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Minor mod request


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Just need a bit of adivice reagrding the modding of these minor things.


1) Sherruk (Mandalorian leader form Dantooine) wields two vibroswords, is there any way to change it to the blue and red lightsabers you get off his corpse.


2) On the Leviathian when Bastila fights Malak, you get her lightsaber in the inventory after you lose her an NPC, any way to eliminate this happening and lose her lightsaber.


3) Xor (Juhani's slaver) has a Twilek model, how do you change it to a human model.


If you can do these mods that would be great, otherwise if you know how to go about it, let me know.

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first off:

1) Sherruk is not a Jedi, so if he wields a lightsaber, it would be VERY unrealistic. Not to mention he would end up hurting himself more than your PC.


2) If you mean to say that she unequips whatever weapon she has and equips her yellow double bladed lightsaber, i think that is meant to kepp her from losing you one of your (most probably) cusomised sabers. that would be annoying, dontcha think?

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3) Xor (Juhani's slaver) has a Twilek model, how do you change it to a human model.


(OT: but I just had to chime in that funnily enough, in the XBox version of Kotor, Xor IS a human male. It was quite a shock for me, playing Kotor PC for the first time and seeing him (whom I had seen for over a year previously on the XBox) as a Twilek male. It was a real WTF moment for me. :D)


Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled Mod Requests...

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Yea your right about Sherruk. For Bastila i meant that before she goes off to fight Malak, if you equip her with anything the only thing you get back is the weapon. I suppose it was so you dont lose a valuable weapon but it seems strange and out of place (I have an unhealthy obsession with details). But I still welcome any ideas about changing the Twilek back to human as was done in the Xbox version cause it makes more sense. I hate that KKK Xor!

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Yea your right about Sherruk. For Bastila i meant that before she goes off to fight Malak, if you equip her with anything the only thing you get back is the weapon. I suppose it was so you dont lose a valuable weapon but it seems strange and out of place (I have an unhealthy obsession with details). But I still welcome any ideas about changing the Twilek back to human as was done in the Xbox version cause it makes more sense. I hate that KKK Xor!


Well, about the rest, I'll let someone else who knows what they are doing handle that :D


* s n i p *


EDIT: Glad the file worked for you :D

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1) Sherruk (Mandalorian leader form Dantooine) wields two vibroswords, is there any way to change it to the blue and red lightsabers you get off his corpse.


I believe there had been some discussion about this very thing in the USM for K! thread. The resolution is all you would need to do is remove the vibroswords from Sherruks Inventory if I recall by editing his utc file.


Here's the page for you. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=157634&page=6&pp=40

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first off:

1) Sherruk is not a Jedi, so if he wields a lightsaber, it would be VERY unrealistic. Not to mention he would end up hurting himself more than your PC.


You couldn't be more wrong. :p Sherruk was already meant to weild those two lightsabers in his battle against you; the farmer Jon informs you that he saw Sherruk use lightsabers, and he posses the "Lightsaber Proficiency" feat.


The problem is that because he already starts equipped with two vibroblades, he won't switch weapons in battle. One way you could fix this is to edit his utc file and replace his swords with a blaster rifle (or nothing if you like) and when he enters melee combat he should switch to his lightsabers.


The only problem with this solution is that he may not switch weapons right away (meaning he'll fight bare handed), or he may decide to use just one lightsaber instead of both. If you would rather just have him use the lightsabers from the start just edit the utc file to place them in his hands by default.


The Twi'lek Xor is a complete headache to work with. I've experimented with editing his utc file in the past and it lead to some bizzare glitches; everything from freezing up, the meeting events not firing, and even spawning characters in odd places. I'm not sure what I could recommend in his case.

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The problem is that because he already starts equipped with two vibroblades, he won't switch weapons in battle. One way you could fix this is to edit his utc file and replace his swords with a blaster rifle (or nothing if you like) and when he enters melee combat he should switch to his lightsabers. The only problem with this solution is that he may not switch weapons right away (meaning he'll fight bare handed), or he may decide to use just one lightsaber instead of both. If you would rather just have him use the lightsabers from the start just edit the utc file to place them in his hands by default.

Your right Master Kavar, I changed the echani vibroblades to lightsabers and made sure they were not droppable (so you dont get 2 of each) in the inventory screen. Perhaps the same thing can be done for XOR's model in the editor? And how do you put pictures on a post?

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Just need a bit of adivice reagrding the modding of these minor things.


1) Sherruk (Mandalorian leader form Dantooine) wields two vibroswords, is there any way to change it to the blue and red lightsabers you get off his corpse.


Just edit the utc file to place lightsabers in his hands, and give him anything else you want.

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first off:

1) Sherruk is not a Jedi, so if he wields a lightsaber, it would be VERY unrealistic. Not to mention he would end up hurting himself more than your PC.

Grievous wielded lightsabers.


Anyway, I think T7 is going to do this for his USM for K1. If he doesn't, I'll make it. Well, I'll release it since I've already have done it for my personal use.



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Grievous wielded lightsabers.


That has always been a personal subject of curiosity for me. Because for the most part Grevious was always thought of as a droid but in truth he is more like Vader than many people would admit. He is most certainly part biological which means his a cybernetic entity and not a droid. Which means since he is biological he could use the force. :D:nod::smirk2:

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I dont think grevious was Force Sensitive (most likely why he never uses Force powers), however his experience as a warrior and the droid implants allowed him to utilize lightsabers to a deadly degree (evident through his Jedi kills). Refer to the below link for the whole story.


Gen. Grievous


"While the midi-chlorian-rich blood of Sifo-Dyas may have played a critical role in maintaining Sheelal's life, the Kaleesh saw it as a personal failure that the transfusion did not also give him a degree of sensitivity to the Force."


(Paragraph 18, Lines 7-9)

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