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Beta test (no pay subscription required)


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I have been playing BF2 for a while so I am used to insanely awesome graphics. This beta is not so spectacular. The graphics and gameplay so far are much like SWBF 1, which sucked.


If Lucasarts had half a brain they would simply adapt the BF2 engine to Star Wars environments, slap on the John Williams soundtrack and SW models and special effects, and they would sell a trillion copies. Even more if they also have a stats/promotion/unlockable weapons option.


Won't happen though because BF2 is too complicated to work on consoles, so instead we get a half-assed Battlfront sequel with controllable jedi...whoop de doo!

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Read the post i was talking about Hordak


I have been playing BF2 for a while so I am used to insanely awesome graphics. This beta is not so spectacular. The graphics and gameplay so far are much like SWBF 1, which sucked.


He didn't say he has been playing the beta, he mentioned the beta separately, "...I am used to insanely awesome graphics. This beta is not so spectacular."


Maybe he was talking about Battlefield 2...

*stops talking*

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Maybe he was talking about Battlefield 2...

*stops talking*



Noooo really? Why would he put SWBF1 then? Perhaps to avoid confusion!



This doesn't sound good at all. Just LA trying to make cash off some poor fellows who are going to buy another mindless run-and-gun team-based game. Yeah, those two don't go together.

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If Lucasarts had half a brain they would simply adapt the BF2 engine to Star Wars environments, slap on the John Williams soundtrack and SW models and special effects, and they would sell a trillion copies. Even more if they also have a stats/promotion/unlockable weapons option.


Won't happen though because BF2 is too complicated to work on consoles, so instead we get a half-assed Battlfront sequel with controllable jedi...whoop de doo!


Yup. Totally agreed.


But then some people would complain "hey, this is just an expansion pack for BF2!" Well, SWBF2 is just an expansion pack for SWBF, so would you rather have: a crappy $50 expansion pack of another crappy $50 game, or an awesome $50 expansion pack of another awesome $50 game? I choose the latter.


If LA was smart they'd just make a Star Wars expansion pack for BF2, just take the BF2 engine and gameplay and make Star Wars characters, maps, weapons, vehicles, sounds, etc. and bingo... the perfect Star Wars game.


But hey, it's LA...

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Actually they are smart, they're just also often greedy. They know they can make more money off of the console market than the PC gamer market...


And I hate to sound even more cynical, but if the console gamers' standards are lower, they can cater to that and save themselves even more trouble, leading to more profit!

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u ever read the topic? so u may come to the conclusion that he has the beta from Filefront which hes playing for a while



One problem with that...The Beta came out on Friday or Saturday. . .Unless he calls 1-2 days "a while", he hasn't been playing for a while.

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How have you been playing it?



bf2 IS Battlefield 2, not Battlefront 2. The beta is the SWBF Beta, and it is very very similar to Battlefront 1. If they don't make some substantial changes I would not buy it in a million years. I agree with the poster who said that Lucasarts shouold use the Battlefield 2 engine, because the SWBF engine is horrid!

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The beta is excellent. Rebels are not so underpowered as they are in the original. I was pleased to find even the rebels have a mortar guy now (the wookie).


Those that loved the original and are still playing battefront (like me) will love it.


The space level is terrible, I really don't see how they "asked the people that play it" when all clans steer well clear of any maps with vehicles / ships in it. Capture the flag really doesn't work as the boards are far to big for it to be playable.


Still, the core of the game is amazing as ever and all the things I like are in there plus some. I was inititally concerned to loose my beloved imp/cis pilots but when i found out the magna / officer and wookie in effect replaced them i was over the moon.


Rockets should have been given a big delay before firing to stop the noobs using them to kill infantry..but least it keeps the rocket guys happy i guess.

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Since the Beta is out and some of u got it, u may can tell us more about the jedi now, i read many threads that jedi's are unwanted and i understand that point, anyway it would be great if u could speak about the Jedi Balancing on the Battlefield, if they are really that UBER like many said or if they are just a balanced feature, even would be good to tell something about the other hero/s i know that Obi Wan is Playable and Jango, right? So even tell us something about the non Jedi Heros


many thx in advance

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Nah, Battlefield 2 is to be released on PS2 I saw it EB Games yesterday and asked about it, They said Battlefield series is expanding to consoles now... !!


Nope, it's not the same game. If you look at the screenshots, it seems like a ugly version of BF2.

They also added another faction.


You could make a quick search on game sites instead of believing the crap retailers tell you.

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