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Is the Exile "evil" by default? (Spoilers)


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I've always been one of the Exile's fans, but something bothers me...


Is the Exile evil because of cutting him/herself off from the Force

aboard Malachor V? I know that he/she only did it to survive, yet

the Exile caused a huge wound in the Force, which is kind of like

the ozone layer. The Jedi Masters seek to cut the Exile off from

the Force a second time aboard Dantooine, yet wouldn't this

second severing cause an even bigger wound in the Force?


Also, it seems the Exile can "feed" off of others, either

energizing and encouraging them or corrupting them. I

believe that exploiting others for evil purposes is indeed

evil, and yet is the Exile evil by default because he or

she has this power over the companions with him/her?


My answer is no on both counts. In my case, I played my game as LS

as I possibly could, even though I didn't achieve an alignment of 100.


What do you think?

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The darkside resides in all of us.

To be a servant of the light, you must resist temptation and walk the path of the true jedi...


Oh nevermind.


It is possible to reach 100% LS alignment, and there are benefits to doing this.

The exile will only become evil if he/she commits 'evil' acts or exploits others to do so. Also, conversations are very important to alignment. What you say matters.

But, to reach true LS alignment, (almost)everything done or said must be positive.


My advice to reach this goal: Save alot, just in case.

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I've always been one of the Exile's fans, but something bothers me...


Is the Exile evil because of cutting him/herself off from the Force

aboard Malachor V? I know that he/she only did it to survive, yet

the Exile caused a huge wound in the Force, which is kind of like

the ozone layer.


The Exile did this act instinctually, not willingly, therefore he can't be held responsible.


The Jedi Masters seek to cut the Exile off from

the Force a second time aboard Dantooine, yet wouldn't this

second severing cause an even bigger wound in the Force?


Kreia says that there are techniques within the Force to cut somebody off, what I think happened is that due to the sudden and violent nature within which the Exile cut himself off it likely resulted in reprecussions that wouldn't have resulted if done by the Jedi Masters.



Also, it seems the Exile can "feed" off of others, either

energizing and encouraging them or corrupting them. I

believe that exploiting others for evil purposes is indeed

evil, and yet is the Exile evil by default because he or

she has this power over the companions with him/her?


Again this was happening without the Exile's knowledge.

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I was always under the impression that the Exile's being cut off from the Force was not a conscious choice. He didn't think, 'I'm going to cut myself off from the Force so I can slaughter all these beings and not feel it.' He ordered for the destruction of Malachor and some deep down part of him knew that the death of so many would cause him irreparable harm so subconciously he severed his ties...believing later that the Jedi had done that to him as punishment for disobeying the council and joining Revan.


In fact, I think that the fact that the Exile decided to come back to answer for what he did signals that he was LS, just really confused at that point. What the Council feared was not what happened at Malachor, it was what Exile had become. HE was a wound in the Force that, being a Jedi, could still call upon Force powers by leeching the Force from others, and not understanding how that was possible and scared that such a thing could cause them harm the Council banished him from the Order.


Furthermore, the Exile's feeding off of other's Force power was an affect of his being cut off from the Force and whether you believe he exploits this affect or uses it because it's the only choice he has is determined by whether you think he is LS or DS. If he's needed to save the galaxy, and he intends to do good and doesn't try to manipulate his companions untruthfully then I don't see why he shouldn't use the only means he has of drawing on the Force...in fact it's practically his duty, which is why the Council deciding not to help him at the end so devastasting and mind-boggling, explained mostly by the fact that the Jedi Council, despite all their knowledge, is scared of what they don't understand. It seems that in most cases the Jedi leadership from Revan's time through the end of the Jedi at the hands of Sidious and Vader would rather hold firm to what they knew than risk failure and the unknown for the chance of doing greater good.

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Not necessarily. Who's to say it wouldn't have been the same if the masters had done this. I'm not sure even jedi masters could have stopped the wound.


Well, I don't think the Masters were trying to stop the wound so much as eliminate the possible source of future wounds. As for the result who knows, I'm of the opinion it probably would have worked since it was indicated that the direct cause for the first wound had been the fact that there was so much death and destruction at the time that the Exile cut himself off from the Force and it had caused an abnormality.

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I've always been one of the Exile's fans, but something bothers me...


Is the Exile evil because of cutting him/herself off from the Force

aboard Malachor V?


I'm sure he/she would be if you were following Christian constructs. But no, you are not and should not be held responsible for anything totally beyond your control; The Exile severed him/herself from the force as a defensive reaction.

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Well, I don't think the Masters were trying to stop the wound so much as eliminate the possible source of future wounds. As for the result who knows, I'm of the opinion it probably would have worked since it was indicated that the direct cause for the first wound had been the fact that there was so much death and destruction at the time that the Exile cut himself off from the Force and it had caused an abnormality.


I'm under the assumption that a wound would have occured regardless of how it came about. Whether it was done unconciously or by the hand of the masters.

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Well, presumably that's what the devs wanted all along. Hopefully the fan base can wrap their minds around what happened and make their own projections as to the nature of the whole thing, and it looks like so far it's coming along brilliantly. :)

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Also, it seems the Exile can "feed" off of others, either

energizing and encouraging them or corrupting them. I

believe that exploiting others for evil purposes is indeed

evil, and yet is the Exile evil by default because he or

she has this power over the companions with him/her?


Well, if your light (and I believe just female) you leave to go onto the Ebon Hawk and the Disciple talks to you. You say that you think you had power over your campanions. The Diciple said that he came on his own free will and he said he was absolutely positive. So, hat would say that you weren't entirely evil. In fact, you might not be evil at all.

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See, in my opinion, Revan, good or evil, is a hero, while the Exile, good or evil, is a threat to the Force itself.


Well basically yes.


Revan, even as DS, is going to face off a threat somewhere out there, though we don't know what it is(I mean, this may go as far as a certain bug species, or a certain Force-Closed organic-worshipping species).


For Exile though, the wound thing is kinda cured towards the end though, which is unfortunate.

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