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Test it out: Geonosis: Spire (Lots of bugs)

Darth Derkie

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  Alkonium said:
Only three problems:

1: Ground is black

2: Turrets don't work

3: Where are the Geonosians?


1: It's Dark, there is a new lighting system in SWBFII, I haven't figured it out yet.

2: They work, it is just not visible, you can shoot units with it, only on close range.

3: I will add them and change the ep3 clones into ep2 ones.


  toue said:
horay for recreating!boo for lost cds! could someone post a screenshot?


Ok, here are some screens: http://www.maj.com/gallery/eheheh/SWBattlefront/CustomMaps/Battlefront2/Geonosis/geo3.jpg


Screens from a newer version:




I will post a even newer version later today, in about 1 hour, with the ep2 clone troopers and geonosians.

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Yeah, the republic has 2 ATTE's wich you can spawn from, but they are not counting as CP's that because you lose reinforcements at the beginning. :(


For the next version I have:


1. (hopefully) The geonosians.

2. More health for the Techno Union Ships

3. Brown fog color

4. Shadows fixed

5. Republic doesn't lose reinforcements at the beginning

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  • 1 month later...

Looking good.



can i ask you some questions as i as well am working on a Geonosis map?



1) How do you get lighting to work? I can get it fine in Zero Edit, but the game is still reallyyy dark ingame.


2) How do you change the sky? Once again I can get the change to occur in Zero Edit, but it doesnt show up ingame. (I edited the Sky file said the GettingStarted.doc but i cant get it to work ingame!)


3)Is there anyway I could get ahold of those Geonosian fighters?

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^You have problems:


1)You posted on a thread thats 2 months old,in this case a "dead" thread


2)The fact that you did the above while it was on page 2 makes it a bump


3)The fact that you did both of the above means you broke about 1-3 rules there!

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