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Do mean like having Kotor III as a Guild Wars clone or something? Because I have no idea what you mean.


Guild Wars is far from the first MMORPG, hence it's not terribly accurate to call something a 'Guild Wars clone' simply because it has online multiplayer content.


Now back to the original question, frankly I don't want to see anything of the sort in any KotOR title. It's been proven time and time again that when you take a game with a single player focus and try to add in a multiplayer aspect it only lessens and cheapens the overall game. Same is true of a game that's born essentially to be multiplayer with an 'add-on' single player story.


I'm not saying no game can merge both single and multi elements, but to do so properly you have to work from day one to design both aspects almost as seperate, but well merged entities else the end result will always wind up lacking and flat.


Not to mention, if they did any sort of live online content (not to be confused with downloadable extras for the Xbox), they'd either have to charge us a monthly fee, or they'd be dragging business away from the already existing MMORPG Star Wars game which they do make a monthly subscription on.


If traveling around the galaxy and interacting with other players from all around the world in real time (ala: Guild Wars, WoW, Everquest, etc), then you'd be better advised to check out Star Wars Galaxies, rather than wish for such an incorporation in future KotOR titles -as that is exactly what it was designed to be. ;)


My two bits anyways...




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I think that it would be cool if after you completed the game, and only after. That you could take your character online, travel some more extended planets, complete online quest for Xbox 360 ahievement points. Perhaps even show up on a rebuilt Taris, and duel with other players characters in the arena. I don't know, something like that would be pretty cool.




On another note. It would be cool to keep it the way it is, but say the developer makes new downloadable missions, planets, quest, and what not. Some for a LS ending, and others for a DS ending. Example...... You finished DS, and now you can download a new planet or two in which the people are rebelling against your rule as Lord of the Sith. Looks like it's time to go down there and slice a few heads off. Personally I think this would be really, really fun. And it would also add a lot of replay ability.

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It would be cool to keep it the way it is, but say the developer makes new downloadable missions, planets, quest, and what not. Some for a LS ending, and others for a DS ending. Example...... You finished DS, and now you can download a new planet or two in which the people are rebelling against your rule as Lord of the Sith. Looks like it's time to go down there and slice a few heads off. Personally I think this would be really, really fun. And it would also add a lot of replay ability.


That sounds like fun.

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Originally Posted by RenegadeBore

It would be cool to keep it the way it is, but say the developer makes new downloadable missions, planets, quest, and what not. Some for a LS ending, and others for a DS ending. Example...... You finished DS, and now you can download a new planet or two in which the people are rebelling against your rule as Lord of the Sith. Looks like it's time to go down there and slice a few heads off. Personally I think this would be really, really fun. And it would also add a lot of replay ability.


Cool idea!!!! :D

But KotOR has always been single player, one storyline, go through the storyline and you're done. As all RPG's are.

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No. I'm with Kitty Kitty on this one. For once we have a good single player game, let's not ruin it. I'd rather have more single player content if it's possible.


I prefer a good single player game than two "half games". If they add such online content to KotOR, they would have to cut somewhere else. Ressources ($$$) are never unlimited.

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yes u r right i play diablo its fun


Ok now the part about having to beat the game has to go you have to be at the place where you beat the game.Cause I cant beat KOTOR 2 some how some way Traya beats me as soon as i get to her light sabers.So yes you would have to get to the part where you fight and beat the game then you can have online feature where you can buy a ship like the Ebon Hawk or just start to be a Sith Lord and buy War Ships.But its not gonna be like Star wars galaxies at all cause i rather just be a jedi and do a bunch of quests online to earn money.You also can go and try to find the Star Forge to make an Army for the Sith but it will cost alot to go exploring out there.There will be strong predotors on planets so you would have to be strong guy.Thats about it for my ideas they might come to me later.

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No. KOTOR is SP and should remain SP forever.

It still will be SP only after you get to the part where you defeat the boss you get online.




Kinda like NWN where u can import ur single player PC and play it online.

Except for the "buy the ship and make an army part". :p

Yah i guess your right got a little overboard i guess lol.

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@DL152 - If you're a sith lord you can continue the game and rule more planets. Hahaha talk about EAW. :p But it's a bonus so you got something to do before the main story.


On the other hand.


Well don't want KotOR to go online. It's an RPG ther is no MMO in there.

That would be fun.

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Hmm, now you guys got me to think of this... They could make it soo that you can be "in the multiplayer side" one of the hero's that you have in the SP with the same skills and outfit, and then they could have a... Let real people be the Party members? Doing some fancy stuff in the galaxy? Huh doesnt that sounds genius?


But then they need to make it soo that every party members can speak diffrent lines in diffrent times soo when you go travel you can have the players to press on lines that leads to progressing in this character...

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A continue to my post... Heh sorry...


Because then you would have like... People would choose characters they like in the game, as in personality. That only means more stuff to code and more content to include, but just think what experience it would be for the player?



- Type with friends.

- Be the Character from KOTOR 3 that you like mostly.

- Be apart of the team that do quests against, perhaps other teams that take the role as oposisnent enemies. Is possible need lots of programming, but would be like intences and you would have to check if there is people inside of it that is ready to start an operation... Like killing or reaching somewhere to go, or a specific record in Pazaak play, or swoop racing...

- Combat challenges with friends the KOTOR like style. An Areana! A Tournament...

- Lots and lots of more just dont want to type all because I want to alocate all this and set a plan for a good ole day Engine for a good ole day Game!

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There aren't many games as good and long as the diablo ones, let alone Lucasarts games. Most Lucasarts games are actually pretty bad and cheaply done. They don't really care about starwars fans all that much at all in my opinion. I'm not saying that I hate the Kotor games, I wouldn't be here if I did but it just pains me (as it does most of you) to think that most starwars games could've been sooo much more than they are. I mean just look at starwars galaxies, while I'd love to play it I just can't ignore the tons of bad reviews and the many players that have left with frustration over the combat system and whatnot. Its the same with most other starwars games, with the exception of Jedi Academy (which I though was pretty good) and maybe Battlefront II (which could've used a lot more content and maps - the same content that you can BUY on xbox live, when it should've been free). Think of it this way : How many people would actually enjoy and play Lucasarts games if they were not about starwars? Not that many (i think so at least). But this is just the way the game industry is - based on profits and not customer satisfaction. You'd think they would at least offer some kind of support for modder to try and fix their games.

Anyway thats my opinion... and just to have something on topic:

they should've at least kept the kotor downloadable content coming and made downloadable content for TSL too!! But of course this is Lucasarts... profits first, customer satisfaction never.

Thats my 2 cent. Later.

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I for one don't like this idea, because if it were to come about, Kotor III would simply be a Kotor-era Star Wars Galaxies, which would sort of be like Final Fantasy XI, which was a bad idea, although I don't really care about Final Fantasy, because it's not a real RPG, but I'm just going to get back on topic now.

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All im saying is that it should be like Diablo and have a single player along with a multiplayer.Diablo games sold alot of they're games because it was awesome thats how KOTOR3 should be if they want alot of people buying there games.


I for one don't like this idea, because if it were to come about, Kotor III would simply be a Kotor-era Star Wars Galaxies, which would sort of be like Final Fantasy XI, which was a bad idea, although I don't really care about Final Fantasy, because it's not a real RPG, but I'm just going to get back on topic now.

It aint gonna be like Star Wars Galaxies cause i saw bad replys about that game and if KOTOR3 came out and made it like i said and took time to make it good they're would be good replys about it.

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