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What You Want To Improve In KOTORIII

Diego Varen

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In the next KOTOR I want so many things to be improved. So this is what I want improved.


1. Boss Fights - Make them slightly harder and when you kill an important Boss like Darth Sion, they shouldn't talk and then die. Instead it should either be like on TSL, where you suck the Force out of the Jedi or you do some cool stab move and they die.


2. More Sidequests - Sidequests are always something to make the Game better. In KOTOR, there were many great Sidequests for Party Members. I want that to return in KOTORIII.


3. New Planets - No Dantooine at all, Korriban should return if it has more tombs, otherwise another Sith Planet like Dromund Kass. Courscant should be in it and a volcanic or chilly Planet should be in it for a change.


4. Customisable Lightsaber Hilts/Robes - Hilts should be like on Jedi Academy, where you can choose what you like. You should be able to have your own personal Robe that no other Jedi has.


5. A Long Game - TSL was better in terms of length compared to TSL. I want this to be longer than TSL, but not that much longer. There should be at least a maximum of fifteen Planets to go to and there should be Sidequests to do on the Planet.


I might think of more later.


PS. Sorry if there is already a Thread on this.

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There have already been several topics like this I bet, but I guess it won't matter if I run through what I thought of again.


1. More customization- Hilts, faces, maybe robes.


2. Better graphics- I'm not talking Half Life 2 or Halo, but if we get graphics on par with K2 again I'll be very dissapointed. This can also include better/more animations and other cosmetic changes.


3. Longer game- You said this...I think. You might need to edit that part. TSL was rather short compared to K1. I'd like more planets, and more quests. Maybe even quests that only appear after the main part of the game is complete (but not before the final area.)


4. New stuff- More Force powers, Feats and items. I'm sure the developers can think of some cool new things to implement.


5. Fixed influence system and better dialogue- Self explanatory.


6. Finished, fun, understandable game- Please!

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1) More effective influence system. The influence system in TSL, while new and fresh, was far too meaningless in the long run. It didn't affect how your party members acted, which is really what I thought it would do.


2) New Planets. No Korriban, and no Dantooine. They're old. They're very old. We need some fresh new worlds. And I don't mean a 'new' planet modelled after the older ones - have a planet that has more than a single tyep of climate. And no more tombs. They're getting insane. Make them temples instead.


3) More information on Mandalore. It sucked how Canderous was only mentioned by name once in reference to him being the new Mandalore, and that was at the end of the game.


4) No stupid, pointless, boring planets (ie Taris and Peragus). Just for once, can't the main character crash onto a planet where they actually get to do something, instead of running around aimlessly for a while?


5) No glitches. That's what beta testing is for, people. If you have to, take another month or two to work out all the bugs. I'm sick of 'I am broken, so bery very broken'. At least fix that one.


6) Don't cut any content. And if you do, don't let us find out. We won't be pleased.

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4) No stupid, pointless, boring planets (ie Taris and Peragus). Just for once, can't the main character crash onto a planet where they actually get to do something, instead of running around aimlessly for a while?


Peragus was a bore, we all know that. But I thought Taris was really fun.

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1) Lightsaber Forms: I want to know that I actually changed my style in both stance and animations. I also want to have all the lightsaber forms, such as Trakata, Jar-Kai (dual sabers), Dun Moch, etc. They were good in TSL, but I would like them to go even farther.


2) Influence System: Another good thing that I would like to go farther. Not just change your ally's alignment, but change their behavior. It is kind of stupid for a LS Visas to tell your character that you shouldn't have helped another NPC, or whatever it is.


3) Larger Areas: This is just a "maybe", but it would be nice to actually feel like you are on a big planet, instead of just three or four areas that have everything you need for that planet. Maybe some more wild areas outside of big cities, so, for example, you could go out and have to find some area out on Onderon away from the city.


4) Party Members: Sidequests and dialogue are a must. TSL was good on the ones that were finished, having more interesting backstories than "let's go solve your family problems." But then again, there were people like Bao-Dur who are pretty dull with no backstory. So in short, just finish the game and the characters.


5) New planets: except for Dantooine and Korriban. I disagree with the others on this one, they belong in KotOR. The only reason Dantooine was kind of old in TSL was because it was the same areas, with a partly different story. The reason why Korriban was old in TSL was because it was, again, same new areas that took about 20 min. to beat. If it had been paired with M4-78, I doubt many people would complain about it. So keep them, they are part of the story. Just improve them a little, so we can actually get out and see some places on those planets, instead of the exact same modules.


Oh yes, and I thought of another one! This is an absolute must!


6) Combat System: Please, please change it from an RPG! It has to be a button-mashing FPS, even though the previous two were RPGs! And even if it alienate tons of fans, I don't care! Oh please, it would be so great to change the combat system, I'd scream if they kept it an RPG! :xp: :xp: :xp:

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Anyone like my bunny avatar?


Good question. It's alright I suppose and I thought that TSL was longer than KOTOR.


Back on topic, I wouldn't want to change the Combat System. I've got used to it. But maybe just make the Graphics slightly better.

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All new graphics and engine. In game customizable sabers, robes and characters. A layered clothes system. You should be able to upgrade the base stats of the robes and armor not just the bonuses. Upgrades shouldn’t be so insanely expensive but armors; especially Jedi armors should be super rare. A real cybernetics system. Visual representation of every piece of gear you have on. Make the game mod friendly. Particle effects based saber blades. When you cut something with a saber blade it leaves permanent marks on that thing. The ability to choose your fighting style/ saber form and have it all reflected in the animations. Better writing over all and a huge branching story system where you every action changes the outcome, sort of like morrowind but instead of just breaking the story if you happen to manage to kill someone important you change the story in dramatic ways and the game rolls on as if that’s what you were supposed to do. Bring the game closer to the D20 system with your piloting skills having some role in your ability to pilot the various ships. Yes I want you to be able to actually chose to pilot the ship, not every Jedi can’t drive. You should be able to pick another ship besides the ebon hawk at some point, and this should have an effect on the way you travel and how you’re received at port.

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Another thing I would like improving is fighting with the Computer. Like the Civil War on Onderon in TSL, where you choose one team and fight another. You should be able to fight with a Yoda Species and you should be able to lead a group of Jedi against some Sith.

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I think Rob was joking.


Yeah, I was. (did you see the :xp: :xp: :xp: ) If they change it, even to something like Jade Empire, I probably wouldn't like it. Of course, I have to consider that I haven't played Jade Empire, but let's just keep the combat system the way it is; it has worked, and a lot of people like it.


Off-topic, I do like your bunny avatar. :)

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1.) Combat Animations

Yes, I'd like to see new ones added.


btw @ Rob: how can there be different attack animations for more than 7 styles? I'd really love to have that in K3 as well, but seriously, all that standart attack moves.. they cant be made that different, enough for that many styles..


2.)More quests like the Onderon Civil war, or Freedon Nadd's tomb


3.) An intelligent and powerful villain


4.) More Through dialog and actions achievable feats and forcepowers


5.) Appearance customization


6.) Balancing: make 1 saber/dual/staff equally strong, make blaster rifles as strong as 2 pistols etc

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1) Combat animations: Like a previous suggestion of Rob's, animations for different lightsaber forms so as more apparent, maybe some of the old samurai moves from the strategy schoolbook called the Five Rings. It gives different postures and how to execute the moves. I've tried a few though and umbrella makes a pretty lousy katana :p


2)I'm up for more sidequests just to make gameplay longer and more involved like KOTOR was. That was fullfilling. TSL left me with a huh? look at times.



3.) An intelligent and powerful villain

What can I say. Even Malak wasn't that smart. The one that was closest in intelligence was Kreia though she was fairly easy to beat



6.) Balancing: make 1 saber/dual/staff equally strong, make blaster rifles as strong as 2 pistols etc

I thought this could be achieved with the dueling and finesse feats. Me I just use two handed weapon and dueling, good chance of hitting.


5) Wait this the number 1) I forgot my order aghh! Well here is the absolute must: A COMPLETED STORYLINE

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@ Rob: how can there be different attack animations for more than 7 styles? I'd really love to have that in K3 as well, but seriously, all that standart attack moves.. they cant be made that different, enough for that many styles..


There can be. I'm not necessarily talking about completely different animations for every single attack in each style that are very different... Like with Ataru, the attacks would be more aggressive, and as a special attack, power attack would be the straight-flip-and-attack anim., etc.


And some would be very unique anyways, like Trakata. All you really have to do is make an animation with the blade turning on and off during attack. There is another, I think it is called Shien (Form IX, not to be confused with the other style) where the blade is almost "punched" at the opponent with the blade point forward; again, that wouldn't be that hard.


If you want, here is a page about all of them: http://starwars.wikicities.com/wiki/Lightsaber_combat#The_seven_forms_of_lightsaber_combat

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Hmmm ok what too improve. Well i liked TSL not as much as K1 but it was ok.


1) Firstly i would like an improved AI. My god the AI in the game is bad. Now i know that in every Star Wars game the enemies are as dumb as a lump of cheese but i think possibly if your fighting thugs, they may scream out for help or attempt to run away and hide. Or something instead of mindless running into a group of peoplefiring blasters.


2) I would like to see an improvement in graphics. Nothing special just a improvement to make the game look smoother and more.... beautiful. Also cut scenes, or movie clips or whatever you want to call them. I believe they need a vast improvement. I loved the idea of setting up defences on Dantoonie and recruiting normal civilians to fight. I loved the idea of boosting the moral of the troops and doing some grunt work by fixing turrents and droids. However, when it cuts to the fighting scene the militia are just standing in the open. (Ok not a good start, standing facing the enemy just says shoot me with a big boom boom stick). And then the mercs come and do the same thing and they just stand still and shoot each other. I was sitting there staring at the screen thinking to myself, "What the hell is this?". The game got me worked up and i was pretty dissappointed that you couldn't see men ducking behind cover and actually fighting, instead of just standing there.


3) Influence system. I have to say, i did enjoy this. Although alittle tiring after not being able to talk to them if you have not got enough influence and they pretty much say the same things over and over again.... i do like this system. Keep it but improve it. Add more options and like many have said, by the way the influence changes make them change aswell.


4) More customization. Ok lets be frank here. The male characters for the PC... are well ugly as sin. Theres no doubt about it. There is only one person i choose and thats the portrait with the beard. Only because he looks kind of jedie. I would love to customise your face and lightsabre slightly more. Possibly as part of the story your able to create your own robe aswell.


5) I do believe that there needs to be tougher bosses. I mean i was dreading the fight with Darth Nihilus. I know your the only thing that can stop him, but i still expected him to suck the life out of me. But no, he fell so easily i couldn't believe it. Didn't even have to heal once. Quite disappointing. And the bosses are quite simpley kill them and win. I liked the fight with Malak. You had to have a strategy to kill him. I Would place mines lure him into them and while he's absorbing a jedi's health, destroy the others etc... It was quite liner fighting.


6) More side quests. Understandably in TSL, with the jedi believed to be extinct they wouldn't rush for a jedi for help. However, what i enjoyed in K1 was the solving a murder side quest. I thought it was brilliant and you really needed to think about it. They tried to do it in TSL but it was just simply clicking and solving it nothing special. Now i'm not sure if it will effect the storylin but i would love too see another murder investigation and authorities asking Jedi to help with certain inccidents. Jedi are or were seen as the order of the universe, they are the law, bringing b#people too justice. I want to see more of this.


Anyway thats all i can think of now. More to come soon :p

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dying. I cant stand when someone if knocked by a force wave, gets up, then falls on his knees dead, and also cut screens that happen when one is moving from planet to planet should be loading while you see the Ebon Hawk flying, like in K1, in TSL I couldnt stand watching the Ebon Hawk take of and jump to hyperspace, load to the cut screen then, see an unnesscary comment, then load back to the Ebon Hawk.


Hmmm ok what too improve. Well i liked TSL not as much as K1 but it was ok.


4) More customization. Ok lets be frank here. The male characters for the PC... are well ugly as sin. Theres no doubt about it. There is only one person i choose and thats the portrait with the beard. Only because he looks kind of jedie. I would love to customise your face and lightsabre slightly more. Possibly as part of the story your able to create your own robe aswell.




I like that idea, the only person I enjoyed looking at when going to the DS was the guy with the scar in K1.

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Customisable faces - Rather than giving us 5 or 6 to choose from for each gender, I would like to be able to customise my own player's face.


Improved "bosses" - Nihilus was far to easy. As was Sion and Darth Tryana.


AI improvements - You can just hide behind a wall and regain your force points and/or health, the AI should be improved so that this is not possible.


More side quests - This would obviously lead to more playing time for the players. I felt both K1 and TSL lacked in this department.


More Planets - The more the better.


Graphics - Obviously, this game will be on the Xbox 360, so the graphics should be improved.


Customisable lightsabres - As every one has mentioned really.


That's all I can think of for now.

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What I most want to be improve apon in this game is the combat?

REAL REAL and more REAL combat with customisation options.

Let me say first, I WANT REALTIME COMBAT in this one not that damn turn base system I really hate it.


The combat abilities I want are:


  1. real saber and other weapon combat fighting styles, all of them. Like you will have to block in the direction you that you think your opponent will attack
    -behind, in front, side to side, left and right up and down etc. Sorry for you turn base fans out there that that will be to difficult for you to handle.
  2. Real hand to hand combat and kicking combat styles when weapons are'nt drawn.
  3. Acrobatics like fliping jumping and runing off walls or like jumping on people like in JKA.
  4. More advance saber combat fighting styles like jump kicks, flip kicks, grabing and kicking combos that was present in both the movie and Ep III the game. Also customisable combat fighting styles option.
  5. Some REAL saber/weapon combat effects like, decapictations and chop off limbs.
  6. Lastly real real combat which mean, I want them include a realistic option- If you can stab your opponent like in the chest region & if they are'nt wearing sufficient armor or can't block your attack in time from your saber/weapon you can kill them instantly, that is what I mean by REALISTIC combat.


It time especially for next gen and of course jedi games to have a real combat option for those of us who want a real combat experiance and not that old old watching the health drop experiance.



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I haven't seen many people say much about this, but this is something I've thought about.


7) Music: I'd like them to go back to a lot of the original John Williams music, or at least close to it. Not that KOTOR music isn't good, or that they shouldn't keep some of them, but I'd like it if they used a lot of the movie music for it, just to give it that extra real Star Wars feel.


@Windu6, absolutely not. Sure, you hate the other system, but that is KOTOR, and has been for the last two games. You can't just change something that huge in the middle of a series, especially when it would affect everything about the gameplay and change it into an (almost) totally different game.


Acrobatics like fliping jumping and runing off walls or people like in JKA.


You just said it, though. "like in JKA." There is one little flaw with that, windu6, this isn't JK. It is nothing like JK, and really has no ties with JK (except that it is a SW game). I like JO and JA, and I like FPSs - I really do, but if you want to play that kind of game, well... Go play JA, then!


real saber and other weapon combat fighting styles, all of them.Like you will have to block in the direction you that you think your opponent will attack

-behind, in front, side to side, left and right up and down etc. Sorry for you turn base fans out there that that will be to difficult for you to handle.


And you just said another problem. One of the reasons why a lot of people like KOTOR is because it is turn-based, and don't require you to be good at button-mashing. If it turned into that kind of game, you would have a huge majority of fans extremely not happy. A lot of people just can't play those games because it's hard for them to get all the rapid movement and button-pressing down. And as for the people that wouldn't have a problem with it, well, you are dealing with a miniscule majority.


It time especially for next gen and of course jedi games to have a real combat option for those of us who want a real combat experiance and not that old old watching the health drop experiance.


No, it's time for you to get realistic. They don't have to be all FPS; if you don't like RPG games, well then don't play them. Those people that "want a real combat experience" are very few, and those that want "old old watching the health drop experiance" are very many.

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