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The option to kiss an NPC at will


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You forget Jedi's can have sex... just not relationships. Sounds good to me


When are you ever told that? If you ask me, wouldn't those two lead to each other? I would think Jedi would probably already have to be in a relationship to even think of having sex. Love and passion are forbidden by the Jedi code. There was a discussion about this in the Cantina, in fact.


I think that this idea should take the very very back seat. Don't spend hardly any time on this, the game shouldn't be sexually centered. But it would be a nice addition.

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i agree with the person who said about startin off as a commando and somthin happenin i reckon u should be sent to the valley of the jedi with a team to take out sith somthin goes screwey and u end up versing a weak sith who has just killed a jedi and then u pick up his saber and get thrown into the force thingy and com out with it

u then kill or capture the sith

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I think the ability to kiss your love interest is a good idea but it should be a dialogue option at certain points. For instance, after you've run the course with Bastila and she admits that she does have some feelings for you you should have had an option [Just grab her.]. They you could kiss her, she could sort of fall into it and then push you away, slap you and storm off.


Good idea, i don't think you should be able to kiss at will, it wouldn't be good for the game but if you built up a relationship to a point and then get a dialogue option it would be almost like a quest

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^^^ Hmmm, thats wierd. I would think that that wouldn't be the case. Strange. Anyways, regardless of what Lucas said, it doesn't matter in the game, that isn't what it would be about. If they made a game like that I would never buy it. As I said, I really hope they put this one in the back seat.

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Actually when I wrote this, I didn't have regular Jedi's in mind. Perhaps a Gray Jedi with no formal attachment to the council (like Exile or Jolee Bindo) Who knows, at this point in Kotor III, there are so few Jedi's left- well Jedi's would have to get busy and make some new ones. Two force users would almost assuredly have offspring strong in the force.

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Speaking of "at-will"...I think it would be cool to punish or reward your NPC's at will and to have it affect your influence with them.

I hope they drop the influence crap. It's a pain in the @$$ when you have to gain DS points to gain favour if you're trying to do a LS file, and vice versa.

I though influence was a stupid idea, and I hope K3 doesn't have it.

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I hope they drop the influence crap. It's a pain in the @$$ when you have to gain DS points to gain favour if you're trying to do a LS file, and vice versa.

I though influence was a stupid idea, and I hope K3 doesn't have it.

I liked it. It is much more realistic. But I agree it could be implemented a bit better and not limit what you learn as much.
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I liked it. It is much more realistic. But I agree it could be implemented a bit better and not limit what you learn as much.


I wouldn't call it realistic, what happened was that when you turned somebody to the DS, only their alignment would change, but not their behaviour. It also lacked the situation to really turn somebody. K1 had that situation, but not the system. I really would have loved it if you can tell Carth to kill/not kill Saul, and that what he does would be somewhat based on your standing with him, and if he kills him, he would be turned to the DS and he would join you after the temple, if you chose the DS.

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I wouldn't call it realistic, what happened was that when you turned somebody to the DS, only their alignment would change, but not their behaviour. It also lacked the situation to really turn somebody. K1 had that situation, but not the system. I really would have loved it if you can tell Carth to kill/not kill Saul, and that what he does would be somewhat based on your standing with him, and if he kills him, he would be turned to the DS and he would join you after the temple, if you chose the DS.
My point was having your behavior influence other characters is reaslistic to real life. But I agree it could have been implemented better.
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Be mindful of your feelings.


It is forbidden for Jedi to have such attachments.

There's a reason for this.


One thing leads to another, the next thing you know there will be a bunch of little siths and younglings out in the backyard squaring off with dad's lightsaber when he's not home.


What would've happened if Luke and Leia grew up together with Vader as Dad?

What would Christmas be like at Uncle Sidious' house?


Takes sibling rivalry to a whole new level.



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What do you think you are saying. Yes they do follw the Jedi Code:

There is no emotion, there is peace

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge

There is no passion, there is serenity

There is no chaos, there is harmony

There is no death, there is the Force


BUT, in expanded universe and in Revenge of the Sith, you do have Jedi falling in love. Think of Jolee Bindo and his theory of love and Bastilla kissing you if you are the MalePC. There has to be some kissing. It's a spontaneous emotion or feeling and it is a natural reaction for humans. I don't know about aliens but there you go. Leave the kissing in besides its amusing to watch. :forkyou:

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I am with JediMaster12. Plus, there is a lot of grey jedi that are light sided and fall in love without problems. I still don't see the real reason behind the no love rule for jedi. It can lead to other things, but this is very difficult, and only happens with jedi, while there can be lots of good people who fall in love. Leia married and Luke fell in love numerous times.

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4th time I try to post this because of my stupid router (one dead router coming up)

What do you think you are saying. Yes they do follw the Jedi Code:

There is no emotion, there is peace

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge

There is no passion, there is serenity

There is no chaos, there is harmony

There is no death, there is the Force


It doesn't mention anything about one night stands. Though there is some debate possible about this, doe it require

ignorance (no)

chaos (no)

death (no, however it can create live)

emotion (debatable, but it doesn't really NEED it. There are other thing to make it rise. I think that is what Palpy meant when he sais something like 'rise my friend' in I believe EP VI)

passion (same as emotion)


A JC debate about exiling a Knight would be something like

JC: 'Did you impregnate her?'

Knight: 'Yep'

JC: 'Do you love her?'

Knight: 'Nope'

JC: 'In that case it's OK with us, hell, we do it all the time. Why do you think Bastila is our favorite Padawan?'


That is why the Sith are so much better, the Jedi are perverted.

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You guys are something else. As for passion and emotion being the same thing, they are two totally different things. As Jolee Bindo would say, passion leads to the dark side through anger and jealousy. Emotion does not lead to the dark side only to passion. Anger and jealousy are the misuse of emotion and passion.

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You guys are something else. As for passion and emotion being the same thing, they are two totally different things. As Jolee Bindo would say, passion leads to the dark side through anger and jealousy. Emotion does not lead to the dark side only to passion. Anger and jealousy are the misuse of emotion and passion.


I didn't mean to say that emotion and passion are the same thing, but the same reasoning can be applied.

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You know though, even though Luke changed the New Jedi Order it's like trying to justify using an AMRAM missile on a city, the way how he justifies using powers of the darkside, to me that chips away at integrity.


On another point: as Jolee would put it, "Love doesn't lead to the darkside. Passion which can lead to rage and fear and can be controlled but love itself will save you, not condemn you. Controlling your passions while being in love, that is what they should to beware. Love causes pain and how you deal with the bad part of love determines your character."


I hope that gives my thoughts. I may be a romantic idiot but that is what I believe and the option to kiss an NPC would give KOTOR 3 what KOTOR 1 had. :holosid:

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