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Has anyone played thru as a gunfighter?


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Ive thought of this but never done it... its a plan though itll prolly happen over christmas break when I have nothing to do but play Knighty Olds. Generally it takes me less then a week to play through a game, Im working on Darth Krelick my Sith Marauder now and next Ill prolly do this character


Cassus Fett. Since the Cassus Fett items in the first game Ive wanted to do this. Jedi Sentinal Sith Assassin with upgraded Mandalorian items. The reason this hit me is because there is a face in TSL that looks like Jengo Fett in my opinion. There are soo many awesome feats for duel blasters so it should be awesome. Im getting sick of lightsabor fights I just wanna gun down someone. Im prolly gonna go back and play through K1 with Cassus Fett if I can find an apropriate face and then deck him out in all the Cassus Fett gear. Except then Im gonna make him a Soldier/Guardian for more combat ability. Seriously if you can utilize your entire character around Dex its awesome. Combining defense and offense in one ability. You can def afford to cut your strength to 8.

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For K1 id sugjest on useiung Scoundrel, just for the Sneak attack, then taking Guardian or such for Jedi class for health (Tho Councilor for powers, like staded befor. once stuned every hit lands)


for K2 Mandalorin Heavys fully upgraded are way way to over powered... (have 2 on atton with sneak attak X .... not much is left standing after a few vollies)

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"Ancient weapons and hokie religions are no match for a for a good blaster at your side..."


Han Solo: (Walks in room and sees Vader.)


Han Solo: (Fires several shots at Vader's head.)


Darth Vader: (Calmly deflects the blaster shots wit his hand.)


Darth Vader: (Calls upon his 'hoky religion' and pulls Han's blaster across the room.)


Darth Vader: I would be honored if you would join us.

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Han Solo: (Walks in room and sees Vader.)


Han Solo: (Fires several shots at Vader's head.)


Darth Vader: (Calmly deflects the blaster shots wit his hand.)


Darth Vader: (Calls upon his 'hoky religion' and pulls Han's blaster across the room.)


Darth Vader: I would be honored if you would join us.




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I used both guns and sabers.


My primary weapon set was a Green single saber and Freedon Nadd's short lightsaber.


But, my secondary weapon set was 2 watchman pistols. I would shoot them up from a distance, then I would press the weapon switch button and switch to my sabers if they made it to me.

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Electromesh armor (upgraded w/ energy and physical immunity)

Consciousness helm

Zeison-sha gauntlets

Quickness implant

Adrenaline stimulator


"Juice" up with a few stims, call upon the force and master shield myself from energy, click on my Echani deuling shield and pull my upgraded Mandalorian and Static-electric blaster pistols and I'll take on any anyone in the galaxy.


...this includes jedi hopefuls and sithspawn.

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Pistoling Jedi/Sith is fun... The other fun thing is dual Sith Tremor Blades. When Upgraded they do really well.


Basically you can ditch sabers and go Dual Pistol and Dual Blade. Too bad you can't use Pistol+Blade together.



...and what exactly would be the advantage of a pistol and a blade in each hand?

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