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Darth Vader's Force skills, gosh!

Darth Andrew

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I've been wondering for a while that since Darth Vader can't use Force Lightning, how does he use Force Choke or Force Pull? Force Lightning I guess requires a flesh and bone hand, but why do Choke and Pull not require this? Also, in Episode V, how does Vader manage to choke Admiral Ozzel when they aren't in each other's presence? Help a fellow geek understand this. :p

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Yeah, and force lightning is messier. I mean, it may stray and overload nearby equipment, or catch other officers. It's just a big hassle, while choke is much more precise and menacing (if less impressive).


But regardless, as Insane Sith said, he can't use it anyway.

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Like the others said, choking people or pushing, pulling, or blocking, any of that is unnecessary to use your hands at all. Though maybe when you pull stuff towards you it might be wise to be ready with your hands to catch it so this doesn't happen. :D


Basically, it's for dramatic effect. And I don't mean movie dramatic effect on the silver screen, just plain and simple dramatic effect. :)

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I don't see why he can't just build some special "lightning gauntlets" into his suit's arms, since they're artificial anyway, but I guess LucasLiscensing has spoken, and it's "official." Blah... ;P


It's all because they wanted to have Dooku use lightning, now they have to explain why every Sith can't use it! Of course it's even more common in the games and EU...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Why do people assume that he can't use Force lightning just because he doesn't? It's possible that in the case of lightning, actual connected fingers help, but maybe Vader just prefers Choke becuase it's no muss, no fuss, no chance of shorting out the delicate electrical equipment that keeps him alive.

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Well, apparently he can't use it because of of his mechanical arms. But like everything else, it doesn't require the hand things. Those were just for show I guess, so that people wouldn't be choking all around Vader and he wouldn't be doing anything noticeable.


EDIT: Ha ha, that spoof was super funny :D. Make sure when you pull something you have the power to stop it.

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