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Darth Sion: A legacy of Pain.

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Chapter 7: The Jedi Exile.


Sion could feel the echo, it was growing closer, along with the presence of his master, weighed upon him like a durasteel vest. He felt his patience wearing thin, he was ready to strike. Any time she was near waves of pure hatred, and violence filled his every thought, he could not help it, and he did not want to, all he desired, was for her to suffer, to feel the total pain, and humiliation he had felt so many times under her archaic teachings.


He had nothing against the exile, other than the fact, that this ex-jedi wretch, was now her chosen vessel. She would bestow her flawed teachings upon this broken down fool, in turn spurning a weak and inept waste of force and flesh. Sion began to pace quickly, powerfully, and angrily, as he awaited her new apprentice. The exile would walk right into his hands, and he would spring the same trap, that the overconfident Lonna Vash had been stupid enough to become caught in. His assassins had already stealthed themselves, and spread out throughout the academy, to lash out at the exile and his companions from the shadows.


Sion knew he must remain patient, he would allow the Exile, to find Vash's remains, and then he would strike, but not before then. How he hated patience, if he had any virtues within his corrupted personality, patience certainly was not one of them. So he would remain in the shadows until, the dead jedi master's corpse was discovered. He ducked behind an ancient statue and used the force to mask his presence.


He could hear the clash of combat from the main entryway. Followed shortly after by three sets of feet treading.....or rather trying to tread unnoticed. Within moments, he glanced out to see a young man, with short cut light brown hair, draped in the grey robe of one who had left the jedi to study the force on their own. Sion confirmed to himself, that this one was the source of the small echo, and was the apprentice. The exile had his blue saber held in front of him, as if he was anticipating an attack. His two companions, both of which laughably carried lightsabers Sion thought to himself rather cynnically. Did they even know how to use those weapons, probably not he scoffed quietly, more children with toys, corrupted from the same source. THe first of the Exile's companions, was the same fool from peragus. Also there was a beautiful young woman with fiery red hair, and a curious attitude.


The fool spoke first, as the three surveyed the room. "i told you Korriban was a *bad* idea. I can think of a thousand places I'd want to be, and this doesn't make the list." The fool stated sarcastically. "Oh shut up will ya Atton, all ya do is complain, besides we've got bigger problems, like a sqaud of stealthed killers on our tail." The fiery female responded sharply. "Knock it off both of you, we came here to find Lonna Vash, she may be in danger. So lets keep on our guard and our chatter to a minimum." The exile spoke in a soft, yet commanding tone. "Agreed" The two companions stated as three took off carfully up one of the other halways, headed towards the torture chamber, and training room. Their heavy footfalls grew softer as they moved further from his spot of concealment.


As soon as the sad little squad was out of his sight, he stood up from his spying spot, and crossed over to the center of the huge main hall, directly in front of the pathway to the main exit. He was furious at the fact Kreia was too much of a coward to enter the academy herself, instead she hid as she always did, using her students to do her vile bidding. He could sense the bond between she and the exile, and he would use him to get to her. Sion was always much smarter than she had given him credit for.


After several long minutes of waiting, he could again feel them growing closer, and soon the sounds of their now frightened footsteps filled his senses like the thundering of a Rancor in pursuit of prey. Within moments the three companions had appeared in the chamber before him. They stopped dead in their tacks when they saw him impeding their only means of escape. He glared a long hard stare at the exile, who was suitably cowed, but did his best to hold his composure. Sion approached slowly menacing, snarling as he moved in on his prey. "Have you come here for answers?" He bellowed. "There are none. The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead. It is fitting you came here. I have studied you and found nothing but weakness. Why she would bother with one such as you, is something I will never understand." The exile then responded to his grovely tone with a statement of his own. "How do you know kreia?" Sion was suprised at the exile's curiosity, while staring out at certain death. Sion decided to indulge his curious mind. "I know her as a master knows an apprentice, and an apprentice knows their master." The exile stepped forward and activated his weapon, which hummed to life, as did his foolish companions whose terror had temporarily faded. All three wielded cobalt blue sabers. "I won't let you hurt her." The exile exclaimed in a firm commanding tone. Sion now completely disgusted responded in a low growl." You are a wretched thing, of weakness and fear. You are her apprentice in name only, *I* am the master. And that is why you must die." He quickly activated his blood red blade, which slid lethaly from his hilt, as he dropped back into his stance.


The exile, and his companions, attempted to encircle the Sith lord, but he had survived many a battle, and was wiser than he appeared. He immediatedly flew into a fury, and charged, with his weapon raised high, directly for the Exile. The two companions sprinted in behind him, as Sion struck a series of overpowering blows onto the exile's defensive form III. In a fit of pure hate, he brough the crimson blade down towards the Exile's head, which was just barely deflected, sending the exile sprawling out accross the dusty floor. At this point the two children, the woman and the "Fool" were in on him, swinging their blue bladed beams in unison, in a series of quick, but rather simplistic form I blows. Sion in his raw and brutal form II/V style, easily parried the quick strikes, lighting up the room in a briiliant red/blue lightshow.


At this point the Exile had risen to his feet, and was coming in behind Sion, with his saber raised, prepared to strike. Sion held with his right hand and saber, the two weaker adversaries in check, whilst placing a hard boot in the exiles stomach, with a loud oomph, before using the force to again send the "apprentice" sprawling to the ground. At this point the swordplay, between Mira, Atton, and Sion resumed, he was enjoying toying with the delightfully easy little duo. He again realized the exile was the main target, and use the force to grab Atton in a choke, lifting him into the air, and sending him soaring accross the room into a pillar, temporarily incapacitating him. Mira continued her desperate assault, beads of sweat pouring from her fiery mane.


Sion could see her fatigueing, and was more than happy to take over the offensive. He enveloped her rather pedestrian defenses with a series of powerful, and perfectly aimed head and shoulder strikes, the last of which knocked her weapon to the floor, and sent her hard down onto her backside. He raised his saber and brought it down with what should have been the killing blow, but was soundly thwarted when the Exile lept into action, and placed his own saber in the path of Sion's, effectively saving Mira's life.


Sion let out a grunt of frustration, and quickly shifted his rage back upon the exile. "Stay back Mira, hes to dangerous. I'll hold him at bay get to the ship." The exile stated as he backed away with his saber raised, prepared to defend. "We won't leave you." She demanded. "Mira grab Atton, and go, NOW." He shouted. She obeyed, and soon she and the fool, had dissappeared towards the exit, as Darth Sion circled slowly around the exile. His saber down arrogantly at his side. "You cannot protect them from me Exile, just as she cannot stop me or protect you." He spat forward rather calmly. "I cannot be beaten, I am not a creature of flesh and blood like you. The darkside is what I am. It flows through me." The exile spoke briefly to Sion before charging forward in attack, using a more aggressive form IV. "Everyone has a weakeness, noone is unbeatable, its just a matter of finding yours." Sion sneered menacingly. "You are wrong Exile, I am unbeatable, you can never win."


Sion parried the exile's attacks, and the two for several minutes engaged in a whirling dervish of lightsaber skill, although Sion quickly gained the upper hand and drove the exile back further, and further, with each of his rage enhanced blows, and brutal yet precise and efficient strikes. The exile was tiring, he could feel it. It would not be long until, he too fell to Sion's wrath. The exile stared rather dejectedly into Sion's cold and terrible features. "The end is inevitable Exile. She cannot protect you, and nor you her." Sion growled. But he sensed something different within the exile, he seemed to have his thoughts focused somewhere else for the moment, almost as if he was listening to something, or someone through the force. NO! Sion thought to himself. SHE WILL NOT TAKE THIS VICTORY FROM ME! his mind shouted.


In an instant, the exile used all of his meager force might, to send a large chunk of rock debris at Sion, which he sent bolts of jagged lighting into, reducing it to rubble. It was too late however, and the exile was already halfway down the hall to the exit, he was using the force to flee Sion's overpowering rage. Sion chased to the top of the entry way, flanked by four of his assassins. But the exile had escaped him, with her help.


Sion was swelling with so much anger and hate, it was a wonder he didn't explode. "Find him!" He shouted. "Hunt him wherever he goes! He will not escape me again." His rage began to taper off, turning now to pure contempt, with shreads of jealousy. "she shields him, protects him. I will cast cast his corpse at her feet, it will be as though I were killing her children. I will destroy all she loves all she holds dear, until her hands are drenched in blood."


He turned angrily, and stormed out towards the remnants of Dreshdae, and his docked ship. The dark side would guide him to exact his final revenge. He did have one thing to be pleased about, he had defeated three of her pawns, very easily. IF this was her best, then it was as he always knew, her weakness would be her undoing, and he liked that idea.

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Nice, tremendous story so far! This is great.


Say, did you ever think about doing a "Nihilus: A Legacy of Hunger" fanfic? :D Except that would have this story's only failing- predictability.


I may do a Nihilus story, about how he became what he is, examine his history a little bit, give him some life, that obsidian neglected. An thanks again for all the good feedback. I'm going on vacation for about a week, so the next chapter won't be out until after new years.......


And this story is gonna have a little twist at the end to give it some spice.....after all it is a fan fiction . muahahahahah ;)

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I too am eagerly awaiting chapter 8. But if DarthSion101 isn't ready to post the next chapter then I can keep waiting. The writer shouldn't post his material until he is ready, IMO. The same philosophy should apply to games *cough* KotOR: TSL *cough**cough*


@DarthSion101 - On a different note, I was rereading this and have some "editorial" type feedback I would like to offer for chapter 6: Shadows from the Past. Since my thoughts involve storyline mechanics, would you prefer me to PM you instead of posting? Or if you are not interested in that level of feedback then I'm good with that too. It's just something I feel would more fully flesh out how Darth Sion's body got all cracked and scarred.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your support guys, Good news is I am out of the writers block! YAY! which means Tonite february 8th will be the night that chapter 9 hits the shelves.....I have it all thought up, I'd write it now, but I have to fly out the door to work. To answer you Pottsie, I havent been on in ages, mainly because I have been working double shifts on and off for the last month or so, thats the only bad thing about being a cop, you always lose your free time.

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Hey DarthSion101, you still working the doubles or what? You got me all excited thinking that we were going to get another installment of your story but a week now and no joy. :(


Can't the Cap'n or Sarge squeeze in some single shifts for ya or are the bad guys really causing a ruckus?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 8: Traces of the past


A small shuttle burst from hyperspace above the ancient, and abandoned jedi sanctuary of Ossus. The small black shuttle descended rapidly towards the surface of the world. The tiny obsidian craft touched down gently, in a small clearing at the foot, of the ruined Library of Ossus.


A ramp quickly extended from the base of the ship. The twisted wreck known as Sion emerged and set foot on the ancient world, and former stronghold of the light. His eyes cast a cold gaze quickly around his surroundings. Before he lumbered forward towards the entrance of the ruins. The sky which was once blue, and sunny, had turned cloudy and dank, signifying the sun's fear of Sion's awful retribution.


He stepped carefully up the ancient pathway into the ancient facility. As he entered the archway to the entry, he could feel the essence of the force, thick like a fog around him. He sneered in his typical fashion and proceeded into the structure. The main halls which once contained a stockpile of knowlegdge, were bare and broken. As mounds of rubble, and the bones of dead jedi, slain by Exar Kun, littered the marbled floors.


Sion thought quietly to himself, "Why would a Jedi come here? There is nothing but rot and decay, all of its secrets exposed and destroyed by Exar Kun." He stepped into the center of the main chamber and felt a small crunch under his foot as he stepped, he glanced down, and under his foot by the rubble was a well worn device. He picked it up in his cloved right hand and stared intently at it. After several moments of violently shaking, and tinkering with it, he activated the device. A small recording of a man, in a cape and mask appeared. "REVAN" he snarled. The recording spoke, but the message was badly degraded. "I had to go.....(static) The Unknown Regions.....(static)

Darkness lies in wait........(static)......The Sith are stronger than imagined....(static)....Tell Bastila I love her and I will return..........(static)......They are coming." With that the recording shorted out, and Sion angrily crushed the small holoplayer in his closed fist, before letting it drop to the floor.


"What did he mean in that message? Who is this Bastila? Did he love her,If he did I will find her, and draw the coward out." Sion muttered inquisitively. His thoughts were however disturbed, by and intense tingling in his mind. He wasn't alone, he was being watched. Before he could think another thought, a primal scream echoed through the abandoned hall, and a figure in a brown jedi cloak lept down at him from the rafters, igniting it's blue blade, which was cutting throught the air towards his head.


Sion quickly let his crimson weapon hum to life, and raised it to block his attackers strike. He easily parried the first attack, followed by a few quick strikes of his own, which through his power and rage, sent his opponent flying back several feet. There was a brief pause in the combat. As each attacker held there sabers directly in front of them pointed at the adversary. "I have come from accross the galaxy to destroy you Jedi, you slipped by me on Manaan years ago, you will not do so again. HE is not here to protect you this time. An you cannot keep him safe from me." Sion growled.

The hooded figure spoke in a strange accented tone "Back away SITH for I will be your doom!" The strange female voice hissed. Sion raised his saber above his head with both hands into his powerful Form V/II hybrid stance, and taunted his foe. "I know who you are, yet you hide behind a cloak, as if that would conceal your true form, that of hideous feline beast, not suited for civilization, but for slavery. Your people are dead, and you soon with them Cathar." The jedi tore her hood off of her face, revealing a feline like appearance. She bore her teeth in a primitive growl at Sion. "Revan has gone wher you cannot reach him, where you cannot harm him...." Sion cuts her off sharply "You cannot protect him from me, noone can, liuke the exile, he to will soon die by my hand, right after I destroy you." The two combatants continued to cirle one another. Both intent on mentally beating the other down. But Sion's will was stronger than this cat's and he knew it. He spoke again, even more menacingly. "Perhaps if I cannot find Revan on my own, I can draw him out, seek those that he lknows those that he loves. He shields her protects her, loves her, but I will find her and cast her corpse at his feet." He could see shock and anger swelling in the Cathar's features. So he continued mercilessly "Yes, I know all about this Bastila, don't worry her fate will be the same as yours....DEATH!"


In a rage and howl, the Cathar sprang into action, but in her untrained emotional state she had left herself open to Sion's onslaught, and with one swipe, her head fell and bounced to the ground at heis feet. A look of total shock and bewliderment on her face as it gazed up at his cold heartless expression. Sion turned and knelt down over the headless corpse, and removed a small datapad from the pocket of the cathar's robes. He activated it momentarily, and scanned the holoscreen. He smiled, he had found what he sought, Revans journal. He rose quickly to his feet, and walked triumphantly back to his ship.

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