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Sith Lords: You know you have it bad when...


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798) You mix Star Trek with Star Wars

Mixing that can get you killed!


806) You got beat up by a trekkie for using words like LightSpeed/schutta/blaster/TheForce/Queeway-wannabes while watching StarTrek.


807) You Mod your computer to look like T3/HK47/EbonHawk.


808) You think Gundams are just really big Jedis, cause they are obviously using LightSabers!

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815) You start genetic experiments on monkeys in order to produce a Tach from which you can extract glands to make Tarisian Ale.

Fixed! :xp:I wonder if we could get some of those people who make Romulan Ale make up some Tarisian Ale? Hmm...

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819) You attack someone with a knife because they said they played through slightly differently.

820) After going to court for 819, you attempt to Force Persuade the judge to let you go free.

821) While in prison, you think that an assassin is going to steal the identity of one of the guards, and let you out only to kill you.

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824) ... you actually use the phase "charging up the loading ramp" before you try to make out with your girl.


825) ... instead of laughing senseless, your girlfriend reacts to you with HK47's definition of love.


426) ... while coving your wounds, you wonder if you should answer to her saying "There is a certain lethal charm in such a shot, I agree" or "Then I don't think I've ever been in love"


427) ... and she got sooo "shut up and press your mouth against my slimey lips" Bastila style!



PS: Ok, thats pure fantasy for the last three... though I would so take any girl who did that home. :3

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Of course igyman. I am sooo guilty. You don't want to hear what I had planned for Jolee. I was laughing for thirty minutes :D


828) You start writing absurd plots to the games that occur behind the scenes


829) You read some of these and it becomes etched in your mind like a bad song

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830) You create an mp³ out of random clips from the game mixed with techno music and it becomes a hit across the internet.

831) Every thought in your head relates directly to TSL.

832) You write an essay on TSL when you were supposed to write one on something completely unrelated.

833) You wear a veil over your eyes like Visas and get a severe concussion from all the things you walk into.

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