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Get Your Feat Wet! A Character Creation Thread


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If you were a Star Wars character, especially a KOTOR-style

character, what special feat would you have to help you

"take one for the team"?


Bastila had Battle Meditation, which let her turn the tide of an epic war...

Atton had Spirit, which increased his saving throws the more he got hurt.

Hanharr had Wookiee Fury, which made him out-damage NPC enemy wusses!


So, what feat would YOU have, and what would be the "price" for it? ;)




Here's my feat and character:


Name: Tysy/Darth Dvukh (depending on whether I was LS or DS)


Feat: Rally Master. If my "Master" and I were grouped in a 3-person party,

I would double my Master's Force Points and increase his/her stats and

saving throws by +2. Kind of like a Force Chain/Force Bond, but better.


Penalty: I would never be allowed a Prestige Class, especially the

rank of Jedi Master or Sith Lord. I would always be "dvukh", "two",

"second", a perennial apprentice. If I happened to betray my Master

and try to kill him/her, I would lose 3/4 of my Force Points and have to

work hard on regaining them. I'd be punished for betraying that bond.

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:p wrong forum, Tysy.


Mine's a Force power rather than a feat, but I still think it's cool.


Name: Amol Kotay


Feat: Shatter Mind. Amol has the ability to use the Force to pierce the conscousness of an opponent and send their thoughts into chaos. They lose focus quickly, and become unable to recall simple combat movements or perform simple tasks.

They suffer a -6 to all saving throws, as well as a -4 to defense. Finally, it negates all static feats (such as Strength, Empathy, etc).


Penalty: This feat is extremely demanding on Constitution. It requires immense focus, and is quite uncomfortable. It also drains his Force points considerably faster than other powers. It cannot be used on droids.

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Here's mine:


Name: Lilah Erron


Feat: Force Ghost- it is the ability of her people to take Force camoflage into the extreme. While it requires stealth skill, it enables PC to camoflage their Force presence so it's as if they don't exist. It's extremely handy for scouting around and making attacks without the enemy knowing it, especially if they are Force senstive.


Penalty: It takes temporary possession of all other skills and channels it into stealth when activated. It cannot be used effectively by someone completely to the DS. The evil traces remain.

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Here's Mine:


Name Eniph (Male Cathar)


Feat: Swift - Able to use Weapon Finesse with all melee weapons. Temporary doubles moving speed, +6 Dex, lasts for 1/Rnd per Character Level plue Con Modifier.


Penalty: After activation character is fatiqued for 10 rounds.

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Name: Mr. Generico (I can't think of one, but if it's important it'll be Vorin Rek)


Feat: Panic- doubles movement speed, adds an extra attack per round, increases attack by 5, increases damage by strength modifier+character level. Lasts 40 seconds.


Penalty: Character loses 3/4 of their total defence. -3 to awareness, wisdom and intelligence.

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Mine would be a force power, also.


Name: Marin Star


Force Power: Telekinesis - seriously, who didn't want to see it in one of the games?


Description: The ability to move something by thinking about it without the application of physical force.


Penalty: Drains force points by half, but can be used against any enemy

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Dangitt! mpjb3, you got there first. :blast5:

I'd definately like the ability to move or control objects. Good one.


Well then, how about this?


Jedi Master Tymannis Kai-Krommen


Force Saber Guard

This is the ability to channel all incomming distructive energy to my lightsaber thus dispersing it harmlessly away from me, similar to what Obi-wan did in Episode II when Dooku shot force lightning at him.


Defense +4

All Constitution bonuses added to defense.

Immunity: Mind affecting, Critical strikes, Insanity.

+4 electrical

+4 energy

+10% vs. physical



Movement 10% slow

Force drain x 2

-2 Dexterity

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