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Especially to dark-side players...(Spoilers)


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I've never played TSL the fully dark-side way, in which the Exile

kills the Jedi Masters in revenge for banishing him/her from the Order.

Why isn't Kreia happy with the Exile after his revenge is complete, and

she meets him upon Dantooine? I never really understood Kreia anyway.


Kreia: I hate the Force, because it seems to have a will. I must kill it.

I will use the Exile to help me kill it, because s/he is a wound in the

Force. (Feigns death, and then waits for the Exile to find her)


Exile: Hi, Kreia. (Progresses through the game until the Dantooine meeting)


Kreia: You've killed the Jedi Masters, whom I wanted to destroy anyway.

Bad Exile! You've failed me, and now I want to kill you! (Zaps Exile)




What's even more confusing is what happens if your Exile is Light Side:


The Jedi Masters: We need to cut you off from the Force again so

you won't cause any more "echoes" and so Darth Nihilus won't find us.


Kreia: Oh, no you don't! (Zaps the Masters until they're Force Wounds,

but also zaps the Exile along with them) Now I want to kill you, Exile.

Come meet me on Malachor V so that I can kill you. Hahahahahaha.




Would somebody smarter than me please explain this? Thanks. ;)

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IMO its like this, Kreia dont want you to just kill the masters, she want them to "see the force through the eyes of the exile". In her spech at lightside she say something like that. And she uses you to kill Sion and Nilhihus, if she kill you she cant kill Nihlius because the exile is his only weaknes. And Kreia can be happy, if you listen to her advise and manipulate people.

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IMO its like this, Kreia dont want you to just kill the masters, she want them to "see the force through the eyes of the exile". In her spech at lightside she say something like that. And she uses you to kill Sion and Nilhihus, if she kill you she cant kill Nihlius because the exile is his only weaknes. And Kreia can be happy, if you listen to her advise and manipulate people.


... more like, she just want to manipulate everyone, including the Exile.

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She gets rather unhappy if you disgaree with her charity speach. But I still think she deserves to be stabbed with writing utensils numerous times.

:lol:Such as Darth InSidious' killer paperclips? (Read the Ecahni Poet thread):lol:

The dialogue is a reflection of Kreia's attitude towards the Force. She hates it yet she can't live without it. The Exile was the only one who could use the Force but then cut himself off from it and still live. She said, "It's because you were afraid." Kreia has been the source of much conversation concerning her role in TSL. Personally I think we need those enigmatice characters, they are essential in order for life to proceed forward.

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That pretty well describes it, Kreia is really wierd, she wants to kill essentially everything in the galaxy, its all connected to the force somehow. And the exile was never "cut off" from the force, just deadened to it by all the deaths s/he caused at Malachor V, If the Exile was truly cut off from the force you'd be dead, the masters at the end of TSL were truly stripped of the force. Even the punishment the jedi sometimes use isn't turly cutting them off from the force, they just take away their ability to wield the force as a weapon.

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Kriea only wanted to make the Jedi Masters see the error of their ways.


...and then kill them.


Kreia was a menopausal, narcissistic, fallen jedi master of discontent.

Her manipulative tidings not only caused the deaths of jedi and sith masters alike, but was the eventual cause of her own doomed fate.


It was a pleasure to rid the galaxy of her. If only to shut her up.


Back on topic:

Whomever was responsible for concocting this story did a remarkable job of writing themselves into a corner. This is what happens when LS and DS alignment have the same goals. What would be more comprehensible and a bit more fun to read and play, would be separate paths depending on alignment.


It just makes little sense that the jedi and the sith have the same goals and enemies. I suspect it was very hard to come up with a scenario where this occurs. I must admit, they did pretty well considering the pressure and time constraints they were under.

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Back on topic:

Whomever was responsible for concocting this story did a remarkable job of writing themselves into a corner. This is what happens when LS and DS alignment have the same goals. What would be more comprehensible and a bit more fun to read and play, would be separate paths depending on alignment.


It just makes little sense that the jedi and the sith have the same goals and enemies. I suspect it was very hard to come up with a scenario where this occurs. I must admit, they did pretty well considering the pressure and time constraints they were under.

Yeah. Like in KotOR where we had to go to the Star Forge and defeat Malak...:eyeraise:


Maybe KotOR isn't what you had in mind though. Is there another game that you were referrencing when you wrote that?

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I think the reason Kreia is mad with you is because the exile was a test for her. Kreia is someone who thinks the force is a waste of time, and she doesn't really believe in Light or Dark

Although she did turn out to be a Sith Lord.

She wanted to see what it was that drove people towards the light/dark side and which ever side you decided to play, she was angry because you didn't vary between light/dark as she did (Kreia being a grey Jedi) therefore she hated you at the end.


That's my theory anyway....

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