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Battles in KOTOR 3


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How is fighting through several groups of enemies to reach the guy in charge 'sneekin around'? The definition of that would be avoiding all possible combat and ambushing the person you're supposed to kill. And wouldn't it get rather repetitive and dull to fight through thousands of enemies?


No because you would have thousands of allys too so it would go a whole lot quicker.


Han solo thing was just a joke directed at the people who said kotor ws about sneeking around.

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You know dude... It would be cool to make it that way but it would be totally uinproffersional. The player have to be alone or max have a few weak with him, he have to be the hero, the one that can take them all. Or more clear the one with only hope and the force by his side, we're everyone and everything els is against him, like the odds and people.

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You know dude... It would be cool to make it that way but it would be totally uinproffersional. The player have to be alone or max have a few weak with him, he have to be the hero, the one that can take them all. Or more clear the one with only hope and the force by his side, we're everyone and everything els is against him, like the odds and people.[/QUOT


Yeah, the only time a battle would take place would be as a climax or as a way to finish a stiuation on one of the worlds. And there is no reason why you cant have a battle, actually fight in the battle, still kill the boss in the end and personaly turn the tide of the battle. such as the situation on onderon, you could have lead an army to the palace to save or depose the queen and still fight in a duel. There is no reason why you cant be the hero, fight the main bad guy and still fight in a battle too.

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Yeah, the only time a battle would take place would be as a climax or as a way to finish a stiuation on one of the worlds. And there is no reason why you cant have a battle, actually fight in the battle, still kill the boss in the end and personaly turn the tide of the battle.

:eyeraise: Uh, you just described the end of KotOR, you do assisit in the battle at the Star Forge, it is a big climactic battle and your character takes a big part in it.


Having you contol a battle is rather lame IMHO, and removes you from the RPG aspect of the game.

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XI33 you're describing an RTS or squad-based FPS. And it's not exactly like you have to sneak (c wot i did thar?) around in either game. On Taris or Manaan for instance,

you can go into the local Sith base and ruin everything you come across, which is probably a dozen or so soldiers and another dozen Jedi.

And that isn't too easy for 1-3 people to pull off. That situation is basically just short of the sort of large scale battle you're describing- kill a bunch of soldiers, complete an objective, and leave.

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Yeah, I'm against taking command of an army too. There is a game for that. It's called Empire at War.


Now as for taking part in a battle, it could be done. If you move through a certain area with lots of things blowing up around you and people fighting it would be a cool scene. I'm not too afraid of lag, I don't expect KIII to have top notch graphics anyway. Just as an area it would be doable and fun but taking command is undoable. I don't really want an RTS mini-game.

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No because you would have thousands of allys too so it would go a whole lot quicker.


Having thousands of allies would make it go quicker, yes, but it would still take a very long time. Look at the battles at Geonosis or Coruscant. Those had thousands of soldiers for both sides, but it still took far longer than I'd like to play through.

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Somthing i would love to see in KOTOR 3 is a massive land or space battle involving alot of npcs for both sides, complete with tanks :tank1::tank1: and mucho kick A@# soldiers :twogun::twogun::twogun: and mass jedi on sith fights :lsduel::lsduel: no more of this 1 guy killngs entire armys crap.
Here you go.



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:eyeraise: Uh, you just described the end of KotOR, you do assisit in the battle at the Star Forge, it is a big climactic battle and your character takes a big part in it.


Having you contol a battle is rather lame IMHO, and removes you from the RPG aspect of the game.



Uh, no because in kotor 1 you did not take part in the battle at all, taking part in the battle would be if you got to fight your way to the hanger bay using the ebon hawk and then you proceded to lead a jedi strike team to the star forge. Complete with at least 12 jedi and maby a few republic soldiers.


I never said you get to control the battle, I said you get to take part in preparing for the battle by organising the troops and weapons. You never get to control what your troops are doing in battle, they are npcs that fend for them selfves. The only thing you do is try your best to kill the enemy npcs, alies are there to help you and to add to the scenery.


A good example of how a battle in kotor would work would be if you get to lead a strike team of at least 20 men on an assault. Once you have deafeted the enemy troops you lead the siege of the enemy stronghold. Then you get to the point where only you and your party members can procede. While the battle is still going on outside, you seek out the boss and get into a duel.


Oh, and forget the whole thousands of soldiers thing i was kinda exaggerating Hundreds or even number in the tens place would work.


I didnt mean to double post it was an acident,sorry.

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Uh, no because in kotor 1 you did not take part in the battle at all,


You get to kill the person in charge of all Sith forces, and depending on your alignment, you can have Bastila use her battle meditation for the Sith or Republic fleet. That has a huge effect on the battle.


I never said you get to control the battle, I said you get to take part in preparing for the battle by organising the troops and weapons.


That would be even worse than controlling the battle. Who wants to make sure all the troops have enough thermal detonators and are lined up properly?


You never get to control what your troops are doing in battle, they are npcs that fend for them selfves. The only thing you do is try your best to kill the enemy npcs, alies are there to help you and to add to the scenery.


Oh, and forget the whole thousands of soldiers thing i was kinda exaggerating Hundreds or even number in the tens place would work.


That's already been done.

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Battle of Dxun

Republic spies have learned that a rough faction of the Sith want to have a foothold on Dxun. Admiral Onasi (correct me if the name is wrong) don't want the Sith's to gain foothold and have gatherd a small Republic taskforce. Part of the taskforce is a small group of Jedi's that have decided to return to the Republic and aid them, in the battle against the Sith's.

The Republic knows that Dxun is a small world, but its keyposition in its outer rim makes it a good assembly area. We also know that Onderon is a key supplier of plants and animals, to the worlds that have been devestated by Lord Malak.


back to the plot


The Republic fleet hides behind Onderon and is preparing for the attack on the Sith fleet, in orbit around Dxun. The admiral knows that the Sith already have gained foothold on Dxun and have set up bases.

So while the admiral with the fleet is attacking the Sith fleet, a small group of Republic Special Forces, regulars and Jedi's is decending towards Dxun with battalions of droids as backup.


So. As the battle starts in orbit of Dxun, small groups of Jedi's and Special Forces is attacking key bases of the Sith, while the regulars and droid battalion is on standby to attack the other Sith bases (Supply bases, LZ's for reinforcements).


End of story


So you would control that little group of special forces, that had to take out a installation of importance and so you have a large scale battle, but you as a key player. You can still slay Sith on a big scale, while you are moving towards your obejctive.

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Battle of Dxun

Republic spies have learned that a rough faction of the Sith want to have a foothold on Dxun. Admiral Onasi (correct me if the name is wrong) don't want the Sith's to gain foothold and have gatherd a small Republic taskforce. Part of the taskforce is a small group of Jedi's that have decided to return to the Republic and aid them, in the battle against the Sith's.

The Republic knows that Dxun is a small world, but its keyposition in its outer rim makes it a good assembly area. We also know that Onderon is a key supplier of plants and animals, to the worlds that have been devestated by Lord Malak.


back to the plot


The Republic fleet hides behind Onderon and is preparing for the attack on the Sith fleet, in orbit around Dxun. The admiral knows that the Sith already have gained foothold on Dxun and have set up bases.

So while the admiral with the fleet is attacking the Sith fleet, a small group of Republic Special Forces, regulars and Jedi's is decending towards Dxun with battalions of droids as backup.


So. As the battle starts in orbit of Dxun, small groups of Jedi's and Special Forces is attacking key bases of the Sith, while the regulars and droid battalion is on standby to attack the other Sith bases (Supply bases, LZ's for reinforcements).


End of story


So you would control that little group of special forces, that had to take out a installation of importance and so you have a large scale battle, but you as a key player. You can still slay Sith on a big scale, while you are moving towards your obejctive.


You are right that is very close to what im saying, but its still not big enough. You only get what 6 mandaloians and you only see them for the very first part of the battle.


A good example of a battle in kotor would be the sith assasin ambush on the mandalorian camp on duxun. A battle in kotor should look like that but with more importance to the plot, better enemys, more of them and maby 1 or 2 tanks.


Besides there always talking about Revens great military skills so why not give us a chance to use them?


Emporer Devon:


Dude, they already allowed you tp prepare a battle for kotor, ever heard of the defence of koonda. You got to fix droids, set up mines, provide medical care, fix turrets, recruit troops, and give an awsome speech at the end. Im just suggesting that basicaly, but on a larger scale.


Taking part in the battle means you fight in the battle not determine the out come by meditating, although that would be a cool option for jedi consulers. But for a attack orinted character you should be able to join the troops in battle and maby give some orders in the field. These orders would have consequences, they would have dark and light side out comes. A good example of how orders would work would be the apperition in the cave on korriban, when you have to decide whether or not to charge. This is nothing like an RTS.


There are many ways to do a battle in kotor and im sure the devs would find a way to work it in without destroying the games idenity and plot. You guys realy need to use a little bit of imagination, seriouly.


Other rpgs with battles...


1. Elder scrolls daggerfall.


2. Elder Scrolls oblivion.


3. Neathergate


4. World of warcraft.....Just to name a few.

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  • 2 months later...
You mean FPS right?


RTS means Real Time Strategy. ;)


no, I used the right slang, IMO, a game where you have a battlefield, with lots of units of varrrying types, constitues an RTS...if you thought I was replying to somebody above me, I skipped most of the posts before me.


Then how are we supposed to know what you are talking about unless you quote the post you are replying to? If you don't then you are usually considered to be addressing the post above you, especially with the content of your post and the one above yours. ;) -RH

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