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Favorite Pets (No, not your boy/girlfrinds)


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So, what kind of animals do you keep in your house beside your parents? What are your favorite animals and why, what uses would they have for you and vice versa (any you girls out wouldn't happen to want a snake by any chance eh?).

I personally am a more feline kind of person (ladies, meow...), I have four cats, but wait there's more, they're not ordinary cats, they're bald cats, yep, you heard me, BALD CATS. To some of you this type of cats may seem odd, disgusting or even repulsive, well let me tell ya' they're damn cute and lovable. Anyway I always wanted a green "dog-head" pithon, I just love those snakes, or maybe spides, those "eight-legged freaks", did you know that the bite of the Black Widow is 20 times more poisonous than the common rattlesnake.

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Well, I have some fuzzy mold growing on my window. I guess that counts. >_>


Seriously though, I have a plump cat by the name of Snoopy (he's a mutt; black and white interbred. Very sociable, though he's bulimic. No joke: he eats all his food and barfs shortly after. We had to put golf balls in his food to keep him from scarfing it all down at once).


I also have a dog by the name of Buddy. He's a lab-retriever mix, going on 9. He's very friendly, and generally mild mannered. He's a tad afraid of other animals, especially cats (apparently he was abused by a large cat when he was a puppy).



Are they sphinxes? If so, then you're very lucky. I love sphinxes, though their bald appearance is a tad shocking. Apparently they're very friendly and cuddly though, and they sound awesome.

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I'd love to have a snake. They're the cutest things in the world.


But since my mom hates them, I have to do with a dog and a cat. They're nice. We call them Rasseli and Arska.


A horse wouldn't be too bad either, but I don't think I'm responsible enough to own one. It would die in my care.

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alas i have allergies to most animals so i've never had a pet. Thinking about it I'm not sure if I actually am allergic or my parents were just cheap. Probably a mixture of the two.


Although I might look into that bald cat thing: no hairs = no allergy I think.

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We keep a cat. I usually leave the care of the thing up to my sister anyway, she seems to adore him most out of all of us. He used to belong to our next door neighbour, but she moved away and left him behind, so we took him in. Kept him ever since.


I used to keep two gerbils, Itchy and Stratchy. That was a few years ago now though. One of them died of menigitis (sp) which was pretty terrible, he was fitting and flipping about all over the place. The other one just lived out his life until he kicked his little gerbil bucket.


Also, ever heard of that game where you take the name of your first pet and put it with your mothers maiden name to create your porn-star name?


Itchy/Scratchy Evans... ;_;

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My brother is starting a reptile-breeding business. He's got about 12 snakes (including a 120 lb. 13ft. albino burmese) an american alligator (still young) and a various assortment of lizards, tarantulas, scorpions. the works. Probably about 42 animals he has.


I'm more of a cat person.

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Cats: Cresseda (a.k.a. Thing 1), Troylas (a.k.a. Thing 2), Chameleon (a.k.a The Lion), and Lala.


Dog: Bagel the Beagle.


Now one my bro's (I'm not going to be able to remember half of their names).


Nessie (Albino Burmese), Angel (Albino Burmese), Vincent (Albino Burmese), Myst (Redtail Boa), Vlad (Blood Python), Elizabeth (Blood Python), Cujo (American Alligator), Princess Rose (Rose-haired Tarantuala), The Orange Bitey Thing (some kind of tarantula), Cain & Abel (two emperor scorpians), Fluffy (Milipede) and a whole bunch I don 't know.

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I used to own a ball python named Nyoka, and I loved her. Then I had to leave for a while, and she died at my aunt and uncle's house, she got a sickness of some kind. She was so cool, though...


I also really love cats. So yeah, my favorite two types of pets are snakes and cats.

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