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Should I buy this game?


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Most Definately you should, and hunt mode is where you hunt creatures that inhabit a planet in a time limit, and if the time runs out without you being able to hunt down every creature you lose, but if you do hunt them all down before the time runs out you win, and sorry I can't help you out with the pc version I only own console.

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If you liked the first Battlefront, then you will really enjoy this game. The ground combat feels generally the same, which can be both a good and bad thing. Hunt mode is basically, a hunt. There aren't a ton of units on the maps, so it feels like predator hunting prey, though it depends on the map. You can play as one of the classes in the game (preselected) or you can play as a local side, such as gun-totin' jawas or rock chuckin' ewoks. Also, here are ratings for the game by fellow members: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=154456

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wow quick response thanks, also how do u put a pic in ur signiture, sorry i know its completely off-topic
Create an account at photobucket.com (or any other image storage site), upload the picture that's saved on your computer to your account, then copy and paste onto your sig the item that looks like:




In full, it would look something like yourpicturehere Hope that helps! :)

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Well as far as games go, it's clear that SWBF is primarily a multiplayer game. The SP campaign is extremely short.


I'm told that SWBF2's SP campaign is somewhat longer (and much harder due to the enemy having unlimited reinforcements and you most of the orders to give to your AI teammates being unavailable). I have only messed around with it, mostly preferring to play MP.


Yeah, if you don't have a problem spending $50 on a game you can beat in 24 hours, then no biggie. Otherwise wait for it to go down in price. ;)


Most of the time FPS games have less than 24 hours of gameplay in them, it's the obsessed players and kids with too much caffiene who can do it in ONE DAY because they play non-stop. ;) If you break up a 24 hour game into say, 2 hours a day, it'll take you 12 days to complete. So it also depends on how heavily you play...

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Do you like SWBF? If you do, you will most likely like SWBF2. I keep complaining about little map glitches, but you don't notice them when you are focused on beating the enemy. You can always wait some more until the price comes down. Did you play the beta? Its just like that, except with more maps.

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