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Another Awsome Year at WR RPG

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(sorry I haven't been foruming for a while. i got a new computer and I spent the last few days trying to remember my password.)

rioko:*in his mind*Well, better go get joe for his training.*flys invisibly to joe*




Rose: All Right! Alone at last!*runs to Rioko*

Rioko:*Unveals himself as Loboto in disguise.*Muhhahahahahaha! time to take that crystal!

Rose: Uh oh. what was that? Oh right!*merges with crystal*Psi-spear!


Loboto:Oh crap!*flies through the air at mach 2*




rioko:*Pulls joe's mind out of body*


Joe:*physicaL body faints**mental body*What happened? am i dead?


Rioko: No it's just time for crystal traing. now to my mental world we go.

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Chloe came back to her cabin, the dress on. It also fit perfectly. People tell her she's an angel with a needle. She looked at herself in her compact. She looked too sad, very sad. She got back in her capri's and tank top, grabbed her iPod, and went to the beach.

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Rioko: Oh yeah about the smell. I am really not sure why it smells like that.

anyway first you have to learn to merge with the crystal by surging your psychic energy into your crystal.


Joe: You mean like this.*merges perfectly*


Rioko: You are a natural. Now, can you feel the energy within you.


Joe: I don't know. What's it supposed to feel like?


Rioko: sort of like a combination of gas in your intestines and a sudden warmth.


Joe: Yeah.


Rioko: Good. Now use that energy instead of your own to do a psi-blast.


Joe: You mean like this*psi-spear*


Rioko: You did the entire lesson that quick? well, here's a book. It's " How the Crystals Work and How to Use Them" by Razputin ????.


Joe: so that's his last name. I've always wondered. So can I go now.


Rioko: You can't leave ti'll an hour. You better start reading that thing.


Joie: An hour!? Aw man.*reads*

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Chloe was at the beach, her iPod in her ears. Nobody was around her, she gazed to look. She then stood up, increased the volume and began to sing with it.


"Tell your friend Veronica, it's time to celebrate Chaunaka! I hope I get a harmonica on this lovely, lovely Chaunaka.."

(Props to Adam Sandler, I <3 the Chaunaka Song!)

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Rioko: You can go into the training ground through that door but take notice that if you go there you can't get out for one day. One day there is one minute in the real world though. The training ground is a dangeruos place. Raz was almost killed there 27 times. You will see mutant censored, giant bears, blue colored butchers, ghosts that drain energy, and other freaks of the psychic world.


Joe: It's gatta be more fun than reading about crystalization of psychic energies into geologic figures.


Rioko: I warned you.*telekinesis on joe through the door*


Joe:*stares at 4 eyed 50 foot censor*Uh-Oh.

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Rose: Man, it is REALLY dark. I wonder if I can ever talk to Rioko alone.... WHAT AM I SAYING??? Dammit, Rose you are in love with a dangerus guy.

Rose shock her head and went to the girls cabins where she saw Rioko sitting in there. Then, she blinked and he was gone.

Too many thoughts about him... She thought

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Joe: AAAAAHHHHHHH! Psi-spear!Psi-sprear! Psi-spear! Too many of them!

50 foot Censors:Destroy intruder!

Mind ghosts: Give me your soul!

Giant evil butcher from Oleander's mind:Time for choppin'

Joe: Oh %$#@




Raz: Psi-spear!

Rioko:Super shield!

Raz: *punches*


Rioko: Psychic Wave!

Raz: Ah!

Rioko: you lasted 10 minutes.

Raz: Thats two minutes better than last time.

rioko: why don't you go to the training ground.


Back at the traing ground


Joe:finally out of there.

Raz: Hey joe.*hums circus theme and walks through the door*

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"Yeah...HE DIDN'T!! You little tease." Chloe said and Rose walked in "So then what? Yeah? NO way! French? AHHHHHH!!!! You're one lucky girl, I'm stuck here with all these weird people. I feel so different from them, I don't really get it. It's all like they have this little crystal thing, and I'm not chosen for it, and they run off and do that crystal thing while I make my dresses."


There was some mumbling from the other line, as Rose heard and couldn't understand what was being said by Chloe's friend.


"Oh, there's nobody here really cute. I'm sure I could sneak out one night, head to a skating rink or somthing, meet a cute guy, you know."




"Oh, that's interesting. So, he ended up getting hit by a car. Serves the bitch right, you hear what I'm sayin'? Well, I'm out, kisses!" With that, Chloe hung up the phone.

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Rioko: *Meditating see flashback*





Domino: Hey, little bro. what do you want to do when you grow up?


Rioko: I want to be a fully fledged crystal chosen one like you.


Domino: Rioko, what do you think happened to our parents?


Rioko: I wish I knew. But it doesn't matter now.


Domino:Rioko, I have a gift for you * hands Rioko the black crystal*


Rioko: Wow! I'm a chosen one!?


domino: Yep. Go see Raz and give him this note.


Rioko: Ok.*runs off*


Flashback over.


Rioko: Domino, Why did you have to die to protect me and the crystals? Why did you go away forever? Why?


In the bushes someone watches.


Yunnie: Poor Rioko. I feel sorry for him.


( I wish princess Dark was here to play yunnie.)

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