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The droids


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The voices of the droids in RotS are so funny! I'm glad there can be comedy like this to perk up the darkest movie of the saga. They remind me so much of the little soldiers in the BadGuys series! I duno if I shouldve put this in the cantina but its about RotS so i put it here.


anyway what do you think about the droids? better? or worse?

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Worse! the idea of the super battle droids is to intimidate the enemy.


Seriously who the hell is scared of something that sounds like a chipmunk!


Maybe someone who was attacked by a chipmunk?


I don't mind the droid voices, but I think since they're intended for battle, they should've had a more serious voice.

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Although not to mention the fact that the droids show, that they do have some speaking when in battle, if you remember when OOM-9 commanded during the Battle of Naboo. I as well think I heard some super battle droids speaking during the Battle of Geonsis, But I am not sure exactly, I guess I will have to watch AotC again.

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I loved the Super Battle Droids' voices. XD


Especially when they don't know how to create contractions.


*When Obi-Wan is communicating with Artoo*


Droid One: What that?


Droid Two: That nothin'. Get back to work.


Or something similar. I loved it. It rocked.

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No, the SBD in Republic Commando RULES.

Actually, I think most units in that game are superior to their movie equivalents. I call it the "puberty" of Star Wars IMHO, when bullets kill, animals and people bleed, and a super battle droid can beat you to death and is 8 feet tall.


Not to mention their voices are excellant, deep, intemidating and they even shout in frustration if you shoot their legs off.

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It's stupid. Who would program a droid that could use slang (nuthin') but couldn't speak in complete sentences? Furthermore, who would create a droid that sounds like it's on helium? The old droid voices rocked, at least by comparison.


the old voices were crap... they were all monotone and boring...


Maybe the droids voices werent based on humans voices but that of an alien who has a high voice.


anyway i still crack up when i hear these new voices... im pretty annoyed that the CSI was "stopped" before the old trilogy; it would've been funny to have seen the high pitched droids, han and chewie in the same scene :D

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Seriously who the hell is scared of something that sounds like a chipmunk!


I'd tend to agree. The Supers were very menacing with no voice at all. Honestly, whoever thought it was a good idea to make them sound like that needs to seriously reevaluate their concept of credibility. The Clones probably cut those droids down laughing all the way. And as if that isn’t enough, they also impair their grammar. “Get back to work. That nothing.” :eyeraise:

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