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The new fruits of my labor


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That's my dad's friends xbox, he wanted me to mod it for him, so I did all this basically this weekend. It has a blue front power/eject light, Clear Jewel lit up with 8 blue leds, and the sides are lit up with 10 leds per side. And that's not all, I put rumble lights for his controller in the back memory card slot, here's a video...




There's the real video.


Yay, I got some free leds, a sticker that says "Robots WILL kill you.", and 20 bucks out of it, and the satisfaction of doing all this :D


Let me know what you think.


*PLUG* http://www.xbox-scene.com for mod tutorials *PLUG*

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Oh ****.


I put the wrong vid up...my mom is gonna kick my ass...


Alright, I got the right video up, that's what I get for not renaming my files.


I think that video needs some explaining.


We were at my aunts house, and my lil bro kept feeling my cousins tu tu. I said stop it unless you want to wear it. And he said ok, and put it on. I worry about him. I really really do.


And as long as that video stays on these forums, I don't care, but if it leaks to other parts of the internet, my god I will kick the ass of person that uploaded it.

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