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Romance Options for Kotor 3


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:lol: I have to wholeheartedly agree with that one :lol:


Romance is a must have for KOTOR3. I loved having the ability to tease and embarrass (and--whether it be the right word or not--seduce) Bastilla in KOTOR1 and I found the end very rewarding no matter how brief it was. KOTOR2 felt empty with the pitiful plot between your character and the Handmaiden, and the Atton bit doesn't even count. If having a romance plot IS just to much to ask for then at least give the character the option of flirting.



That I also agree with. In KotOR II...it was...pathetic, to say the least. But then again so was the whole KotOR II storyline...anyway. I liked the ability to choose, like in TSL, but I also liked the angst and stuff that 1 had. I spent hours trying out different dialouge sequences with Bastila on the Ebon Hawk, and I was surprised by some of the things that happened...

Though I have no problem with it being gushy or not gushy. Romance is Romance :D

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Hey guys i'm new here. Anyways i still personally want Bastilas and Revans relationship to carry on and move forward.


Welcome to the Forums, Jo-El. I also want Revan and Bastila's relationship to continue and maybe the Exile can romance with Atton or Disciple (Male) or Handmaiden or Visas or Mira (Male).

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Pottsie, I think you meant FEMALE for the relationship between Atton/Disciple and the Exile. Unless of course your intention was that the Exile was gay and the more femine of the two:lol:

Still I think romance should be a part of it. To tell a story, you need the whole story including love because love is a part of the human condition.

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My vote is for romance but something a bit more envolved that can unfold earlier in the game if you make a point of gaining influence and talking to the right characters, or could be dragged out till the end as in Kotor I.


As others have suggested it would also be interesting to see consequences, such as if you have someone like Disciple fall in love with the PC and the PC rejects him so he starts falling to the dark side. Or redeem someone like Sion (who hints at loving the femal PC)


I liked the influencing bit of KOTORII but it was underdeveloped there should be more perks for having good and bad relationships, ie good relationship adds + modifiers to the people in the friendship and visa versa for LS and flip it for DS.


I know some people don't care about the romance so there shuold be options to cut them off as in KOTOR I early without penalty but I think it's more interesting to see what effect you can have on people.


For instance even though I would like to play DS more I don't because I hate having to say obnoxious lines all the time just to get DS points there should be other more subtle ways of getting DS points. I don't mind being sarky if it's particularly funny (especially to Kreia) but good people are sarky too why do you get penalised for just being funny and have to bee uber nice and mushy towards people if you don't want to?


The thing I really enjoy about both Kotor's is the relationships and the dialogue between the main party and I think it would be worth investing time to make sure the relationship builder is well rounded and appeals to people who want to get different things out of the game.


The other thing I would like to say (in this endless dissertation) is that it's annoying that Male PC's seem to get better results in the romance stakes in both games when so many like to play as female PC's!

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it would really depend on the pc...


Both Revan and Exile have people who they have established a connection with in the previous games, so i think they should continue with them.




Actually i hope they give the Female Revan-Juhani Romance a chance in the next game, its not specified in TSL.

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Hiya, I posted what i want in Kotor III, but i forgot to put in the romance part.


Tell me what you think: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=149410


Well, i think the dialog should be colour coded for alignment purposes and for romance too.


Red = Darkside


Blue = Lightside


Grey = Neutral


Pink = Romance


that should be good.


what do you think?


When it comes to Romance, it should be an optional thing not something that is connected through the main quest.

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...love can bring about jealousy...


True that. Everytime my Girlfriend turns around for a 2nd look at some guys I flip out [/sarcastic]


I could care less if they bump up the hormons in KotOR III. I never really did those quests or anything cause I found it was more fun to just kill people :)

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I hope they give the option to spout horrendously cheezy adolescant romance dialog. It would really help with the Star Wars feel!


Yes that would be great, although the thing I love about Kotor is that often the dialogue is far better then in actual star wars.


When we went to see Ep3 and the mushy scene between Padme and Anikan came on


"I love you more", "no I love you more" etc


I actually cried out in the cinema "oh my god" and made a wretching sound. My husband was severely embarassed but I couldn't help it. It was so truly awful. The stuff between Leia and Han was better and less cringe worthy.


Althougth I have to say it sets a good precident for keeping romance in Kotor but hopefully the game writers will keep their senses about them and not give us too many cheesey lines. One or two from Atton is okay as he uses it as a defense mechanism. That's why we love him, he's so complicated and emotionally unavaliable.


It's all very disfunctional

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Anyway, I think that Revan and Exile should return to the game, continuing their romance with whoever they chose in their last appearence (aka K1 & 2)

But that's slightly off the point.


I say that they should definatly increase the effect of a romance would have on the game's events, kinda work it in more to the threads of the plots itself. Maybe make things harder at one point to keep to the Light, like have some DS dude threaten to kill the one the PC loves (kinda like a hostage situation thing) and make you make a DS choice in order to save him/her. That would make things pretty interesting, if you ask me.


And I also say, don't be afraid to have scenes in which the characters show that they love each other. Like in K1. If you play your cards right, there is a way for Male Revan to kiss Bastila on the EH...but it's a blackout. Why not add a cut scene there, make things a bit more...realistic? Besides, after fighting with her after half the game, it would have been kinda rewarding, if you ask me. ANd from what I know, there's no way you can even come close to that with Carth. Um...yeah.

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wow.. I could go on and on about this topic and new ideas just keep coming up. With certain party members( because there is more than one woman or man party member) , the coices in dialogue would fit each individual personality. The 'love talk' could be awkward and bumbling or super mushy or love a friend and it deepens. Each npc would be different. An absolute must, is that the romance goes on to the very bitter end. And I really stress 'bitter end' if you know what I am saying( or good end for you LS)ers And jedi aren't allowed to love in this regard...ohhh how joyously exciting, dark and truely dramatic this STAR WARS seguel could be if done right. I'm playing the game in my mind right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
. I will stress again, it doesn't have to be mushy. "Oh I love you sweetie pie! Lets go and cuddle and make cutesy faces at each other."


Oh, I dunno, I can picture a quest beginning with an NPC interrupting our hero along the lines of: "while you two were holed up in the cantina cuddling and making cutesy faces at each other, somebody stole the ship."


I was dissatisfied with the romance angle in 1, and even more so in 2. All fiction is, at its heart, romance. Whether it's family based, couple-centric, or comeraderie/patriotism, it's an intregal part of getting the reader's (player's) heart racing and making the outcome more important than "I hit the sith assasin for 3 and 2, roll for <yawn> init...."


While I think it should be an option rather than a requisite, I firmly believe that romance should not only be included, but ramped up from the subliminal levels where it currently resides. And the least we can expect by endgame is a kiss and/or embrace on-screen. I'm not asking for porn or anything (at least not in public :halo2: ) but some sort of concrete connection (okay, I didn't mean that the way it sounded) should be possible. Possible, rather than mandatory. I've already expressed my desire for the possibility of NPC departure/abandonment/flexibility in another thread.


I agree on the desirability of side quests hanging on the relationship. I'd also like to see bennies for pursuing it beyond the whole behind-closed-doors aspect. How about the dual strike feat being granted as a bonus when the character is fighting alongside the love interest, its level dependent upon the level of the relationship? How about giving them heroic resolve when battling together?


The idea for direct feedback regarding romance cues is great, too, as is the option for triangles and etc.... And, I may be wrong, but I don't think the OPTION for pursuing the cuddly-mushy-kissyfaces arc would necessarily be a bad thing. I know that I'd play it at least once, just for the novelty if nothing else. So long as it was done reasonably well, I wouldn't even expect greatness. (see above sidequest launch idea)



Slightly off topic, but not quite: how about the protaganist of 3 being the offspring of Exile and Briana/Atton/Disciple/Visas? Or, okay, Reven and Carth/Bastila? That would be a handy way of explaining how he/she got hold of the Ebon Hawk (sorry, different thread) and would serve admirably to tie up at least one romance arc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

KOTOR 3 should be all about getting laid.


Going from planet to planet trying to get with the hottest chicks/dudes you can find. Doesn't matter what species either. Twi'lek, Cather, Human. Sleep with them all! You could use your Jedi mind tricks to get them to get busy with you, and the force to get their clothes off. Awesome!


As Lucas says, the Jedi can't form attachments, but they aren't cellibate!


I propose the title for KOTOR 3 be "Knights of the Old Republic: Sexual Escapades"


OMFG, I should be a game designer! :D

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KOTOR 3 should be all about getting laid.


Going from planet to planet trying to get with the hottest chicks/dudes you can find. Doesn't matter what species either. Twi'lek, Cather, Human. Sleep with them all! You could use your Jedi mind tricks to get them to get busy with you, and the force to get their clothes off. Awesome!


As Lucas says, the Jedi can't form attachments, but they aren't cellibate!


I propose the title for KOTOR 3 be "Knights of the Old Republic: Sexual Escapades"


OMFG, I should be a game designer! :D



Maybe not game designer, but definitely comedien....


You know, I had to stop typing for a moment--I was laughing so darn hard I couldn't do anything but hold my stomach. :lol:

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KOTOR 3 should be all about getting laid.


Going from planet to planet trying to get with the hottest chicks/dudes you can find. Doesn't matter what species either. Twi'lek, Cather, Human. Sleep with them all! You could use your Jedi mind tricks to get them to get busy with you, and the force to get their clothes off. Awesome!


As Lucas says, the Jedi can't form attachments, but they aren't cellibate!


I propose the title for KOTOR 3 be "Knights of the Old Republic: Sexual Escapades"


OMFG, I should be a game designer! :D


:lol: Post of the day

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