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Do you want the "True Sith" to play a part in the next game?


What role will they play in KOTOR III?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. What role will they play in KOTOR III?

    • They will play a major part, and be an enemy
    • They will only be mentioned, nothing more
    • The PC will come across their cities and temples/ruins, but not as a species
    • I don't really care either way

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Well the little info thing on the loading bar on the game said that the Jedi who turned landed on Korriban and met up with the Sith. Over time the two became one and that the Sith as we know them are nothing more than followers of an ideal. I would think the True Sith be a bit warped from the use of dark power and the two becoming one.I guess we'll have to wait and see what the devs are cooking up.

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I see, a supporter of the dark side. Still I will back you up on that they may be the enemy and I stick by my previous response that the True Sith will have some role to play. If it was mentioned in TSL then it would only make sense to have it mentioned in KOTOR 3 otherwise we are left dead hanging with our heads twelve feet in the air. If not the actual physical enemy then at least some mention of them in the main quest.


well, i am not a supporter of the dark side, as i said before i am with the shadow side...but my idea of the true sith is that they are shadow sided, i know its not possible but i still think that it will be cooler if we fight deferent enemy, who has our force powers and those belongs to our previous enemy...dont know, its just my openion, i cant see a big hit if we fight the same enemy again no matter how darker he is nor how new powers he has, what we need is a new enemy with a new philosophy.

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They won't appear. Instead, your character, offspring of a threesome between Bastila/Carth/Exile will fight their caretakers, who will appear to be Darth Vader clones. They will be ruled by an Evil Emperor Palatine, and your apprentice, the black daughter of Atris and the Exile will sacrifice herself to kill him.


Seriously, they will play a major part.


Quoted for Emphasis. XD

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well, i am not a supporter of the dark side, as i said before i am with the shadow side...but my idea of the true sith is that they are shadow sided
What is the shadow side supposed to be exactly?


Prime - he looks more like a monkey/man hybrid that put his fingers into a power socket
I dare you to say that to his face. :)
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I was under the impression that the species of true sith died a millenium ago and the sith now are followers of an idea.


Aren't the sith now decendants and followers of fallen jedi that hated and hunted jedi hundreds of years ago?


Is there anywhere in the game that Kreia stated that the true sith still existed?

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i cant see a big hit if we fight the same enemy again no matter how darker he is nor how new powers he has, what we need is a new enemy with a new philosophy.


Well, I don't know about that. TSL didn't need that much of a different philosophy, and we still had most of the same enemies, just different in form.

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Well, I don't know about that. TSL didn't need that much of a different philosophy, and we still had most of the same enemies, just different in form.


That's why TSL, at least storywise, wasn't as good of a game or as popular as KotOR. The freshness was worn away a bit.


They need to kick it up a notch for this one. (IMO)

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That's why TSL, at least storywise, wasn't as good of a game or as popular as KotOR. The freshness was worn away a bit.


They need to kick it up a notch for this one. (IMO)


I agree with you, some games died so fast if its devolopers didnt change it, and i think that after the long wait for KotOR 3, they should make it unforgetable by changing the enemy.


Originally Posted by Prime

What is the shadow side supposed to be exactly?


its like being a grey jedi

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That's why TSL' date=' at least storywise, wasn't as good of a game or as popular as KotOR. The freshness was worn away a bit.[/quote']


Actually I disagree, I thought TSL had a better storyline than KOTOR. The first game was good, but to me TSL was even better. But whatever, that is just opinion.

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Actually I disagree, I thought TSL had a better storyline than KOTOR. The first game was good, but to me TSL was even better. But whatever, that is just opinion.


KOTOR 2 was really good but think about it when are number 2's ever better than number 1's unless the first is really bad most the time the number 2 is looked down apon cause it has some of the same stuff as the old one that you have already seen

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Yeah, but that same stuff is what makes KOTOR, well, KOTOR. While you say that Sith Lords and dark Jedi are getting a bit old, and we need something new in the way of philosophy; couldn't you also say that lightsabers and being a Jedi trying to single-handedly save the galaxy or conquer the galaxy is getting kind of old? :)

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Yeah, but that same stuff is what makes KOTOR, well, KOTOR. While you say that Sith Lords and dark Jedi are getting a bit old, and we need something new in the way of philosophy; couldn't you also say that lightsabers and being a Jedi trying to single-handedly save the galaxy or conquer the galaxy is getting kind of old? :)



i did not mean that the sith lords are getting old, what i meant to say is that in KotOR 3, there is a new enemy, the true sith, we know few about them, so its possible for the devs to make them different, and it will be greater fighting stronger and different enemy, in my openion that the past two games were easy, and fighting Nihilus and Malak was boaring, so bringing another enemy who has the ability of using the two sides of the force powers, and not as fullish as the sith (i mean the fact that every dark jedi is looking for his own benefit), and gathered under one command...what i mean is we need an enemy to respect, someone with idea and philosophy as great as ours (the players i mean) not the idea of "i'll kill everything even my allies, and when i am alone i'll kill my self :) "

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^ I think it is. If you think about it, it isn't really a big deal in the game. The fans have made it a big deal, because everyone thinks she is talking about "True Sith species." :xp:


And you know, when she says "true Sith", you don't really know if she is talking about a species, do you? A lot of people have put words in that aren't there.

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No matter what the True Sith are, i dont want them in Kotor III.

First in Kotor u fight the Sith...you wipe them out/become their leader. Good.

In Kotor II, you fight even stronger sith, sith who have been created by the Mandalorian war...

And in Kotor III you will finally fight the "true" sith? What would be the explanation they are so powerful? IMO it is just LAME, to introduce a new species or group or whatever which just is superior to everything known.

The only real superior species were the Rakata and there was a good explanation why they were superior.


I really don't want the True Sith in Kotor III, but now they hinted so much in Kotor II it is very unlikely that my wish comes true :(

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