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Worst (or least favorite) Star Wars video game


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Jedi Power Battles, any system. Bad camera system, frustrating puzzles (that often "broke" making the game impossible to complete), repetative gameplay, disregard for "common sense" in the franchise (such as people being able to block lightsabers with their hands and take multiple hits without any sort of armor and not die or be cut to ribbons). The horrible graphics of the PSX version were fixed in the DC version, and the jumping puzzles toned down, but the game still sucked.


Episode I: Obi-Wan was pretty universally panned, though I didn't actually play it myself, only saw it in action a few times.


Star Wars Battlefront was a huge disappointment especially in terms of multiplayer and ship flying, as was the multiplayer version of (the otherwise fantastic) Republic Commando, but neither were really bad games, they just didn't live up to their potential, IMHO. The lack of support after release would have been forgivable if the two titles had been less buggy out of box.


Force Commander is another game that's fairly well hated or considered crap, though again, I only watched somebody play it over their shoulder, never took the controls myself.


Revenge of the Sith is another game often complained about, due to (again, haven't played it myself), a bad camera system and simplistic "button mashing" gameplay. In general it seems the title was merely overhyped to cash in on the movie hype, rather than being something revolutionary as it was claimed to be. People were disappointed by the "cooperative mode" which was only a few levels rather than the whole game in order, as many people hoped.

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ROTS is a game I played. I liked the graphics, but that's about it. I laughed at how they were bragging revolutionary saber dueling action. Um.....sorry...nope. Jedi Outcast/Academy still pwns on that one. The multiplayer of ROTS was disappointing. It was nothing more than Street Fighter 2 with lightsabers. Even then, the lightsaber dueling was more like hitting each other with Nerf crotch bats. Then there's the force powers....all two of them. Why was Mind Trick the light side power they chose to use? It only works on the weak-minded, not force attuned people. Yet in this game you can mind trick each other. WTF is that?!?!?!


I also can't stand how Darth Vader uses force lightning. Just wrong.


I never played the SP campaigns.


All it was is just pure media hype. First play the game, then watch the movie....and see how idiotic the game was.

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Hold on, hold on. Isn't the storyline for the game the ROTS storyline?

Yeah.....I can't agree with them on the plot since ROTS (the movie) was arguably the best SW movie ever. Perhaps we need categories here.


1. Worst bastardization of the Star Wars storyline: Yoda Stories

2. Most confusing game: Star Wars Rebellion

3. Worst hyped up media P.O.S.: Revenge of the Sith

4. Worst attempt at making a SW sports game: Episode 1 Racer

5. Worst annoying puzzle game: Pit Droid (or WTF it was called)

6. Worst placement of SW characters in a situation where they'd never be: Star Wars Masters of Teras Kaasi

7. Worst overall double-fisted @$$ raping of Star Wars/crimes against humanity: Star Wars Galaxies



Any others?

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I still don't understand SWG what is it?
It's basically the Star Wars version (failed attempt really) at MMORPG (massive multiplayer online Role playeing game). If you've ever heard of Everquest, this is a lame Lucasarts/Sony version. I never played it myself. I have friends who played it and stopped after a few weeks. I hear it's horribly boring and nothing ever happens.
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Yes you can. Basically you walk around on foot, and you can also travel between planets. There's an expansion for space flying called Jump to Lightspeed.


Basically from what I gather, like most MMORPG's, most of people's time is spent "grinding" (ie: killing the same enemies over and over again to build up experience and money) and chatting with people. You're "supposed" to do other things like go on missions and explore and fight battles and things, but apparently people quickly settle into old routines that get very boring. Then you have crap like people selling "items" they got in game in real life and similar stupidity. And endless whining about changes made in the game or that "need" to be made. It's always the same with these types of things.


Anyway, with an MMORPG typically you pay a monthly fee in order to have access to this "massive" persistent online world of thousands of other gamers. You interact with other characters in this "world." There's no way to "win" or end the game except quitting your subscription, though I hear there's a cap on character levels, so eventually you'll do everything you possibly can and get bored. But people stay around and "chat" and stuff or just mess around.

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...AND don't get us started on Jedi characters (oops....too late)


Basically they decided on the stupidest way of going about making Jedi characters. The problem is that every n00b and poser out there in SW fandom would say "if I were in SW, I'd be a Jedi." However force potential is rare, much like common sense. So Sony tried to think of a way to make it rare. Basically you have to find holocrons. You only get holocrons based on random missions. Now it's not like in other MMORPG or MUDs (multi-user dungeons) where the same quest gives everyone the same crap. Just because one idiot (I call them that since they ARE persistently playing the game after all) gets a holocron doing a mission, it doesn't mean everyone will.


Honestly, in my opinion, MMORPG (Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest, Ultima Online, City of Heros/Villains, etc...) is not only the worst genre of game, but it is the new opiate of the weak-minded and glib.


If only I felt more strongly about the matter. :cool:

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They do give you the first 30 days free! But yeah, it would feel like you didn't really own the game, and put pressure on you to play it constantly or not "get your money's worth."

Does that mean I could try it out for a whole month and then cancel my subscription and not have to pay anything?

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Does that mean I could try it out for a whole month and then cancel my subscription and not have to pay anything?


The wait time is huge. I tried to get a 14 day trial ages ago. Then I heard just how crappy of a game it really is.


And SW Racer isn't the worst SW sports game, Bombad Racing or Demolition gets that award ;)

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