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A few requests....


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RedHawke made his Revan the White package with long sabres like that...

To clairify it is the Revan/Sith/Bastila's Item Pack that does this...


The Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack only enhances things further by making the Revan short sabers have the normal saber model. I like big weapons what can I say! ;)

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There is no 'one handed saber'. Malak obviously has different skeleton than other huamnoid-like models and so uses different animations.


For a technical clarrification all single bladed lightsabers are effectively the equivalent to a hand and a half sword also known as a Bastard Sword. As such they can be used One or Two handed. This is of course not really as simple as explained above but it works for a short clarification.


@Reclaimer -- Can you provide a picture of the robe that your thinking of for the Qel Droma Robes with a hood. That way any of our brilliant graphic artists might be able to reskin the hooded robes worn by Revan.

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