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The Hundred Year Darkness (The Second Great Schism)


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Ae-Safar immediately sent a jedi to pass the message to the marines and told Valgo to lead the team to the temple gates. The marines soon started shooting at the gates and Emukiel stayed back to escort the team from the rear. It tooknot logn for the team to push the sith ack enought that the jedi had them right next to the entrance. Once the sith outside were killed, Emukiel ordered te jedi to hold positions and fight the small amounts that get throught.


Valgo and Emukiel climbed up to Juhn-Kai and Vrendil, looking around at the battlefield. "A massacre of both sides that shall not be forgotten" he noted to Valgo quietly before he turned to Juhn-Kai, placing his lightsaber back onto his belt. "What's the plan?" he asked and looked carefully at the other jedi. "And who is he?" Valgo added, almost reading his old master's mind while saying it

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Juhn-Kai looked at Emukiel.


- "This is Vrendil a former Jedi Master, he's come to help, Master Embok's intelligence reports were off, there is much more resistance than we thought, we will go in and locate the leader of this army, if they surrender arrest them" - Juhn-Kai said.

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Seriphyn lay in my pain whatsoever, as he say Jedi moving to and fro. Blast. Without his stupid arms, he couldn't join the Masters in the fight.


He pulled his legs back, then shot forward, standing up again. It looked rather odd, what with Seriphyn standing, seemingly unharmed, with no arms. Seriphyn decided to take no notice of what Jill had just said. It was all too quick for him, even though he marginally 'kissed' her earlier on.


Seriphyn marched up onto a rock, overlooking the fortress, and seeing the battle enrage below. He was frustrated; his battle was over, until he got new arms anyway.


He turned around to see a Jedi Healer walking past Jill.


"Would have preferred a marine medic, actually" he sighed "But thank you both anyway. As you can see, I'm fine."


Both Seriphyn and Jill were no longer in any state to fight. Their best bet was to head for the command dropship hovering over the fortress, and firing at random locations. He turned back to the fortress, and groaned in annoyance.


He began to walk towards Jill.


"Alright, Jill, can you grab that holocom on my utility belt, please?" he asked, sticking out his waste at her. It was wierd, Seriphyn walking around armless, yet still fine.


"A Republic marine officer will appear at the other end. Don't worry, just say your rank and name, refer to me. Request that the command dropship come pick us up. Be sure of yourself; I'm sure those roughneck marines don't like being ordered by a kid"

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Jill took the holocom from Seriphyn's belt. A hologram of a republic officer came on.


- "This is Lieutenant Jill Devious, I'm with Commander Estrahno, his orders are that you are to pick us up at these coordinates" - Jill said feeling strange since she had never done this.


- "Right away miss" - the republic officer said and the hologram disappeared.


- "They're on their way" - Jill said.

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Seriphyn looked towards the fortress, and saw one of the dropships break away from the group as soon as the officer acknowledged Jill's command. Damned efficient, these marines Seriphyn had trained.


The ship stopped just next to the three within seconds. The ramp opened up, with a concerned Emwhy whirring down it, beeping for its master and two marines sliding off it in combat-ready stances. Seriphyn laughed.


He raised his arms, showing Emwhy what happened, "I take it you can help me with this eh?"


Emwhy drooed in confusion at the human's sense of humour. Seriphyn looked at the healer, and gestured with his head towards Jill, who he could see was just barely standing. The healer walked over to Jill and hooked her arm's around Jill's shoulders. Once Seriphyn noticed she was secure, he began to walk into the command ship.


"Come on then" he said, unclear whether he was speaking to the healer, Jill, Emwhy or all three.

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"Embok is a fool to trust his sources on this planet, but it was the best we had and accurate enought for us to achieve as much as we did already" he said and looked at the entrance where the battle was now concentrated. "Seriphyn's marines are of no worth here and that caused him to lose his arms to a sith lord. I trust that we shall have even more difficulties inside. I want the padawans to stay behind on this one" he said and looked at Juhn-Kai and Vrendil.


Valgo looked at the dropship landing and evacuating Jill and Seriphyn from the battlefield. "Jill is young and in love and Seriphyn is in denial of the situation. I share my thoughts of him with master Ae-Saefar here. He is more of a soldier than a jedi. He should be removed from the jedi order if it would be possible and wise"

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Jill and the healer went inside the dropship. Jill was taken to a compartment of the dropship to be taken care of by the Jedi healer. As soon as he lay her down on the bed she fell unconcious. The Jedi healer put his hands near her body and closed his eyes trying to treat her injury and her lack of strength.

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The arrival of Vago and Emukiel relived a bit of pressure for Vrendil and it showed.


-"When the other Jedi get here.." He started to say, but was interrupted by an explosion from his side.


The hole he had just cut into the wall had been blown from the inside outwards, and Vrendil had to duck not to be bludgeoned by the big hunk of metal careening towards him. He was lucky, because had his saber not been drawn and active, he might not have deflected the blaster bolts that came from the hole in the wall. He jumped to his feet and set himself into a defensive posture, deflecting bolts whenever possible. He shouted to his companions.


-"We havent much time! Get those jedi here now and we can breach the fortress!"


At the same time he was barking orders, two sith warriors managed to leap out of the hole. Both carrying single crimson blades already drawn.

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((Do note my last post too))


Valgo and Emukiel jumped infront of the sith and ingnited their sabers. "Juhn-Kai, get the jedi and go inside. We'll take care of these" he said and the two jedi pushed the sith back into the temple with the force. They luned at the sith just a second later and started their deadly dance all over again, this time concentrating on the two sith and sometimes on the sith troops coming down the hallway, trying to attack them from behind

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Seriphyn stared out the cockpit window down to the group of Jedi Masters speaking together. He eyed Master Valgo, sensing what Seriphyn believed to be deception. He flexed his cheap black metal and temporary forearms (he intended to buy some phrik as a material for his next pair of arms, so it couldn't be severed by lightsaber again, along with synthetic skin to restore it to what it once was).


Seriphyn leant forward and held down a button on the cockpit console, next to the Republic pilot.


"Captain Nostaw?" he said

"Seri! Where are you? We've taken care of the Sith outside and are fighting within the inner courtyards of the fortress, and are just about to move down to the underhalls" Nostaw's voice was clear, even through the all the fighting.

"Don't bother. Those arrogant Jedi Masters think they don't need us. Once you've taken care of the Sith topside, leave immediateley. Mop up the enemy space fleet, then go home or do whatever. We're getting out of here" Seriphyn's voice was blunt.

"Commander? Are you sure?" Sam replied

"Look, I'm pretty much WIA, right now. I can't fight, and neither can the marines without me as their visionary. Go home, get some rest"

Sam nodded, "Alright, my friend. I'll see you back on Coruscant"


Seriphyn let go and pondered for a second. He wouldn't be heading back to Coruscant anytime soon. The Jedi Council would betray him. Fleeing is the best option, go somewhere with Jill or something. Mind you, he had no idea how Jill would react to all of this. She could still be persuaded he hoped.


After a moment of observing the ship flying over the Rhen Var landscape, Seriphyn spun around and decided to find the Jedi Healer. The doors of the cockpit slid open and Seriphyn found himself face to face with the Healer.


"Master, I've taken ca-" the Healer was interrupted as Seriphyn smashed him in face.


The Healer simply just orientated himself again and stared at Seriphyn with a wide-eyed expression on his face. That didn't work, thought Seriphyn, time for Plan B. Seriphyn raised his palm at the Healer and used the Force to nauseate him to the point of unconciousness. The Healer slumped on the floor. The marines standing guard in the hallway turned to Seriphyn in confusion, unable to see their expressions due to their long, beige-coloured masks. Seriphyn repeated what he just did on the healer towards the two marines, leaving Seriphyn with a pile of 3 men lying on the ground.


"Pilot!" he shouted, "Take us lower!"


The pilot, unaware of what Seriphyn had just done, acknowledged then lowered the ship down. Seriphyn slammed the button next to the ramp, and it opened as a result. He grabbed the Healer and threw him out onto the snow and then the two marines. Leaving the ramp down, Seriphyn headed back to the cockpit. He wrapped his arms round the pilot's neck then spoke.


"I apologise for all of this" Seriphyn's tone was not sarcastic at all, for he really meant it.


He jerked the pilot of his seat, who was kicking his legs everywhere in desperation. Once Seriphyn got to the ramp, he tossed the pilot out onto the snow. The soon-to-be-AWOL commander quickly slammed the ramp close button and headed back to the cockpit, taking control. He turned the ship about, searching for the 4 people he just threw out and made sure they were fine. After that, Seriphyn turned himself to the skies and headed up into space.


At the fortress, Captain Nostaw saw the last of the Jedi run inside. He frowned at Juhn-Kai, who was facing the other way.


"Marines! We are leaving!" Sam shouted. He hoped he was only heard by the marines and not Juhn-Kai but that was unavoidable.

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Juhn-Kai heard Seriphyn's voice on the comlink. He then turned to the ship on which Seriphyn was leaving. He sensed Jill onboard. Juhn-Kai knew that any chance of restoring Seriphyn to the order was gone if he left not to mention that he would be proven wrong by the Order and he would have to step down from the council. But stepping down from the council was something he never saw of real significance, after all he and Val-Kan were the only Jedi that had lived through the first Jedi order, and their advice was greatly respected by the Order.


- "I hope you know what you're doing Seriphyn...Vrendil lead the attack inside the fortress, I'm going to reinforce the entrance since the troops are retreating" - Juhn-Kai said and jumped to the courtyard instantly igniting his saber to fight off the Sith who would come out any moment after the republic troops led by Seriphyn left their posts.


Jill woke up, her strength had been increased by the Jedi Healer but found out that the healer and the guards were no longer there. She walked out to the cockpit and found Seriphyn and the little emwhy beeping as she went in the room and sat on the chair opposite him.


- "What happened? Shouldn't we be down there helping them?" - Jill said.

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"Valgo, help Vrendil when the jedi arrive. I'm going to circle around to the other side of the entrance" Emukiel said and slayed the sith battling him before rushing down the corridor of he fort, jumping over or otherwise evading the sith that ran towards hm. He had no time to waste on sith warriors.


'I hope you're happy letting Seriphyn out here' a voice said inside Juhn-Kai's head andthe voice was easily recognized as Master Ae-Saefar's. 'I'll circle around to the other side of the entrance and disturb the sith for you' the voice continued a moment later

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A blast came from inside the fortress, it came down crumbling to the ground. Juhn-Kai watched as this happened and he grinned.


- "They're desperate to keep us out" - Juhn-Kai said to himself.


The voice of Emukiel rang in his mind's eye. He grinned again. It was expected, he knew his old friend would say "I told you so". But Juhn-Kai didn't dwell on it. The padawans had to be kept safe so he gathered the remaining padawans.


- "Head to the transport ship, lock the doors and tell the pilot to take off and remain hidden" - Juhn-Kai said.


Juhn-Kai then concentrated and sent a message to Seriphyn.


"It doesn't matter where you go Seriphyn...I'll find you...you know it...that's my padawan you got with you."


Juhn-Kai used the force to lift the rocks from the entrance and go in.

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Two ships flew overhead. The first was the Jedi shuttle Zek Retall had taken when he left. The second belonged to Malia Ratarr. Zek called Juhn-Kai.


"Sorry we're a little late getting here," he said. "We'll be out to join you on foot in a minute."


"A couple of things are going to happen before we go down there," Malia told Zek. She'd been listening in. "First, I need concrete evidence the Jedi were not involved in the death of my parents. If I can get that, I'll help drive your enemies away. The other thing that has to happen before I go out there to help you is a different weapon."


"Different weapon?" Zek asked. "You mean a lightsaber."


"Exactly," Malia agreed. "If I'm going to fight with the Jedi, I may as well fight with one of their weapons. Besides, my sword is getting a little dull and I won't have time to sharpen it."


"I can't guarantee you a lightsaber," Zek said. "Usually, you'd be making one for yourself. Maybe you can do that eventually, but for now, I'll see what I can do. I think I probably have an extra in my room."


"Good," Malia said. "We'll get it on the way out."

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Juhn-Kai grinned when Zek called in and took the comlink.


- "Zek it is real good to hear from you, we could definately use your help, the republic forces have withdrawn on orders from Seriphyn, so it has become far more complicated, join us at these coordinates" - Juhn-Kai said and tapped some buttons on his comlink.

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"We'll be there as soon as we can," Zek promised. The two ships landed and Zek and Malia got out.


"Alright, Jedi," Malia said. "You want to hurry, so let's hurry."


They ran in, Zek leading the way. As they ran, another Jedi, a woman, nearly ran into them.


"Good heavens!" she exclaimed. "Zek you're back! They really could use the combined force of you and Geb out there on the battlefield." Then she saw Malia. "Who's this?"


"Tayla, meet Malia Ratarr," Zek said. "She's here because she believes the Jedi were partially responsible for the death of her parents."


Jedi Master Tayla Bel eyed Malia for a moment with her clear blue eyes before turning back to Zek.


"Zek, they need you," she repeated. "Go out and join Geb. I'll show Malia to the records."


"She wants a lightsaber when she comes out to join us," Zek called to Tayla. Tayla smiled and nodded. Then, she led Malia toward the records room.


"How long ago were your parents killed?" she asked when they got there. She bent over a screen and brushed her blonde hair out of her face as it fell there.


"Five years ago," Malia answered. Tayla nodded and searched 'Ratarr, 5 years'. In seconds, a screen popped up, showing the Sith and Jedi standing together and then one of the Sith beheading both of Malia's parents. Malia cringed, but kept watching. She suspected that had been her mistake the first time. Sure enough, the Jedi and the Sith began to fight.


"I've seen enough," Malia said. "I know the Sith killed my parents and the Jedi were there trying to stop them. I'll worry later about why my parents were important enough to have Jedi protecting them."


"Zek sed you want a lightsaber," Tayla said next. Malia nodded.


"If possible," she agreed. Tayla nodded.


"It's possible," she said. "I can let you use my first saber."


She hurried out of the records room with Malia not far behind.


"Are you sure you can use it?" Tayla asked, handing the unlit saber to Malia. Malia took it and activated the blade.


"No blade weight will take a little getting used to," she said. "But I'm pretty sure I can do it."


"Take a few practice swings at me," Tayla suggested. Malia did so and quickly got a feel for the lack of blade weight.


"Since you've not had prior Force training, I'm going to stay close," Tayla said. "Feel me in the Force. Learn to fight with me."


"Are you going to be..." Malia said, again unwilling to ask the question. Tayla smiled.


"Your Master?" she finished. Malia nodded. "Perhaps. We'll have to see how well we bond in battle. For now, I have a few things I can teach you. Walk with me. We'll come to the battle eventually."


They walked through the halls leasurely as though nothing was the matter, Tayla talking, Malia asking questions. Several dozen questions and sparring sessions later, Tayla and Malia found themselves outside.


"Do you feel ready?" Tayla asked. Malia smiled.


"To be patient and non-angry?" she asked with a little laugh. She shrugged. "As ready as I'll be for now, I guess."


"You guess?" Tayla laughed. "Be certain."


"I'm ready," Malia said. "I've got my hold on you in the Force-"


"Amazing how quickly you picked that up, by the way," Tayla cut in.


"I know how to use a lightsaber," Malia went on. Tayla grinned.


"You're as ready as I know how to make you with such little training," she said. "Survive this so I can train you further, please."


"Survive this so I can learn more from you, please," Malia laughed. With the promises made, they approached Juhn-Kai and Zek.


"Malia is willing to help us," Tayla told the two men. Malia nodded.


"Glad to hear it," Zek grinned. He stared at the two women for a second before adding, "Well, it looks like that run-in in the halls was quite beneficial. Tayla, are you planning on seeing to Malia's training?"


Tayla and Malia looked at each other and laughed. In unison, they said, "If we survive this, yes."

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A large chorus of shouts started at the back of the Sith that held the jedi back at the entrance. The frontline of the sith stirred a bit as the sith on the back started shouting "Jedi! They're coing from behind" or something of it's sort. However, the shouts slowly died as they saw only one jedi, and now the fear of being surrounded turned to joy but only a moment later turned to horror after seeing how well the jedi was chopping the sith around him into peaces. The voice of Emukiel rang once again in Juhn-Kai's mind. 'Attack now, the Sith back here are confused of which front to fight an you have the perfect opportunity to gain some foothold on this side of the entrance'

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Juhn-Kai grinned once more, Emukiel's voice rang again and he nodded. He looked at Malia and Tayla then he looked at Zek.


- "Now's our chance, let's go" - Juhn-Kai said.


As Emukiel had them busy, Juhn-Kai and the others took the chance to get inside the fortress. There were several Sith Lords ready waiting but they seemed more concentrated on Emukiel than the others. Juhn-Kai lept in the middle and with amazing grace in dance like motions he used his cross-saber to take down five Sith Lords. The way into the lower levels of the fortress were revealed. A hallways going down into a stairwell.


- "Let's find whoever's behind this and put an end to it" - Juhn-Kai said.

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Taking full advantage of her current bond with Tayla and her newfound skills with a lightsaber, Malia was doing quite well. Through their bond, Malia felt how Tayla moved and adapted her movement slightly to match. They moved gracefully, in unison. The bond grew deeper. When Juhn-Kai said, "Let's find whoever's behind this and put an end to it," he got an answer from them both.


"We agree," they said. Their bond was now so deep that they were acting as nothing more than two parts of the same person. Deep within her mind, Malia was thrilled with the feeling. It was like nothing she'd ever felt. Only now could she finally say she was sure joining the Jedi was the right thing to do. Feelings of gratitude filled her as Tayla sensed her thoughts and welcomed her fully to the Jedi.


We will make it through this, Tayla told Malia through their bond. I will train you.


"Let us move on, then," the women said in unison.

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Emukiel jumped over many sith and tok more speed by jumping from one's head. He landed next to the entrance that was revealed and cut a couple of sith down, keeping it clear. He deflected a couple of blaster bolts with his lightsaber before running inside and increasing his speed with the force. He quickly got besides Juhn-Kai and smiled. "I'll save the 'I told you so'-speech for later" he noted and looked around. "Have you any idea of where the mastermind behind all this is? Or do we need to run around like headless chickens?"

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Juhn-Kai grinned.


- "The Sith Lord behind this is on the lower level of this fortress on the east wing of the compound, the only way out of there is by two hallways, we will surround him from both sides, Malia and Tayla will go for the left and we'll take the right, do not kill whoever surrenders, take prisoners...we do not kill helpless oponents" - Juhn-Kai said.

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"Understood," Malia and Tayla said, still in unison. Then a slight flicker of impatience came to Malia's face and she said alone, "Let's get going, then and stop wasting time talking."


Tayla answered, "Come back to me, Malia. Let go of your impatience. Rushing into things can get you killed."


Malia frowned, "It never has gotten me killed," she murmured. But in a few seconds, she was standing quietly, patiently next to Tayla, clearly bonded with her again.

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Juhn-Kai stepped infront of the two and shook his head. "We seem to have late arrivals. I will postpone our introduction for now, if you won't mind" he said and bowed slightly to Malia before looking over at Juhn-Kai. "Juhn-Kai, lead on. We need to hurry before some the sith decide to hurry on our tail" he said and looked around the hallway, pointing the lightsaber blade down at the ground, which was the ready stance of his dueling style. You could see that he was tired, as his chest was going up and down rapidly and he was breathing quite heavily. He took a few deep breaths and he started to calm down. It had already been a long day for him and he hadn't used his lightsaber in combat for years. After this, he wouldn't want to use it ever again

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Juhn-Kai signaled everyone to move down the stairwell. They ran until they got separated when they took the two hallways. Sith resistance was getting heavier. Sith Lords were coming from one side and assasins from the other. Juhn-Kai used his saber to fend them off quickly, he didn't care how many were coming he cared about getting to the Sith Mastermind and stopping the war as quickly as possible. Often was the time he had to use force push to send the Sith flying back to open up space. The blast door to the next area was beginning to close.


- "Hurry! The blast door is closing!" - Juhn-Kai told Emukiel while holding the blast door open with his force power.

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Emukiel threw his saber at a sith, decapitating him and hurrying to the blast door. He extended his arm behind him, the lightsaber of his flying at his hand while he ran towards the blast door. He grabbed hold of his lightsaber hilt just in time as he jumped throught the small hole that barely fitted him to go throught. He ignited his sword and cut the two guards by the door just as the blast door slammed closed behind him. He hurried off to the door controls, just to be pushed away by a sith lord. He hit the wall in a way that did not look nice and the hit made the Weequay feel like in a merry go round(Or however it's spelled). He stood up slowly, trying to find his attacker from the room.

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