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Korriban prisoner


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If you want to save the prisoner you need to convince him to let you help him *you need persuade* and then inject him with a drug to put him in a catatonic state from the console near the cage. The interrogator will then curse you for supposedly killing the guy and they dump his body in the morgue and then presumably he gets away.


If you want to find out where the mandalorian's cache is then you need to go to the console and inject him with a high dose of truth serum and then inject him with a small dose of anti-truth serum and then inject him with another high dose of truth serum. Then ask him where his cache is, then he will blurt out that its in a secret compartment on his ship. Or you can just use force intimidation to get him to blurt out the answer.


The interrogator will come back in and thank you for extracting the information from him and then he will say hes going to tell Uthar.You can then either allow him to take credit for your accomplishment *you dont get prestige then, but dont get dark side points either* or you can attack him and prevent him from taking credit for your job and then you can go tell Uthar what you did. You get dark side points for this and since Uthar already scrapped the guy's ship *along with his cache* you dont get as much prestige since Uthar only gives you credit for being able to come up with the information.



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  • 3 months later...

you can do it without dominate mind but you need to understand mandalorian thats why i normly take canderous with me on that part he makes it a little easier to understand or hk47 is anthor good one and also canderous is also great in battles ive used him to take down darth brandon and survied and it was crazy enough to work

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If you want to save the prisoner you need to convince him to let you help him *you need persuade* and then inject him with a drug to put him in a catatonic state from the console near the cage. The interrogator will then curse you for supposedly killing the guy and they dump his body in the morgue and then presumably he gets away.


If you want to find out where the mandalorian's cache is then you need to go to the console and inject him with a high dose of truth serum and then inject him with a small dose of anti-truth serum and then inject him with another high dose of truth serum. Then ask him where his cache is, then he will blurt out that its in a secret compartment on his ship. Or you can just use force intimidation to get him to blurt out the answer.


The interrogator will come back in and thank you for extracting the information from him and then he will say hes going to tell Uthar.You can then either allow him to take credit for your accomplishment *you dont get prestige then, but dont get dark side points either* or you can attack him and prevent him from taking credit for your job and then you can go tell Uthar what you did. You get dark side points for this and since Uthar already scrapped the guy's ship *along with his cache* you dont get as much prestige since Uthar only gives you credit for being able to come up with the information.


An easier way to do that is

Inject 3 doses of the moderate/medium truth serum.


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  • 2 weeks later...

actually, if you



have a high enough persuade skill and he tells you to put him in a catatonic state, you can do so at the console, it is the last option. The interrogetor will curse you, like darthvandar said and run off. However, before collapsing, the mandalorian will tell you that the cache is hidden on his ship and he wants you to take it. catatonicing him will get you LS points and even if you tell uthar bout the cache, DS point wont come, rather, you'll get more prestige


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You need to use Dominate Mind, I believe. It helps, I know that. Your persuade must be fairly high, as well.

dont you also need to have a fairly high computer skill, to, ya know, work the computer. I had to take T3 with me to do it. (But then again I was playing as a lightside jedi and I put him in a chronic state so he could escape :) )

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  • 4 weeks later...
Or you can help him in escaping. That's what I did. And I never told Uthar his secret either.


that was stupid


Please refrain from attepting to flame other posters. -RH


all you needed to do was over dose him with serum then kill the other guy who need you to interogate him then you tell uthar and get prestige


I have combined your Double Posts. Please refrain from Double Posting, that is having multiple posts in a row, while it is alright to do in some rare instances, here it isn't. Use the 'edit this' post feature to add any new content to your previous posts, thanks. -RH

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it didnt matter if you were on light side


i am light side and i did that


I have combined your Double Posts... again. Please refrain from Double Posting, that is having multiple posts in a row, while it is alright to do in some rare instances, here it isn't. Use the 'edit this' post feature to add any new content to your previous posts, thanks. -RH

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