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Dissapointments (spoiler)

Axe Windu

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Was anyone slightly dissapointed with the game? I mean I thought the things you can do in the game were vastly better then knighty olds 1 but the storyline doesnt even compare. This storyline is full of questions and holes, and it basically was missing the star wars feel. The first game had yah know the dark lord and his apprentice and bounty hunters came after you and planetary distruction and all the characters just had like this star wars feeling about them. And you turning out to be Revan was a very nice plot twist. This one really didnt have the feel... the whole thing as you as the exile... it couldve been done way better. There was more or less no twist, I mean a slight one but not really. I found myself at points having a lack of motivation... With the exception of Atton who had a very star wars feel to him, HK, and T3 the other people in your group are flacid. Goto is just dumb, Kreia is confusing and annoying (especially since she complains no matter what extreme you take), Hand Madden is a cool fighter but too spartan, Bao Dor is cool but you cant robe him when he goes jedi and hes not up to par with the team fighting wise, Visas is so easy to redeem shes so obsessed with you it just seems ridiculous, Canderous is Canderous no complaints there but he was cooler in the last game, Hanharr is def cooler then Big Z. I mean all the other characters in KOTOR 1 were very thought out and developed and these were flacid. The main dissapointment though was the ending. A like 5 second movie? Come on... what was that. The ending of the redemption of Revan was very cool.... this movie was ridiculous. I dont even know what happened. You assumidly take over or you go to the unknown region. And what was the whole thing with remote and goto... like why didnt they thoroughly complete that, I mean you kinda know what happens but I wanna see all that.... like seriously it was just stupid. They shouldve had a better ending and a way better storyline and developed the NPCs more. They focused too much on getting the game done quick and having better features... which the features were really nice. The next game better have a better storyline and way better NPCs. I still cant put down the controller though lol even after Ive beaten it like 10 times.

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I must admit that it isn´t the Star Wars feeling at all, you know. In SW the freelances (like the exile) are allways smogglers, fight for money... If you are a jedi the cool thing is having all the order behind you, being part of the legend.


And, the plot is too mysterious, you don´t know why you do things, you just take missions with no complains, just cinematics.


But it has the SW "romantic" line (meaning the ideals, the fight for freedom...), and the Jedi vs Sith and so on.


P.S. I believe that a bit of autocritc should be good with the game. We can admit what we don´t like, and try to let the designers know or truly opinion for improving the next (if there is) game.

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Wow. Another TSL bashing thread.

TSL, ignoring the fact that it was supposedly a sequal, was a fairly good game. The graphics were good, gameplay was excellent, and the story was good (again, ignoring the fact that it was a sequal) right up until the end, which, admitedly, was very weak.

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I agree that that graphics and all that were awesome, like thats why I keep playing it, and the new features, but the story line needed a lot more explanation. I wanted to know more about every character and the end was a huge let down... and I really dont think it had the star wars feel to it. Im not really bashing it I still love the game I just think it needed many improvements and the next game should have those.

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I adored TSL for it's refreshing break off from the traditional Star Wars vibe. The music, the lighting, and especially the characters wove the best story I've had the pleasure of playing out in a video game. In fact, I wasn't at all disappointed with it until I found out about how much was removed, and how much better the game would have been had it been left in. I truly believe that if the devs had left in the stuff that the TSLRP is restoring now, it would have gotten the same praise the first game received.


The biggest "problem" with the game was that most of the key points of the story were in dialogue, and it took a lot of talking to learn those details that make it so compelling. That being said, the writing of KotOR II's dialogue was delicious in it’s own. The constant reminder of "Dark is bad, Light is good" was totally wiped away, and the new perspective on the situation was good not only as a story element and counter to the general SW message, but in fact a valid life lesson, in some cases.

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TSL > KotOR.


absolute statement of fact, even given the lost content and rushed release. improved interface, better [and more fun/interesting] item upgrade scheme, more/better Force powers, and the removal of the Level 20 cap. More intriguing characters whose stories actually reward with XP and other bonuses that are fun to unlock. (I still love Jolee though) Better introductory level (Peragus vs. Taris? Please. Eff Taris)


even more reasons i will post when i am more...sober.

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ok I agree the features of the game game were wayy better... but the storyline though saturated had a lot of stuff that Im still going what? Or atleast there could have been more to the story. And the ending was really weak... and I agree if they wouldve left material in I bet it would be amazing. Mostly because I bet it wouldve filld in what I miss. I mean I want a frieking ending! I wanna know what was up with Nihlis! I dont want an entire game based of Kreia saying cryptic things. I wanna know more about what happened to Revan. Seriously heres how the game would be perfect... slightly more explanation about everyone and everything, up the star wars feel just a little, and have a very detailed and descriptive ending. What exactly was cut out?

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Kreia is confusing and annoying (especially since she complains no matter what extreme you take),


That's because the players respond best to their alignment. For instance, Kreia is a permanent Neutral. Therefore, any do-gooder or villainy phrase you say to her will get you a loss in Influence. I don't see what the problem is, as her little confrontations won't gain or lose D/LSPs if you answer neutrally, and there are more than enough chances to gain them to full by end of your first world after.

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TSL > KotOR.


absolute statement of fact, even given the lost content and rushed release. improved interface, better [and more fun/interesting] item upgrade scheme, more/better Force powers, and the removal of the Level 20 cap. More intriguing characters whose stories actually reward with XP and other bonuses that are fun to unlock. (I still love Jolee though) Better introductory level (Peragus vs. Taris? Please. Eff Taris)


even more reasons i will post when i am more...sober.


Seek professional help. Stop laughing, I'm serious.

TSL was the nowhere near as good as KotOR. There is no way you can think otherwise and still remain sane:xp:

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TSL had no story. The main sticking point for me was "WHY?!". Why were you wandering round planets, seemingly completely aimlessly (and cluelessly), doing not much for no particular goal in the long run. You just wander around! In K1 you were doing something! You had an overall mission! You had to stop the Dark Lord, and that was all you needed to know- the pace of the story, and the plot explained everything else.


Then there's the bland characters with zilcho in the way of fleshing-out, confusing lack of side-quests (or crap ones), party NPCs who are 2-dimensional and almost entirely irritating (T3 just about avoids getting on your nerves, as does Candalore, just, thanks to his complete lack of dialogue.).


Crappy dialogue, huuuuuuuuge plot holes, waste-of-time crap like Korriban, Dxun, Telos, or most of Nar Shadaa, and for what? So Kreia can get pissy with you at the end of the game and then die. Why couldn't the old hag have died at the beginning of the game?! Atris appears repeatedly, and you think "Hm, I wonder what will happen here...", and then nothing does! Grrrrrrr........4/10 in it's present state. With the TSLRP and M4-78 Restoration,and a few extra planets, maybe closer to 8/10.


And don't get me STARTED on the bloody influence system...

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Geez, did you even listen to anything that went on? It sounds like you had your eyes closed half the time. If you think the dialogue was "crappy", I'm not sure what to tell you, save that it wasn't. "Huuuuuuuuge plot holes". Great. Examples?


Blah blah blah etc. It sounds like you ignored or didn't acknowledge any good points, focusing solely on what bad there was. Furthermore, you've made the bad sound totally horrific. Hard to believe that the fan base seems to generally rate it a 9/10, eh? I mean, seriously, if you rejected all that from TSL, KotOR must have been a real drag too. They aren’t that far from each other. The M4-78 restoration and TSLRP will expand what's already there; not enough to raise it another 4 stars on your strange scale of rating. If you hate it so much beforehand, you're still going to hate it afterwards.

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Agreed. It seems more and more like a majority of the people out there have 0 clue what TSLRP is actually going to do. If you don't like TSL now, you probably aren't going to like it much more when the RP is released (not to take away from that team's Hurclean effort).

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Geez, did you even listen to anything that went on? It sounds like you had your eyes closed half the time. If you think the dialogue was "crappy", I'm not sure what to tell you, save that it wasn't. "Huuuuuuuuge plot holes". Great. Examples?


What about Atton's special ability to sense danger? [The Harbinger], or finding the HK-50's? The end between the Remote and G0-T0? What happens to your party at the end? Where do the Sith Soldiers on Peragus come from?

Why are only the Jedi masters seen in the fame still, when they are the best hidden, and there are supposedly other knights still around? Where is M4-78? Why does Atris keep reappearing for no apparent reason? Why are you wandering around planets, seemingly aimlessly (depending on dialogue choices you make with Atris)? In K1, Canderous said he no longer believed in the whole mercenary/thug/planet-burner thing. Why in K2 has he decided to take it up again? What happened to the Rakata? You could well kill Bastila in K1, how come she reappears in K2? What is the point of Force Sight? How come these "echoes" in the Force are only just being felt?


Now, on their own, most of these seem pretty minor, but together, it's a lot more irritating. Now I know a lot more of the answers thanks to the RP, but when I first played through, none of this made any sense.


Perhaps I badly phrased myself on the dialogue. It was far too sparse, and a lot of it was re-used phrases and word usage, and some of the NPCs had zilch dialogue (Atton, Mandalore).


Blah blah blah etc. It sounds like you ignored or didn't acknowledge any good points, focusing solely on what bad there was.

I'm criticising it, and I don't like it. Of course I'm gonna focus solely on the bad!

Furthermore, you've made the bad sound totally horrific. Hard to believe that the fan base seems to generally rate it a 9/10, eh?

The majority is not always right.

I mean, seriously, if you rejected all that from TSL, KotOR must have been a real drag too. They aren’t that far from each other.

I beg to differ. KotOR is an epic saga; TSL is attempting to be an intellectually challenging story - and that, IMHO, is where it ultimately fails.


The M4-78 restoration and TSLRP will expand what's already there; not enough to raise it another 4 stars on your strange scale of rating. If you hate it so much beforehand, you're still going to hate it afterwards.


Have you seen how much they are restoring? It's debatable. In any case, I dont *hate* the game. I don't like it, because of the reasons I mentioned above ;)

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