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What was your starting profession?


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I orderd the game online and read about it for a week now ( if you havnt read my other threads this will be new to you). I am waiting for the game to arrive and in the mean time, I am wondering what your starting profession was? I was thinking about becomeing a medic and later being a doctor but I still am not sure. What do you think? And please share what you started out as.



Thanks!! (soon to be SWG member) Kaden Solo



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It's been a while now, but I started out as a marksmen. I mastered that then I did master scout to get to novice bh. Seems so long ago...well mostly becuase it was lol.


do u think my idea of becoming a bounty hunter is a good starting profession?


Not possible. BH is an "eliite profession." You will need to work on marksmen and scout [which are starting professions] in order to become a BH.

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well with the new system when you land in mos eisley you have all the starting professions. so dont worry about that. and my starting profession was Artisan when i started. but i started when this game came out... things were a whole lot different. :)

what is artisan? is it a species or a rank?

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Master artisans make vehicles.


So make a lotta swoops, or get everyone to come to you with their AV-21 schematics and power plants, and you're good. Oh, and there's also a market for decent weapon power-ups, though I've had little experience with that, personally. I've been run off my feet making Bounty Hunter droids since the combat upgrade. I don't even have combat R3s and Probots on my vendors anymore, I'm that busy... er, busy playing other games.

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Hm... Wookiees get bowcasters and ryyyk blades. Dunno how those compare to all the other weaponry out there...


Meh, all I know is, if I had a Wookiee, I'd make it a Teras Kasi master. I don't care how lowtech the armour looks, the furballs don't belong in it.


Oh yeah... master artisans are also praised for weapon powerups. Don't really do them myself, but that's what I'm told.

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