemic tell me (at least when they aren't sipping Daquiris) even if you had the level data it wouldn't work with the beta game code.


anyway, Kurgan, i hate to bump a nearly dead thread, but i wanted to get this info out, and I haven been AFK for a few days.

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Hi guys, I have a problem or two.


I'd like to play the beta alone, without connecting to the internet, so I tried the option /autonet listen /lan


It works but it creates a new profile named AUTONET which doesn't keep the changes I do to the keys/commands, it forces me to set my keys every time i run the batch :(


So I tried anathore way: run a server /autonet dedicated /lan and then connect to my own server, but it seems the server isn't listed whichever type i choose (Internet/LAN).


Any idea? Do I have to connect and log to gamespy to have my server on the list, even if is on LAN?



Even connected to internet I can't see my own server if launched in lan mode and filtered in lan type, while I can see it if launched in internet mode and filtered by internet type

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