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Lightsaber forms for KotOR III


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As the devs are making KotOR III (I hope), one of the things I think they should put in/keep is the Lightsaber forms. TSL was a good start in this respect, with the different bonuses and hindrances that the forms gave you, but it would be cool if they took them a little bit farther. Such as:


1) Different stances for the lightsaber styles. Maybe even different stances in combat, since, you know, there are such things as "Jedi ready stance," "Neutral forward," "Defensive neutral," and so on. Maybe not all of them, but maybe just different form stances and a aggressive and a defensive stance.


2) I would like them to include the other forms: Sokan, Jar-Kai, Shien, Trakata, and Dun Moch. Perhaps even your own personal form, when you got advanced enough? The fact is, it is always referred to as "the seven lightsaber forms", but there are technically about 13 or so that have been used.


3) Different animations for the different forms. Not the varying animations for stuff like Flurry and Power Attack, but different looking attacks depending on saber form. Maybe they could kind of put those animations in distinctive sets, so that while using Makashi, the attacks will look different but have the "Makashi look" or style to them. But then, when you change forms, say to Ataru, the attacks look more brutal. This would be easy with Trakata- each attack the animation will show, the blade will turn off, and then turn on attacking the enemy.

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As Achilles said above, instead of adding 'fluff' animations for combat, I also would rather see development time spent on story related things, like the Influence system, also actually being able to redeem or corrupt your NPC's, have an actual seen effect on the planets you visit as you either save them or condemn them to darkness... and fix them darn robe textures too! :D

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I had an idea about making your own form:


You get a Form-point. You can now go to one of the masters in the Academy to spend it on a part.

For example: If you go to Vrook, your can choose a defensive part.

Visiting (example) Master Kavar will result in a Attack boost.


You can 'buy' different parts and link them. Vrook may have +1 Blaster Deflection, +1 defense, and so on. Higher levels may require a negative penalty.


Don't you guys think that would be cool? Everyone can then make a form that reflects his own personality, without being stuck woth pre-made forms.

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I have actually thought about that, getting "points" that you can spend to get so much of something. For example, extra attacks cost the most, and then have different costs for different things. There would only be so many points you could get, but you could have a pretty good form at the end of the game.

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I'd like to see 'form mastery'. Think about it, the longer you train in a particular form, the better you get. A Jedi trained in a particular form would have an advantage to an initiate in the form.


In game it could translate into a sub-tree of Jedi bonus-feats. Each form would have several levels, something like initiate - proficient - experienced - mastery - grand mastery. Each level would increase bonuses and decrease penalties. Jedi classes could then at certain levels pick a 'form feat' and decide to increase their mastery of a form or learn a new one.


There could be restrictions to the levels or even forms each class can access. A good example of this is a Guardian-type would have more lightsaberform specialisation whereas a Consular-type would have more Forceform specialisation. Or some forms could be accessable only if a character has allready learnt certain other forms or even through meeting other Jedi through the couse of the game.


What do you think?

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That would be anothing thing to include as well, if it wouldn't take up too much time and effort.


Jeez I feel abnormal...what's wrong with the robes? Does it have anything to do with when they flap?


Go into the "Jedi Robe Option for KotOR III" thread somewhere here and scroll down. Eventually you will find a pic that was posted by Achilles. Just click on it, and read the post, and it should be self-explanatory.

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My only thought on creating your own form or being able to add to it is that whatever bonuses you choose do need to have pentalties as well like the other forms do. and also have a limit on how many bounuses you can have. would be cool to be albe to combine some of the force form bonuses with saber forms bonuses.

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Perhaps they could make it kind of like choosing attributes in the beginning. The more you concentrate on one attribute, the more it cost to increase it more. They could do that with the forms, too- the more you tried to increase something, the more it would cost. And it would cost more points to increase something without having it take away from something else.

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Buying a +1 attack should't have a penalty, but a +3 attack, does...

The balance shouldn't be lost, but it should be slightly stronger then the other ones..


Interesting Idea: Sith Lords having their own private fighting style^^

This way, they can increase/decrease power of all NPC's...

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How would the forms be aquired? ...through a session with the master or automatically upon a cetain level of XP?


The regular forms would be acquired through a session with a master, like in TSL (except perhaps very basic forms, like Shii-Cho, would be a matter of XP).


How would these be manifested visually?

Would there be the need for additional animations?

How much of of the writen story would this take up to explain to the MC?


As I said, there would be different stances for the different forms. The attacks would look different, too- remember in TSL when you were shown the master's fighting styles, you could tell that they were different. They had an obvious style to each of the example moves that the masters showed you. In the same way, the animations would have a different style.


It isn't necessarily needed, and it shouldn't be important compared to the story, and the characters, and things like that; but it would just be a nice touch, if they had the time.


As for your last question, I don't know what you mean by that. What is the "MC"? If you are talking about how they would take story time to explain it to the PC, then it wouldn't take any time at all. It took less than a minute to teach you the Jedi Master's forms in TSL, and it wouldn't take much longer to include a little dialogue blurb about creating your own form, either.

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