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Where do you want to go in KotOR3?

Darth Windu

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Yes igyman is good at explaining things. Not bad for an HK fan for I would have expected a rather blunt comment that included bloodshed :D Kidding aside, he is right about the Star Forge in fact if you remember talking to the Elder Rakatan, they said that their empire died and they were looking to destroy the Star Forge the epitome of evil. They weren't looking to rebuild anything and I doubt they could have gotten the cooperation of the One and his tribe.

Back on the topic I believe I mentioned Yavin IV which has some DS history and could be a good place to get some more background info on the Sith, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc. Huh, what was this conversation about anyway? (Jolee moment):D

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I'd definately say Coruscant and what would be cool is if you could actually go into the "Jedi Temple", use everything like the "Jedi Archives" when you want after gaining the rank of "Jedi Master" or before when you need to do something which is involved with the plot of the game and/or you get to be on the council before the end of the game and I mean like i dunno before the last cutscene (like @ the end of KOTOR when you become a Jedi knight)


And you actually get a padawan or have a session training younglings.


now that would cool, and would make the longer than a days worth of playing.

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I would think most people would want to become a Jedi at some point in the game, preferrably near the beginning.


@igyman: of course Yavin IV wasn't a bad idea. They kept mentioning the Mandalorian wars and included planets from there so wouldn't make sense to involve Exar Kun stuff considering that he was a Sith and I believe it was mentioned that he was near successful in his war, something Jolee said.

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The only problem I see is that Yavin was uninhabited when we saw it in KoTOR 1 (The Space station), but if a good story about it is made and a settlement where you can dock, then sure. I just don't want to go to a deserted planet, like Korriban in TSL.

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Yavin 4- start... Secret Republic military base

Corrusaunt- Reason: Huge invasion by Enemy.. Huge battle

Onderon- Reason: Talia assasinated, civil War

Korriban- Reason: one PC captured by Dark Lord

Rhen Var- Reason: Sith base... (Biggest battle field of game... almost Battlefront like)

Dantooine- Reason: Secceeding from republic... Killing jedi in large porportions

Outer Rim planet- Reason: Huge duel between PC/ Reaven/Empire/a True Sith


If you don't know what i'm talking about, feel free to read ( and comment on) my storyline idea.


-Darth Angst

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I think ossus is a must for the next game. think of it as a starting point maybe. either there or corruscant. using the libraries as a starting point. yavin 4 definitely. i think dxun/onderon are a must too. revisiting the sith tombs. maybe there was more than one???


dantooine isnt that important, since the last 3 known jedi masters died there, i think that signifies an end, to a point, of dantooine. maybe the ending could be REBUILDING the dantooine enclave. mainly i say this b/c if you do have ossus/coruscant, it kinda makes dantooine obselete as far as the extremes. korriban would be obsolete as well, visiting yavin 4 and the unkown regions where the sith inhabit.


i think tatooine could play a significant role as a detour again, but thats about it. sleyheron would be fun, finding the last star map, as everyone has mentioned. i dont think another star forge would be made so soon, unless maybe the new sith empire made a replica.


revisiting taris/telos would be nice. i think even adding dustil back into the story (or even playing as him) would be exciting. there are many possibilities and i only hope that obsidian is looking into them all, and not just going to retrace their own steps.

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Revisting Telos isn't that bad. You could see how it fared after the restoration project. It must have been successful b/c in the Jedi Apprentice series, the planet was alive and created advanced technology.

What of OrdMandel or was it Ord Mantell? Whichever is correct, would anyone be up for that?

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No Sleheyron. Don't waste valuable storyline time just to go find "the last star map," which by the way is non-existent. If it was real, Revan would have gone to Sleheyron.


No Star Forge 2, either. That would be supremely corny. :) I would think I would be playing a combo of RotJ and K1 all over again. "Oh, Sir, I forgot to tell you, we need to go blow up another Star Forge - it shouldn't take long."


The idea of settlements on Hoth is good, but if we had an ice planet, I would say Rhen Var. But it would be fine to have settlements there. As for Yavin IV, it doesn't have to be inhabited. But if you want it to be, I think the most likely occupants would be scientists or archeoligists.

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Coruscant as a stage for an enormous battle would be cool. Just imagine being up on a building fighting Sith and seeing explosions and blasts down below and above, the scenery would make you cream yourself.


Other than Coruscant and some planet where a huge fight happens (and the scenery is mind blowing) I'd like mostly new planets. Sleheyron would definitely be cool.

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Well I think planets that should be in it are the Outer Rim worlds since it seems that everything in the SW universe takes place in the Outer Rim. I also advocate worlds within the Unknown Regions as that is where Revan disappeared and there might be clues of the True Sith which I say is a dark presence.

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Here is my list:


Coruscant: Because i like big city planets

Korriban: maybe somewhere else

Onderon: just wanna see it again

Telos: i'd like to see how the restoration project is getting on

Dantooine: just feels important to me, maybe they can have a new jedi enclave

Duxn: okay, its a moon but i'd like to see some mandalorians



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