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is it possible to create armor that has built-in weapons? (it covers the hands, so only the armor's 'weapons' can be put in the weapon slots or something like that) I am willing to do some crude drawings of the armor appearance if it is possible.

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Samus Aran came to mind...she's the real deal. Armor like that would be pretty cool. It might be possible too. Say you have "Samus Aran's Power Suit", when you equip it it also equips a "Samus Aran's Arm Cannon." Would that be possible, anyone?


yeah, like that. The arm could actually be a weapon instead of armor, but it would have to be big enough to cover the entire hand all the way tro the elbow. Armor with helmets built in would be able to wear headbands with it without it being noticable (like sith armor)

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... must be some understanding errors here. I'm not working on something like this but I think Jedi_Knight_707 was try to point you here http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=153807 but is far away to what you ask. To make new weapons slot attached to armor seems to far for me but look how I see all this

First you must have one basic armor model and one armor with weeapon model for each weapon you want. All armors must have bonus multiple inplant (like mandalore) and somehow must restrict all weapons slots (like spacesuit). Selecting from multiple implant you can fake some weapons attached to whatewer part of body (after all it's all about changing appearance/models). Making that weapon to work is hard part.

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@oldflash, Actually you wouldn't need 2 separate models one with the weapon and one without. All the body PC models are already rigged with weapon hooks, so you could make the body model with gloves and then make the weapons as blasters to fit completely over the hands.


The only problem with this would be when the player flourishes the weapon, but aside from that it wouldn't be any different that building a body model and blasters seperately.


However it still wouldn't be a real simple thing to make. ;)

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I think there are invisible versions of weapons (it might have been called stunt or prop), you could just remodel the arm to look like some kind of cannon, then script it so it only works with the invisible blaster or automatically equips said blaster, the shot would just show up a little farther out than the end of the cannon.

But that's just if you can live without switching, OF's way is much smarter:)

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^ I've never tried it but its possible, I have added helpers for Revan's cutscene robes so it is possible. You would have to move the hook though, it wouldn't work to clone it.


You will probably also have to link it with the torso though, else it would still move with the arm.

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Wait, all we have to do is make it so that the weapon slots cover the arms. Everything else can be a full suit (again, like the Sith armor). All that there would have to be is special weapons looking like they are part of the armor.

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Here's a reference pic of Samus...


Sorry if that's too big, wasn't sure...

Anyway if you picture the butt of the blaster rifle (that's what it'll probably have to be) being held against the bicep, then replace it with the arm cannon it looks possible. Maybe the heavy blaster rifle animation for holding it would work better?

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is this mod wanted for tsl of k1. also couldnt you just make gauntlets that increase defense yet change the skin of the charcter to samus aran battle suit and then just have the weapon be seperate? but then of course their is skinning it....

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