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A must for KOTOR 3


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I think a must for the Kotor 3 is a remake of the combat system so it goes like this:


instead of turns with flurry and critical and that sort of things it should be a more (using x box controller cause its the one i know) x for quick attack a for strong, l1 for block etc if u get me so u have more cinematic lightsaber battles.


And for force powers u can program them in to the pad or have it so u can pause and activate them.


My reasoning behind this is because the current system its a turn based thing and it doesnt look like a proper battle. I would like a more Revenge of the sith game battle system which it goes into combat like in the old kotor when u press a (again x box controls)


For blasters it should be done in a similar way with an option to hit them with the blaster if they get too close


Also u should be able to change between first person and third person views (imagine a light saber battle in the first person view like elder scrolls)


Any ideas or critizims?

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No keep it a rpg but make the battles more fighting stlye so that they are continous flowing real time battles rather than turns


So basically you are suggesting what RobQel-Droma asked if you're suggesting.


Unless you're talking about a Jade Empire style combat. Even still, I don't think they should change the combat at all for K3. It would make the game completely different from what we know KOTOR to be.

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No. Kotor is an RPG based on the d20 system and let's keep it like that. I am personally not a big fan of games where you have to press xyxxya to do a certain move, xxxy for another, etc. If my want to practice my skills and reflexes with a controller, I'll play something else. I hope they never turn Kotor into another button mashing game. Turn base is fine.

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im not talking about combos and that but dont u guys think (by the way before i go any further i love this game im not trying to change it and the way it works dramaticlly) that the fighting system as it is, is choppy and is in no relation to star wars and is not life like


Wouldnt it eb better if it flowed and was not turned based so lightsaber battles looked like (for example) when obi one fought anikan on mustaff were there light sabes swung about clashing looking like a proper battle


As it is at the moment it is one attack then a flurry while hte other person sits there. Then the next one does an attack, then the opposition. Its not realistic and its boring. Cant anyone see what im saying?

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I know what you are saying and I totally disagree: I like the combat system in kotor and I prefer to have a turned based system that a hack and slash thing. Kotor is a story driven rpg based on the d20 system and let's keep it that way. I don't play it for the "look" of the battles.

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You don't have to change the combat system to make it more fluid, as far as I know. How could you even consider changing the combat system? If it was like JA I wouldn't buy it. Not that I don't like JA, I have it, but KotOR is not a Jedi Knight game. You would lose a lot of fans, it is fine like it is.

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Well I agree with most of you here for sure. I'm old school. Keep the turn based system. Something I suggested in a previous thread was having multiple animations for attacks, critical strikes, power attacks, and flurries. Have say 4 or more for each type of attack. Whichever animation is used simply depends on what your opponent is doing.


The way the system is right now, you have like 2 different attack animations and the animation for critical strikes, power attacks, and flurries looks exactly the same every time. The only time it changes is when you level up your feats and even then it's only one animation every time you do. I say this needs to be changed but not the entire combat system. I agree that the combat in these games makes them unique and would just like to see more animations for EVERY type of attack in the new game. :)

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ok il back down and acccept it but i would like to say more saber clashes and have it like (dam it cant remmber the game) were it zooms in were u saber clash and u lean one way and the other before one over powers the other (sry bad explanation)


Also u guys keep saying Ja ... whats that?

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You don't have to change the combat system to make it more fluid, as far as I know. How could you even consider changing the combat system? If it was like JA I wouldn't buy it. Not that I don't like JA, I have it, but KotOR is not a Jedi Knight game. You would lose a lot of fans, it is fine like it is.

Agreed! Keep the D20 but make animations more fluid! It looks kinda weird if you are fighting someone to the death and he kindly waits for you to come running to him before he shoots or wait for you to attack before he hits again...

They should really eliminate the small pauses between one attack and another... right now it is like "Hack-hack-hack" - pause - "hack-hack-hack"-pause .... not really realistic or good-looking.

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But I don't want them to make that part of the game "entertaining" and do nothing for the other parts. It should take a back seat. If they have a lot of time, do it, if not, there are more important things that should be worked on. Like a good story that is logical. And main quests that are better tied together. Stuff like that. The animations are ok the way they are now, it isn't first priority.

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I agree Rob, I want more emphasis on giving an engrossing story and complete NPC's, and finishing off the 'features', like Influence*, that TSL already made.


* Like if you turn your NPC DS, they will give darkside responses to converstaions.


Agreed! Keep the D20 but make animations more fluid! It looks kinda weird if you are fighting someone to the death and he kindly waits for you to come running to him before he shoots or wait for you to attack before he hits again...

They should really eliminate the small pauses between one attack and another... right now it is like "Hack-hack-hack" - pause - "hack-hack-hack"-pause .... not really realistic or good-looking.

Unfortunately this is how it will be... hence the term "turn based" combat.


[Rant] I see many of posters who favor the hyper-action of the FPS, or any of the reflex-laden button-mashing games, so they don't realise that with RPG's it is supposed to be different. With a turn based PnP RPG system like D20 that is how combat looks.


See the KOTOR engine is actually a faithful reprisentation of how combat is done in that system. The very rules of the D20 system itself prohibit many of the things that would allow you to do what you want to add "fluidity" to the game.


Bottom line, "fluidic combat" it isn't happening while using the D20 system, it will always remain ""Hack-hack-hack" -pause- "hack-hack-hack" -pause-", that is how the system works.


Can we see some new combat animations? Yes.

Will combat be "fluid"? No. It will still have the attack, pause, attack combat rounds. [/Rant]

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