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moist? ewwwwwwwwwwwwww, dried out brain.


Moist brains are good. I've seen an acutal human brain covered in blood. Of course the person was dead from before and the body was used to study the human brain and organ donations...but I have seen one.


I've also seen brain oozing out of a cut in the head.


Ewww is barely a word I utter anymore.

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Best psychic? Oleander? I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. Your opinion, but I think all three of the camp's teachers are nearly equal in mental ability... Nobody was hurt in that battle, and it looked like they were going at it. Although I can see where you got your opinion from. He is very powerful, obviously.


Every time I watch that cinematic I feel that Oleander is better. It was two against one and he was holding up pretty good. Not to mention that he was able to knock out four people at once with his brain ray. Sure it may be amplified but that takes a lot of power. (However he was tame when Raz beat him up. MAybe he had spent all his energy)


He took out both of their brain's and created a mental projection of himself in another beings mind from miles away.


He just seemed like the most formidable psychic on campus to me.

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Every time I watch that cinematic I feel that Oleander is better. It was two against one and he was holding up pretty good. Not to mention that he was able to knock out four people at once with his brain ray. Sure it may be amplified but that takes a lot of power. (However he was tame when Raz beat him up. MAybe he had spent all his energy)


He took out both of their brain's and created a mental projection of himself in another beings mind from miles away.


He just seemed like the most formidable psychic on campus to me.

RAZ'S DAD was able to create a projection of himself without the antenna and into the mind of one with EXTREMELY powerful mental defenses, also from miles away.

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RAZ'S DAD was able to create a projection of himself without the antenna and into the mind of one with EXTREMELY powerful mental defenses, also from miles away.


I always assumed that he had traveled to the camp and was right next to the brain tank as he was already at the camp when daybreak hit.

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I always assumed that he had traveled to the camp and was right next to the brain tank as he was already at the camp when daybreak hit.

Maybe, but then how come it was so difficult? Ford is pretty good, and he is able to get into Raz's head for each Merit Badge, ya gotta figure at close distance Raz's Dad would only have a little trouble even with all the chaos going in there.

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Me too. It takes my mind off of the crappier things in life.


Yes! You are not sad anymore.


My neighbor's old-fashioned grandmother (who was an amazing actress in her day and the kindest person I met) told me "Laugh as much as you can as life is sad."


I know that this is off-topic and "deep" but it needed to be said.

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Okay, this is dredging up stuff from the way beginning of the thread, but...so sue me. (Actually, don't. I'm broke.)


Re: the asylum inmates:

I always got the impression (or maybe this was my brain covering for the plot holes) that they came from a different asylum. Now, why Oleander felt the need to bring along everyone besides the "essentials" (Boyd, as a guard; Crispin, as a...um...elevator...person.), I don't know--my best guess is "test subjects"; to make sure the brain tanks work. Kinda morbid, but...that's the only answer I've got.


Whether they were all at the same asylum before moving to Thorney Towers, I don't know, but that's the best explanation I can give you.


Re: Fred and Napoleon:

IMHO, Napoleon is a figment of Fred's imagination. The way I see it is this--Fred knows he's a loser; he says as much multiple times. He also knows he's a Bonaparte, and that Bonapartes aren't supposed to be losers. (Well, if you ignore the whole Waterloo debacle.) He feels like he's not living up to his family name, but for the moment, that's not enough to send him off-kilter and conjure up genetic memories.


Then along comes Crispin. Fred can't even win a battle of Waterloo against him, which is the straw that broke the camel's back--now he feels like he can't even win a strategy game, something which a Bonaparte should be able to do (Napoleon being a master strategist and all that) without even thinking.


Enter Napoleon--he's not a "ghost from the past" or even a genetic memory; he's just the incarnation of Fred's desire to live up to his family name and not be a loser. (What better incarnation of that than Napoleon himself?) Fred isn't wrestling with split personalities, his desire to live up to the family name is wrestling with his natural inclination to just give up. It just...manifested itself in an, erm, unique way.


Re: Raz's Mom:

Still at the circus. If you check his memory vault in the scene where he's lifting weights and reading the phamplet, his father and several other teenagers/kids are scattered around, including a woman who looks to be about the age of Raz's father. I suspect the woman is his mother and the other kids are his brothers and sisters.




Whew. Now, here's the plot hole that's always bugged me...


The GPC:

When you talk to Maloof after letting him out of there, he says, "the staff hasn't put anyone in there since the 50's."


But according to the stump in the parking lot, Whispering Rock was founded five years ago, and there's no mention of another camp being in the same spot.


...Uhm. *brain explodes*

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The theory that Oleander had rounded them up as test subjects crossed my mind. I assumed that they were all from the same asylum. However if he was to use them as test subjects then would he have not taken out their brains? Wouldn't Loboto believe that he would have to take out their brains if Oleander gave Loboto control over them? It may be argued that Crispin was now overseeing the asylum but he seems to be under Loboto and would give all of them but Fred up. (As I imagine he gets sadistic glee from watching his a former higher rank get subjected to the same torture.)


What I theorize is that Loboto wanted mean brains and to get mean brains he's driving people insane. Or maybe he thinks insane brains are the good ones.


All in all, we will never know. We can just theorize.


I do agree with you about Napolean. It's strange how he drove himself to become insane over being a loser. And yet it is not as a title like that is seriously degrading to a person. It was himself beating himself up. Though I do love how sterotypical he was of Napolean with all of the basic French he knew.


The time really does confuse me. As much as I love mirky time periods it was too much of a time stretch.

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The theory that Oleander had rounded them up as test subjects crossed my mind. I assumed that they were all from the same asylum. However if he was to use them as test subjects then would he have not taken out their brains?


Heh...when I said "test subjects," I meant for the brain tanks themselves. To make sure they actually worked before unleashing them on the world at large and all. (Because, let's face it, Oleander would look pretty dumb if he threatened to kill everyone with something that didn't actually work. "And now, I will kill you all! *fizzlepop* ...Uh, hold on a second.")


Or maybe I just have a morbid mind.

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Heh...when I said "test subjects," I meant for the brain tanks themselves. To make sure they actually worked before unleashing them on the world at large and all. (Because, let's face it, Oleander would look pretty dumb if he threatened to kill everyone with something that didn't actually work. "And now, I will kill you all! *fizzlepop* ...Uh, hold on a second.")


Or maybe I just have a morbid mind.


That's not morbid, that's sad for Oleander. I know I wouldn't want my plans for world domination destroyed.


Not exactly about the test subjects but more about the insanity of them.


If a person is subjected to a place where insanity is considered normal they are more likely to feel insane. Or that is the way I look at it. If Fred was around so many insane and crazy people don't you think the thought that maybe some of what they are saying is true. Maybe they really are reincarnations of other people or two people are inside of them.


Let's just say that I know this from experience and leave it at that.

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Um..about Raz's Dad [i don't have anything to contribute to the asylum discussion at the moment ^^']...didn't he ask Raz, once he had finally managed to project himself into his son's mind, this question: "And who are all these [or those, or something] unconssious people?" So I'm assuming he either saw Lili and co. laying around outside the brain tank or he just saw it somewhere in Raz's mind...but I feel like going with the former. I'm sure he was at the camp already, but I'm not sure how he would have gotten to asylum from there...O_o Ahhh, brain pain!


Hmmm. Also, in the opening cutscene, this amuses me: As Milla, Oleander, and Sasha are using telekinesis on Raz, Oleander seems to be having trouble. So, at the beginning of camp he doesn't really seem to be the strongest if you ask me. ^^' Though it was really impressive that he did seem to be holding his own against Milla, Sasha, and Cruller at the asylum. Maybe he just got stronger within a day? Or maybe he was really really determined at that point. :/

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He was trying to get into Raz's pants. I mean mind.


Well that would certainly describe his determination.


Reading over my post it sounds like I said "I know from experience as I have been driven crazy from working at an insane asylum."


No, I don't recall that. I just know what it is like to have my view on life changed by the popular opinions around me.

Hmmm. Also, in the opening cutscene, this amuses me: As Milla, Oleander, and Sasha are using telekinesis on Raz, Oleander seems to be having trouble. So, at the beginning of camp he doesn't really seem to be the strongest if you ask me. ^^' Though it was really impressive that he did seem to be holding his own against Milla, Sasha, and Cruller at the asylum. Maybe he just got stronger within a day? Or maybe he was really really determined at that point. :/


Yes! More thinking.


Maybe he was reserving his power. I mean after a day of hard scheming you're not going to be in the best of shape. Or maybe he was trying to make it seem like he was the weakest. Or it is possible that Raz is that good.


Maybe since Sasha and Milla just got their brains back in they are not going to be the most oriented. Hell, they couldn't get Lili out of her lock for hours when I played the game. So that might be it.

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