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Another Awsome Year at WR RPG

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Rioko: Take this dowsing rod and get me 800 arrowheads. Arrowheads are the currency here. Then buy htat cobweb duster. I think there in stock. Hey! Fred. Are there any dusters left!?


Fred: got one right here.


Rioko: Good. Now, koe, rose, Yunnie. This is your first assignment. Complete it by Tommorow morning.

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(I'm working my way into the story line weather you like it or not.)


Chloe was alone in the lodge when she found some weird vacume looking thing. "What the hell is." She was cut off when a claw came out and grabbed her in the face. "Oh, very funny." When she ripped the claw off her face, a tear started coming in the bag behind it. She sat it down on the table and went to the lounge to watch Style Network.

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(I was so bad at the dowsing rod that I used a cheat to get enough arrowheads for the cobweb duster.)


Chloe*watching tv*


Tv: We interupt this program to bring you a special announcement. Uranus is actually a planet! And robot dentist in a shower cap has created a giant machine that sucking everyone brains Oh my god! He's here! aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh uuuhhh. Tv.tv.tv.tv.tv.tv.tv.tv.tv.


chloe: Uh oh.




Loboto: muhahahaha! since I can't get the crystals I'll use these brains instead!


Sasha: You again. I was a little disappointed when Ness, Natasha and Sarah couldn't kill you. I was angry when Domino gave his life and still couldn't kill you. Now, I'm furios that you still aren't dead.


milla: Sasha, darling. remember our promise to Rioko? We let him be the one to kill loboto. Let's focus on saving the brains.


(This RPG happens around 10 years after the incidents of "another rpg". )

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(Say, can Natasha and Ness have a backstory in this where they discover the crystals or somthing. Or even odder, Chloe was adopted and Natasha and Ness were the real parents! ~Twilight Zone theme~)


"What on earth am I going to do about these damn robots?" Chloe said to herself. "I know! I'll let fashion solve the problem! It worked on midterms, it should work here." Chloe ran to the beach where she saw this gigantic robot thing, not moving. Chloe went up to in, there was a duct with what looked like a control panel. Chloe hopped in and looked aroud. All the sudden, it turned on for no reason. "What the hell?" She pushed a butten and a lazer popped out of the arm and shot a tree.


"Ohhh" Chloe said, intrigued. "I could do some damage with this. Well, let's see whatcha got!"

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(yeah, i used that cheat)


Rose: Ah? I sense Lobato....

Rose quickly went to the T.V. room and saw the whole thing.

Rose: Oh crap. Better go get the guys.

Deturmined, Rose went to go get Rioko, Joe, and Yunnie.

Rose: Guys, theres a huge problem with Lob-

Rose saw above her was Lobato, with Sasha and Milla, brainless.

Rioko: Dammit! Lobato, you little...

Rose: I'll evacuate the camp.

He nodded.

Rose saw the device as it switched toward her and the guys. She jumped out of the way and ran to evacuate the camp.

Be carfull guys, she thouhgt.

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"WOOHOO!!" Chloe yelled, making the robot run. then it ran into the blue guy, floating. He fell onto the ground. "YOU'RE THAT BITCH WHO BROKE MY BRACELET!" Chloe pushed a button and a machine gun came out of the arm. She pointed it and said "Don't mess with Chloe A. Eibari" while everyone watched. Reiko then said somthing...

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Rioko: Be careful. That robot you are using is incredibly unstable. It nearly destroyed camp. Use this. *tosses something*


Chloe: What is this? Another crystal?


Rioko: No. It's not as powerful. It has the coding and can sense the real crystals. Lik the other crystals it can fuse with the psychic armor.


(The levitation helmet, clairvoyance gloves, and the belt from "another rpg" were the prototype to the psychic armor)

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(I wish I'd seen this "Other RPG" anyway; I was great at the Dowsing Rod!)


"Kick his ass!" Joe yelled; everyone stared at him "What? Just trying to lighten the mood; hey wait a minute where'd Loboto go?" He asked when everyone realised the mad scientist had escaped

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Chloe had hopped out of the robot thing. "Take you're stupid crystal back." She said, "I don't need no gemstone to take down someone. Besides, I'm much too busy to play your little games." She then walked off, blowing them all off. "Besides," she said to herself, "What if I wanted to destroy the camp?"

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Chloe: no, idiot.


Rose: Well, I was just asking.


Rioko: About the robot you're using. It has an unstable power source. It can go mad and kill its user. How do you think cruller died? That crystal was supposed to stabilize the robot.


Chloe: What do you mean "go mad"?

Robot: Power source malfunctioning. Berserker mode activated.


Chloe: Oh crap.

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"Oh great!" Chloe yelled. I was just trying to get away from all of you nerds." Chloe then went up to the robot. She became invistible. She pulled a swiss army knife her dad gave to her before coming, for protection, and cut a patch out of the robot's metal extiror. She pulled out a few cables and rearranged a few wires. Next thing, the robot had it's head off, and was lying on the ground.


Chloe turned back vistible and said. "Now, that's all done. A little mental work always solves the problem." She then walked off, while everyone else was stunned.

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Rose: Whatever, I'm going on a walk. Anyone whanna go with?


Rose began walking toward the GPC area and was ambushed by a couger.


Rose: Don't care *burns couger*

Joe, Chloe, Yunnie: WTF???? HOW DID SHE DO THAT????

Rioko: Hmmm, she'd gotten stronger...

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