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Micheal nodded, and turned. When he saw the open door he winced. The light was way to strong for him.


With the immediate danger gone, Micheal started thinking about what had happened to him. Why was he suddenly sensitive to light and sound? How did he know the guy was lying? He got to his seat, took out a pair of sunglasses from his bag, and helped Megan up.


"Come on, we'll meet Sienna outside."

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Troezen went with Sarah out of the plane. "Yeah, I'm ok. I told you I did martial arts as a kid - I suppose it just showed?" Troezen smiled to himself. "At the rate this flight is going we'll be flying up and down giving people rides."


Troezen walked over to Kyle and Michael, "we made a pretty good team in there." He looked at Michael, "I suppose we should all stick together from now on. We cant just ignore it any longer. I'm sure the police wont or the government for that matter! We have to either do the superhero gang thing, or the let's never ever use them again thing!" Troezen sighed - he stilled hadnt fully recovered from the flight earlier "So which is it?"


((WJ- Sienna could join the conversation and put her oppinion in if you want))

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"Ignoring mine is sort of impossible at the moment," Sienna said, approaching the group in time to hear Troezen's comments and Micheal's response. She glanced at Micheal. "Nice sunglasses." Turning back to the rest of the group, she went on. "The weather seems to be closely tied to my emotions at this point." She shook her head slowly, emphasizing her words. "No, avoidance is impossible."


"What I don't like is having to suddenly band together with complete strangers simply because we're all different," she finished. "It just doesn't feel right."

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- "Hey I've never had a large group of friends, I'm more a computer geek than a social person besides don't I look trustworthy? but come on, when they interview these people they're gonna talk and say what they saw about us, how the climate suddenly changed with your reaction, how Kyle wrapped his vines around the hijackers, how I picked one of them up and slammed him at the other, and Troezen kicking the crap out of another, so trust me they're coming after us" - Sarah said to Sienna and the group.

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"Sienna, I know it seems strange, but think of this, we are in a group, we can control each other, and if the government or police try to take us in, we can fight them together, as a stronger group, because of our abilities we are bound to attract unwanted attention."

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"In case you hadn't noticed, my abilities are the least noticeable," Sienna retorted. The sky darkened and she gestured upward toward it. "It can be explained away as a freak accident in the weather cycle. I stand the best chance apart from you who stand out like sore thumbs!" She gestured to Troezen and Sarah. "Flight and strength." Then to Kyle. "Growing things."


She shrugged. "All predictable in their proper form, but you control them out of their proper form. Growing things aren't meant to grow in metal or grow so fast. Humans aren't meant to fly." She pointed to herself. "Weather. Unpredictable anyway. Nobody'd suspect a human of controlling it when the only tie between me and it is my emotions."


"So it rains when I'm sad," she went on. "People will think I'm sad when it rains. So it thunders when I'm mad. People will think I don't like thunder... that it puts me on edge. The angrier I get, the more they'll think I'm only happy when it's sunny and warm!" She sighed. "That's the worst thing that can happen to me if I go on my own."


"But if I stay with you," she finished, "we'll all be marked as freaks."


"Sienna!" one of the other flight attendants called. "C'mere a minute."


Sienna sighed and did as she was told. When she approached, she found herself surrounded by all the other flight attendants. "Can you show off again?" "Yeah, do that wind thing!" "Knock me over!"


Sienna groaned and slipped away from them as it began to rain. She came back to Kyle, Troezen, Sarah, and Micheal. "On second thought..."

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"Try hours," Sienna told Sarah. "We didn't crash close to any cities. Chances are, there's no cell phone coverage out here, even if somebody's got the wits to try. We're here until they realize how far off course we crashed after the pilot called for help." She sighed. "We have plenty of time to think of something."

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Micheal frowned. For some reason he'd heard the other flight attendants whispering about asking Sienna to show off, even though apparently no one else had.


"Maybe we can sneak off before the police interviews people. All they know is there was an attempted hijacking, the weather went beserk and the plane crash. From here until they find that everyone's talking about supernatural people we can be long gone."

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- "Yeah, but what about passenger records back at the airlines? When they do a recount they'll find out we're missing and if they get profiles on us, they're gonna start asking questions to the other passanger...it gonna be quite a mess" - Sarah said.

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"Right..." Megan sighed, overhearing the last part of the discussion. Sienna turned to find her friend still slightly disoriented, but speaking somewhat clearly. "And how do you suggest getting out of here, superheroes?"


Sienna detected a slight trace of sarcasm in her voice, but treated her question as a valid one. "Well Sarah and Troezen can fly us out of here... why not give the people something else to talk about?"


"Just so long as I'm not left behind," Megan answered. "That'll work. And Sienna, you can help them... like doing what you did with the plane."


"Right... control the air to be able to walk on it," Sienna murmured. "That'll work..." She chuckled. "It'll look like we're walking on an invisible walkway above the ground. She seemed to step up onto the first step of an invisible staircase. "Care to come with me?"


She turned and continued walking up her invisible staircase.

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(Must do some minor char control here)


As Sienna continued to climb the 'air staircase', the other passengers took notice and rushed over to try it. Troezen and Kyle were on the third step by the time the rest of the passengers came running over. They tried to step up to the first, but stumbled when they found that Sienna had released the first steps after Troezen and Kyle had passed them. One passenger was lucky enough to get a grip on the fifth step with his hands before Sienna released it and he fell back to the ground.


"Come back!" a flight attendant screamed. But soon, the entire group was applauding. Sienna glanced back.


"We'll need to run to get away from them," she said. "Stay close to me."


They were now twenty feet above the ground and Sienna began to run.

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