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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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So what do I do, ask her to have dinner with me some night after work, so we could catch up a little more?




That could be misunderstood.


That's just you being crazy in the head. No amount of people telling you she won't misunderstand will stop you from thinking it though. I consider myself an expert in this particular field. My entire life has been a chain of perceived misunderstanding.


Ask her if she wants to get together some time, but keep it vague?


If its too vague, its not good. The standard we used over here is a series of things with "or" ending with "or something."


I don't know about that either. She's highly intelligent, and I wouldn't put it past her to instantly suspect something if I asked something like that.


She will, but even dumb girls do that.


As I said, she is just beyond beautiful, and I'm sure she has had enough guys try to get to her that way.


How hot are we talking about?

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She will, but even dumb girls do that.


Well, she is highly perceptive and analytical. Suspicions are one thing, but I wouldn't be suprised if she deduced my initial intentions about 0.03 seconds after I started talking to her. Not everyone can do that. My sister is not dumb, but she can't do that. Some guy will come up and start talking to her. She tells me that he just wants to be friends. I tell her that she is retarded and that is obviously not what he wants. She says that she suspected that at first, but it doesn't seem to be that way. In the end, I'm always right. This has happened at least 20 times. Some guys really DO just want to be friends with her. Others don't. I've called it every single time, and she's frequently wrong. She's not dumb, but she's not as smart as I am. She's a lot better with people than I am, but some things she just doesn't pick up on.


How hot are we talking about?


Think of the highest level of hotness you know and then go up a couple of steps from that. The first time I saw her, I felt like somebody smacked me in the face with a 2x4. I still remember what she was wearing that day, and it was almost 10 years ago. And I don't even remember most people's names two minutes after I meet them.


She's tall. Maybe 5'9". Very thin, but still has a very nice figure. Fair skin. Dark hair, almost black. A very warm, natural smile. If you could see her smile and not smile yourself, you're a communist traitor.


Now, there are a lot of beautiful girls out there. I suppose what set her apart in my eyes was that she also carries herself with a lot of dignity and grace. And she is very modest. I can't tell you how many girls I have met that I would find very attractive if only they had a little modesty. I find beauty without modesty to be a very unattractive thing.


This girl you would never see wearing a shirt that did not cover her stomach. She does not wear whore-ish makeup. Her language is polite. She dresses up when it is called for - in church she was wearing a simple but elegent dress.

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well, does he go to church?

Couldn't happen if he's a lawyer... I believe their feet tend to burst into flame once they cross onto consecrated ground... :dozey:


I know it's not the slightest bit helpful or anything,.. but the one possible solution I keep coming back to in my mind about this was once a Seinfeld episode:


"I don't know the exact pronunciation, but I believe it's 'menage-a-trois'."





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well, does he go to church? maybe you have one up on him there...*shrug*


I don't know, but I can't believe he doesn't. I doubt she would date him otherwise. They met at a Catholic university. Of course, that doesn't mean anything for sure, but... *shrug*


I know it's not the slightest bit helpful or anything,.. but the one possible solution I keep coming back to in my mind about this was once a Seinfeld episode:


"I don't know the exact pronunciation, but I believe it's 'menage-a-trois'."


Yes...I'll...keep that in mind. Anyway, in Seinfeld, that was two ladies. Moral issues aside, I wouldn't want to be involved in ANYTHING like that with another dude :eek:

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Well, it had to happen. I finally hit my fifth decade of life today. So what did I do on my 40th b-day? The big b-day stuff came Sunday...after my brother took me food shopping, we hit the local Chili's w/ my sister's family for lunch, where I was given my sister's family's gift, a 1 GB MP3 player. Then, my sister's husband went home w/ my younger nephew while me, my siblings, and my older nephew took in the Brockton Rox baseball game against the North Shore Spirit. North Shore's pitcher tossed a 4-hit shutout and the Rox lost 4-0, but the highlight was the brief appearance of the Goodyear blimp, which was on its way to Fenway Park for the Red Sox' night game against the Yankees.


Drink up everyone...it's on me! :)

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well, september is almost here....


looked at my schedule and this new 'customer service scheduling' is going to suck. working like 2-11 on a saturday, then get up and go to work 11-8 on sunday. instead of having like a steady shift like what i have been getting, it's gonna be all over the ****ing place. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE...the world could blow up before then and i might not have to worry about it. :D

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does she work nights? if so, you are screwed there buddy!


got my paycheck yesterday, overtime was included.but damn they take alot out. i kinda wish i could cancel my social security or at least put it on hold....or just take it out and use it whenever the **** i want. or better yet, get payed under the table....


both my buddies at work went off to college, they hired one new person on...prolly gonna hire another new person or not...i dunno about it tho, a pregnant woman/mommy is a good combination for call-offs. but whatever. i handled the place on my own last saturday from 2-11...all by myself cause the one girl i was scheduled to close with decided to call off. :D so ya can kinda get a little idea of why i am worried about this 'customer service scheduling' it's gonna ruin everyone's "family-get-togethers" and they'll decide they're sick and call off...meh it's not that bad. at least i'm getting $8.20 an hour...and my "incentive" for selling cameras is the end of the year bonus i think the home office decided to scrap.


anyways work aside, life is good. i have off this weekend, my aunt and uncle aren't coming up, my friend has to work...and it's going to RAIN!!!!!!1111111111 o well, i'll just chill at my parents' and watch some movies! or defiantly go out in the rain :D



I joined a guild in galaxies last night called 'divine darkness'....haven't been in a guild in like forever...it's pretty fun anyways. mostly imperial players.


I started reading the fellowship of the ring..i got to like chapter IV last time, before i gave it up for the halo trilogy, now im back at the beginning...it's so cool.

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does she work nights? if so, you are screwed there buddy!


No. Architects don't really have a "night shift." Which is why I assume this was a lie and the suggestion of "maybe some other time" was added to placate me for now and prevent me from suggesting something else. Well played indeed. But it's not over yet. Indeed, she's only started the game.


I started reading the fellowship of the ring..i got to like chapter IV last time, before i gave it up for the halo trilogy, now im back at the beginning...it's so cool.


I always thought The Fellowship of the Ring was the best book in the trilogy. Particularly the first half.

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I always thought The Fellowship of the Ring was the best book in the trilogy. Particularly the first half.

Really? That was always my least favorite part of the entire series. I really didn't start to get truly interested until they are in the mines, and encounter the Balrog. That's when I began to get serious about these books the first time I read them.


In other news: My hard-drive is still working, but also still being a bitch.


Fortunately, someone just donated a bunch of old gear to me, and in that pile of stuff were a couple of old 40-gigger drives, as well as an equally vintage 25-gig,.. and a fairly new 120-gig!


Anybody wanna guess which one is becoming my new C: drive this week? :dozey:


Out of the pile of other stuff (plus a bunch of old stuff I already had laying around) I should be able to cobble together a halfway decent tower system, plus make a few upgrades to my already existing 2nd machine (my Linux box.)


I'm thinking of stuffing all the rest of the old hard drives into the machine I'm going to put together, along with all the RAM I have, a CD and/ or DVD drive, a decent soundcard, and a minimal vid card, and using it as a file server on my network.


Then I'll transfer all my existing MP3s to it, and rip all my other CDs. I'll put it next to the desk in my bedroom where I now listen to tunes on a portable CD player hooked up to my old PC speakers (the ones that took a hit in the lightning strike.)


Now... running CAT5 over to that location... PLUS finding AC outlets that aren't already full... :rolleyes:

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Hm, so I asked the girl if she would like to have dinner or something after work next week. She said next week was looking full for her but maybe some other time. So have I completely failed?




My friend that is a girl that i secretly like even though she knows i like her has been really busy and I havent seen her in like two weeks and we were going to have breakfast yesterday but she didnt call me and i called her and she didnt answer and i emailed her and she never emailed me back and now i'm a little worried. plus she's going away next week for a week, so it'll be like a month total without seeing her and that makes me sad.


i should have gone and helped her paint that bookshelf last week, but nooo i had to go take a nap instead.

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