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Does anyone have any suspisions about what will happen in the last game?

Revan Skywalker

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The hood up/down works. You'd still get to choose gender, so it works. The exile would should be one to open the new academy, along with the handmaiden/disciple (if the exile was male or female) and bastilla. But the series in all should end with either Revan never having discovered the true sith and the new character in K3 discovering his "burial" place at the end, or with Revan as a party member along with your new character as you disover the true sith and ultimately defeat them.

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A sense of humour I see. Before we get heated up over this as I've mentioned before, the hood up/down option would be good for Revan and the Exile. The Star Forge textures that Rob mentioned are good as well. Since we all have our own idea as to what Revan loooked like as well as the Exile. This would in a way be a neutral way of viewing Revan and the Exile should we see them in KOTOR 3.

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Peronally, I just think that the Disciple and Handmaiden didn't seem that important because they never got established names.


Actually, they both have names; you find out what they are, in fact.



The Disciple's name is Mical. If you are male, you hear it on Dantooine. Remember when the Disciple says that he will go to Khoonda and await the next transport? While he is there, you get a cutscene where he contacts the Republic Admiral. He specifically says, "Admiral, this is Mical."



As for the Handmaiden:



If you are male, and have her in your party, you find it after you confront Atris. After she is eletrocuted by Atris, and you beat Atris in her meditation chamber, you come out and find the Handmaiden. During the dialogue with her, you find out that her name is Brianna.



Y'see the thing is I have yet to see an RPG sequel with a "customise your character from the previous game" screen... the way you guys want it your going to have an enormously clunky interface before you even start creating your OWN character.


I haven't seen on either, but... That doesn't really mean anything. Someone could easily say "Well why not have this be the first RPG that does!" Personally, I agree with you, I don't think you will choose them in the beginning of a new game, I think you will choose it during the game (at least for the Exile). But calling it "clunky" and "daft" is just your opinion, and doesn't hold much actual fact.

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Actually Rob, the Exile will likely have no part in KotOR III, seriously, we will hear about the Exile in dialogs or on Datapads but we won't likely "see" the Exile. The Exile is un-important in the grand scope of things.


Revan can be done by using Revan's Masked outfit, using a Tan/Brown LS version and the original Black DS version. Even still I doubt we will "see" Revan except possibly in a cutscene, likely we will also find out Revan's fate via dialogs and Datapads, so this is all rather moot.

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^I have to say I disagree with you, there. I don't think of the Exile as being "un-important." I don't quite understand why this would be the case. I'm not saying he is going to have a major part, or be an important NPC that you meet, but I think he will be in the story a tad more than you say.

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If both games had light-side endings (which I think both official versions were light-side ends) then read on.


From KOTOR 1: At Sith Academy you had the option of becoming the Twi'lek teacher's friend. As such you had the ability to turn her from the darkside and given the option to ask her to join you (she declines). What if she returns in the third game? Also at the Sith Academy, she tells you about the true Sith, a weird name for the true Sith. Game 3 is going to have to revolve around the true Sith since it's hyped up in both games.


Are we going to go back to the Star Forge System's planet? They seem to have something to do with the true Sith. So it wouldn't suprise me if we went back to that planet.


Personally, I hope it picks up where the Exile left off since that game was unfinished between where the HK units were coming from, Goto's location (we never did really meet him) and so many loose ends that needs to be tied up. T3 and HK know something about Revan and I hope since we spent so much time unlocking what those two know that we get to see it pay off in the final game.


I'd like to see Exile leave behind everyone but Canderous/Mandalore, T3 and HK. We can bet that GoTo's remote was destroyed on the planet with Bao-Dur's remote.


What I'd like to see are the following characters return for the final game - Revan, Exile (give the girl/guy a name that depends on the gender selected at the start of the game), Canderous/Mandalore, T3 and HK. Carth can return but basically to start Exile off on the mission to find Revan. Bastila, Jolee and Juhani (all who are now Jedi Masters) can take the new Jedi (Atton, Michal/Brianna, Bao-Dur, Mira and Visas) from Exile to rebuild the Order. They still need to be trained and learn the Jedi way in order to rebuild the Order. ;) What bugged me was the whole "last of the Jedi" since Bastila was alive and well (if you made Revan lightside male) so why can't Jolee and Juhani can be alive as well? Maybe Jolee returned to Kashyyyk with Mission and Zaalbar after Revan left? Bastila and Juhani probably stayed at Carth's side, we know Bastila did at least.


Hanharr might be dead or might not be since Mira was given the chance to kill him but how he would have escaped the planet... Well he did have to get there somehow. ;) It wouldn't surprise me if he escaped after Mira let him live.


And what ever happened to that Mysterious Box that Revan had to take to Tattoine? Hmm? Remember, he said he had started a civil war among his people and was punished. Could that civil war have anything to do with the true Sith?


Oh and why was Cathar among the first planets that the Mandalorians and Sith attacked?


But if Revan was darkside in the first game of course Big Z, Jolee, Mission, Carth and Juhani all died. If Exile was darkside then all of them remained on... on... I just went blank on the name of the planet. Off hand I don't recall what happens to the other characters if you're male-darkside or female-darkside.


If Revan was darkside then Carth is still on the Star Forge planet, might be alive and hiding or he might be dead. If we choose to have Revan be darkside then we find out what happened to Carth by going back. If Revan was lightside then we still go back to the temple to find out what happened with that genetic research that was going on. Remember the researcher asked you for the info if you were lightside.


If both ends were darkside, then we have to go in search of Bastila, she is probably alive searching for Revan and would know if Revan died due to their bond. Maybe Exile (dark or light) has to fight a dark Sith Lord and that dark Sith Lord would be Bastila is Revan was darkside and a different Sith Lord if Revan was lightside.


Personally, there were too many things left unwrapped between both games. I've played both enough to realize that there are so many possiblities that can pop up in the 3rd game. What happened to the Sith students that Revan turned? What happened to Carth's son? We know he went to Telos after they showed him the truth about the Sith. Like I mentioned before, what happened to the woman teacher that Revan called "friend" and saved? Just too many things that I like see wrapped up one way or another.


The 3rd game, if it continues on from either game is going to be more difficult to write since there were several ways it could have happened - 1 & 2 both lightside, 1 darkside/2 lightside, 1 lightside/2 darkside or both darkside. Four different storylines to bring into the 3rd game if it picks up after the 2nd game. If the 2nd game was darkside then we have to start off with a new character but if lightside we pick up as Exile. Either way, it's no wonder why the third game is taking so long to be announced. I think it would be easier on the game makers if they did it either as both games having lightside ends OR the 1st game ending with a darkside end and the 2nd as a light side end. Imagine writing the plots for four different endings!

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What if she returns in the third game?Also at the Sith Academy, she tells you about the true Sith, a weird name for the true Sith. Game 3 is going to have to revolve around the true Sith since it's hyped up in both games.


I'm guessing she won't, since you could have killed her. There are about four different choices you can make when you confront her and Uthar, and only one of them ends up with her alive, and LS.


As for the True Sith, that name she tells you (the Sith'ari) is not a species. It is the Sith name for the Chosen One, a.k.a. Anakin. If you listen closely, you will realize that she is talking about an individual. Not a species.


As for "have to revolve around the True Sith", I don't think so. It wasn't really hyped up at all in the first game, in fact, I don't remember it being mentioned. As for in the second game, sure, Kreia talks about it a couple times, no very often, but does that mean we have to go and fight "True Sith"?


I don't doubt that we will find at the most ruins or cities or planets of theirs, but for me the whole thing about running off just like Revan and the Exile to fight some super-race, the real enemy just seems kind of lame to me. Personally I'd rather they just stick with the enemies they have and some ones they add in.


And what ever happened to that Mysterious Box that Revan had to take to Tattoine? Hmm? Remember, he said he had started a civil war among his people and was punished. Could that civil war have anything to do with the true Sith?


Well, usually "Civil War" means a war within your own people, and the Rakatans aren't True Sith, so... It really doesn't have much importance.


Oh and why was Cathar among the first planets that the Mandalorians and Sith attacked?


I didn't know that the Sith attacked it also. I might be mistaken, but I thought it was just Mandalorians. Well, in answer to your question... Umm, maybe it was closer to them than the others, or was just at a comparable strategic position? Or they just wanted to? :) As with the other, I think you might be setting too much importance on this.


What happened to the Sith students that Revan turned?


I only remember two... The one Sith student in-training and Yuthura, the teacher. Odds are that the Sith-turned-Jedi student was killed when Dantooine was bombed.


Like I mentioned before, what happened to the woman teacher that Revan called "friend" and saved?


Well, considering that she has a 50 percent chance she was alive, and 25 percent chance she is alive and turned to the lightside, we will most likely not see her. Besides, don't you think that in the case of the Sith student she might have been killed on Dantooine with the other Jedi? That is the last place she ended up in K1.


Personally, I hope it picks up where the Exile left off since that game was unfinished between where the HK units were coming from, Goto's location (we never did really meet him)


Most of that was just cut content that the devs didn't have time to complete. But as for Goto... I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that



The droid G0-T0 that comes with you is Goto. The hologram that you see is just a fake created by the droid. Go look on Wikipedia or somewhere for more on Goto, they explain it, I think.



BTW, welcome Zadi! :D

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  • 4 months later...

i think that the exile is needed in the last game because they brought him in and now he must be resolved. i have already came up with my ideas for the game.


1. The Start- Revan, you start off as revan opening up the game, it would start with a cutscene. you would start off on revan's homeworld. revan would be trying to locate the true sith but is not having any luck with finding them because they show no signs of their force powers. Revan would eventually have a cutscene where he meditates on it goes back on everything he has gone throuhg since leaving in kotor. the start should have revan lookiing for signs on empty planets.


2.A Sign- revan almost gives up when the jedi who can't stop force bonding becomes discovered, exile. the exile is on dantooine as he pays his respects to the fallen jedi masters confused he only sees two of the three. then revan sees the dead jedi masters and the two do battle. revan and the exile go for a little while until revan cuts off his hand and the exil pleads and revan and him talk, with all of this force energy it sends a ripple throughout the galaxy for all force users.


3. Hidden Jedi- Jedi all around the galaxy feel this and know the location. Two jedi masters pick up on this they have been wainting for a while. Kevar and Vandar find each and then the exile and revan. with all four coming together. Vandar tells them of a planet where the jedi have been hiding vandar and others. kevar was already on dantooine, not killed by krea, her plain.


4. The Hint- during a dream the exile sees kreia, she tells him something that he must do she tells him there is a planet where they must go and he will find out that revan his back to his olds ways. the exile keeps things silent about his dream but tells them he feels something from that planet. they go there.


5. The Ambush- when they get there they feel a bad feeling and that is when they seperate. revan and the exile go to the planet while kevar and vandar stay on the planet. revan and the exile split up to cover the ruins of this old planet. a sith lord appears and fights with revan, revan and the lord fight for a while and revan gets cut from the sith on his arm and becomes wounded. then the ebon hawk lands and carth and bastilla in their seaching meet with vandar revan gets on the hawk and the exile is left there.


im lost from there i've been thinking of a plot like this for a long time, unrealistic, its what i want

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i think that the exile is needed in the last game


who said it had to be the last game? Obsidian? LucasArts? I don't even recall them even announcing KOTOR 3. Kotor has the potential and momentum to go for 5 games. Making it 3 games would make it one of the best trilogys ever for ome people, but making it five games would widen the story and fill all of the gaps left over from KOTOR 2. Obsidian cant squeeze all of the gaps into one game if they want that one game to have its own plot. Inserting the gaps separately into 3 games would allow the 3 games to let their own plots evolve.


(i will continue this post on the next one i post, because my computer freezes up everytime i try to post the entire post :headbump)


Ok, sorry about that. *curses at computer*


(the following is one of Shem's ideas, so give him the credit; and dont kill me shem)

At the begining of KOTOR 3, the game should ask you questions, such as:


Was Revan DS or LS?

Was Bastila killed?

Was Exile LS or DS?



(the following is my idea that i got after hearing shem's idea)


These are a few plots for the begining of KOTOR 3.


If Exile was LS:

Exile created a new jedi order and Council between KOTOR 2 and 3.


If Exile was LS and Revan was LS:

Revan returns from the Unknown Space and tells the Council about the True sith, telling them that the True Sith are going to attack the Galaxy


If Exile was LS and Revan was DS:

Revan returns with the True Sith and/or the powers of the True Sith, leading an attack on the galaxy.


If Exile was DS:

The Exile created a new Sith Order, with him leading them.


If Exile was DS and Revan was LS:

Revan Returns to Known Space to warn the jedi about the True Sith, but finds none left, instead encountering The Exile and his Sith.


If Exile was DS and Revan was DS:

Revan returns to Known Space leading True Sith against the galaxy, and fights with Exile.


These are just for the begining plot of KOTOR 3, not the entire plot.


And i realize i may have broken a rule by posting like this, but it was the only was i could get my thoughts down in this thread.


I would seriously start looking at your computer there, as your posts are nowhere near the limits and your freezing issue might be that you have some sort of spyware/malware on your computer. I combined your posts. -RH

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Though i do want kotor to continue after kotor 3, i do not think they should continue involving this story, as by the time they get to the last game where they have to use the 4 previous characters we created. its going to be hard enough incorporating exile and revan and the new pc in the 3rd.

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I have a distinct feeling that you are only going to meet Revan in the very beginning of the game. It would make a lot of sense for Revan to die at the hands of someone-most likely the true Sith. Maybe a cool cutscene of Revan being destroyed, and you have to follow in his wake. S/He could even have cryptic last words that are the key to destroying the True Sith or something. Revan is much too important to just be "dead" at the start of the 3rd game. The entire second game was riddled with hints about Revan, and it is specifically mentioned that he went to the Unknown Regions. Revan won't survive K3, imho, but he shoudl be alive for at least a quarter of the game.

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