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Hoth Impossible

EI 9373

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You know, in hindiight, the storymode is the second worst POS for a modern shoot-em-up this millenium.


The first being BF1. I mean, doesn't anyone else feel ripped off that 99% of all objectives involve capturing posts and the Hoth level is a rip-off?


When I lose games, I prefer to lose through my own stupidity. Not because it's me versus the entire rebellion on my own. It isn't even about 'skill' more about luck sometimes and I refuse to play though the story mode on PC, at least you can cheat on 2-player co-op.


We want OBJECTIVES, not stupid 'move the flag into position against infinately spawning rebels'.

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when i buy the game im gonna have to play it on elite cause normal was too easy for me. the ONLY mission i had trouble with was the one where vader boards the princesses ship. mainly cause i was being stupid and couldnt find where she was hiding. about the 3rd time i used the map.... :\



oh and for the record i found hoth to be dissapointing for its lack of challenge... maby ellite will challende me more. :twogun:

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Hoth is way harder than the rest.


Its like impossable to stop the rebels from dropping a million nades into the trench destroying the bomb after you plant it.


I know someone talk about vader but he never comes out after the cut scene. I have the PC CD version, but doubt it makes any difference.


I am sure I myself did not destroy the bomb, cause FF is off, and the random rifle spray is not deadly enough.

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The rebel base is protected by loads of sentry guns, so you really need someone as nimble as maul to muck around outside...


I find it funny that it actually a really good co-op level though, when one dies, the other can respawn and give backup. Easy.

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  Redtech said:
The rebel base is protected by loads of sentry guns, so you really need someone as nimble as maul to muck around outside...

You can fly back there in a stolen speeder and blow them all up without taking any damage. Do this before you reach the area as a objective.

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  JawaJoey said:
Oh good, it's not just my computer. The ground on Hoth is blindingly white, which is annoying. Also, on Naboo, the ground is completely black in most places.




You both know you can change the brightness and the contrast right?

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  • 1 month later...

Hoth was simple, use vader. BEFORE you place the signal, destroy all turrets. If you lost him, be a ENGINEER after you drop it because the rebels will IGNORE you. They just keep chucking gernades at the objective. It takes at least 5 gernades to take <10% off(xbox version) the objective and you repair 5+% every second. If you take damage, give yourself health. You can kill rebels every so often inbetween too or let them run out of ammo(which they will).

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was playing Hoth with my cousin the rebels always won. I would be in a At-At and I would be destroying all of the turrets and I destroyed the sheild generator and then my cousin and I went onto the next part of Hoth and that is when the hard part came up with the beacon. And my cousin was Vader and I have no idea how he died, probably with a grenade

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if u think hoth is hard you should try polis masa. That is hard. I admit i had trouble with hoth and polis masa. for hoth you just have to keep on attacking there hanger after you take out the shield generator. for polis masa take over there main base at the other end trust me they work just try it..

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  sjracer said:
if u think hoth is hard you should try polis masa. That is hard. I admit i had trouble with hoth and polis masa. for hoth you just have to keep on attacking there hanger after you take out the shield generator. for polis masa take over there main base at the other end trust me they work just try it..


Polis Massa...isn't too hard. After playing it once I had no problem beatinf afterwards. But, eh, we all have are own opinions.

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Well space mission is a whole new ballgame, but not too hard when you used to it. It is also nice to change the space controls to suit your needs, like disable reverse mouse, and change the "roll" buttons to your A and D.


Polis Massa is a bit annoying, in the way where stupid teammates are always blocking your path. I won't call it hard though, just annoying. FF off helps alot here. (then again I don't really like to play FF off, I get more kills off my team than comp most of the times)

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