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Question on Rank

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there no proof that nihilus is the aprentice of traya (kreia).


and about the rank , sion and nihilus look to be equal , but they dont look to realy care about been sith lord , they have them own goal.





and about whos stronger sion or Nihilus, if you look at the game sion is lots more stronger than nihilus he can Regen hes whole HP 3 time's and he make more dmg than nihilus. but if we look at the story , nihilus have the power to banish someone from the force , and feed from the force . But Sion look to been imortal to physical dmg , we realy can say whos stronger , but anyway they are allied they wont fight each other.

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there no proof that nihilus is the aprentice of traya (kreia).


Of course there is. That whole cutscene with Sion and Nihilus beating on Kreia: it's generally alluded to that Sion and Nihilus are both products of her teachings. It wouldn't make sense if he were just some guy.



and about whos stronger sion or Nihilus, if you look at the game sion is lots more stronger than nihilus he can Regen hes whole HP 3 time's and he make more dmg than nihilus. but if we look at the story , nihilus have the power to banish someone from the force , and feed from the force . But Sion look to been imortal to physical dmg , we realy can say whos stronger , but anyway they are allied they wont fight each other.


Regenerating your HP doesn't make any difference if you have the life force sucked out of you.


And just because they're "allies" doesn't make them any less prone to fighting. Indeed, in the cut content they do fight (and Nihilus flattens Sion). If he can kill a world with the force, Sion isn't going to pose that much of a threat.

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The Sith are very hung up on who is stronger than whom. I originally assumed that Nihlus was the master and Sion was the apprentice. However, they almost seem to work independantly of one another. My question is if Nihlus and Sion qualify as master/apprentice or partners.


Also, when did Traya, Nihlus, and Sion begin this whole Dark Side party? Was it before, during, or after Revan?

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I love that cutscene when Nihlius fight Sion, if you can call it a fight. But it was cuted, like many other thing:(


IMO this isnt normal sith, Kreia say somewhere that they only search the destruction of the Jedis. And they are indepentant, Visas say that there are many factors of the sith and that they dont know what the other is doing

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Skye , assuming are not proof in the cut scene kreia fighting them , its wasnt about master or apprentice , she wanted to kill them to be " the sith lord"


Nihilus can destroy world , its a ability , but its dosent show hes combat skill , Revan cant destroy world , the Exile maybe with echoes in the force. but they have prove they are stronger than nihilus .


its like Palpatine killing hes master , even if he was able to creat life trough the force dont make it a real chalenge.


Sometime's even jedi's cut from the force can be more a threat than the stronger jedi force sensitive. Exemple Ulic Qel-Droma , kreia , Tulak horde who focus on the light saber combat.



About the cut scene of Nihilus fighting Sion never seen it before , anyway i can download or extract it from the game ?? i want to see it.

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Kreia didnt want to kill them. She wanted them to follow her teachings. In Kreias eyes the greatest victorys is not to kill the enemy, but to make them see throgh your own eyes. But Nihlius and Sion didnt want to follow Kreias teachings anymore, so they cast her out.

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Kreia didnt want to kill them. She wanted them to follow her teachings. In Kreias eyes the greatest victorys is not to kill the enemy, but to make them see throgh your own eyes. But Nihlius and Sion didnt want to follow Kreias teachings anymore, so they cast her out.


i think your not talking about the same cutscene's , cause she wanted them both dead she says her self , she was to confident and a huge hunger for power .


but she lose againts them . sion lets her alive , cause he want to put her in the shame , he want to break her .

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How about the gazillion times he refers to her as "my Master"? Seems pretty air-tight to me.


HeH. you got a translator ? for the nihilus language ??? cause we never been able to understand what hes saying so no , he never says that kreia is him master.


i think your talking about sion. not nihilus

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Skye , assuming are not proof in the cut scene kreia fighting them , its wasnt about master or apprentice , she wanted to kill them to be " the sith lord"


Nihilus may not have been Kreia's direct apprentice, but it's inevitable that he was her student. I mean, she's leader of the Trayus Academy, and Nihilus and Sion are residents there. We see them both cast her down. Sion didn't just ask Nihilus to help take down his master. They both planned her downfall.



Nihilus can destroy world , its a ability , but its dosent show hes combat skill , Revan cant destroy world , the Exile maybe with echoes in the force. but they have prove they are stronger than nihilus .


Why can't his "ability" be his combat skill? Nihilus is a master force user: if he can drain the life force of a world, why should he hold back against an opponent. Without the force powers, Nihilus may not be a match for Sion. But without force powers, Sion is dead. So Nihilus wins in either case.

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Skye , you begin to look like a fan boy for me , that realy desapoint me.


DarthZane, please refrain from attempting to flame people. Your "fan boy" comment can be taken by some people as flaming. You would be wise to deal with the subject matter at hand and not the other poster. Thanks. -RH


your false they didnt plan to put her down , i mean stop creating your own information , wake up and bring us official information anyway i start to think i wont argue with you cause you wont acept the truth and make your own beleife .


first of all , at the time sion nihilus and kreia cutscene , Sion at this time wasnt anymore Kreia aprentice , they was same rank she never was the leader of the academy they was all at the same level.


she said herself in the game im not creating this information , she wanted more , she had a huger for power .


And about nihilus vs sion , we wont never know whos supperior but in game !!! Sion is stronger than nihilus end of story he made insane critical and take lot more hit than nihilus even with my insane stats build.

the game said that Sion > Nihilus. Even if your playing any class even if your playing Consular you just have to use Force imunity and Nihilus is a joke.


If realy Nihilus was stronger than sion or sion stronger than Nihilus they should have kill each other already cause this the way of the sith. maybe they wait to have an advantage on each other or just wait for the exile to kill the other. who cares anyway.


one is a sith who focus on the force , and the other is a sith assasin who strike wiout been seen.


the ability to feed on the force wont kill ppl , and i have proof of it , if you notice when your playing dark side , when your killing the jedi's master you feed yourself with them. Kreia told you that another who can do it . she also said that make you stronger for a time. what i think is , nihilus feed the power of what is killing. if realy he was able to feed from long distance i realy dont think he need a huge fleets like he have . HES not a human "Death Star" , everything i told you is real information official i dont make any speculation.

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This is my take on it.

Sion and Nihlus don't really have a rank, and they weren't allied either, sith don't make allies, they get people who serve them. Sion and Nihlus didn't have conflicting goals so they didn't fight. Sion wanted to kill Kreia and the Exile, and thats all he really did. Nihlus really didn't care about them, he did care some, but he had more important things to do than tracking down the Exile and his old master.

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Skye is right, Kreia was the master of the academy. Do you mean the cutscene when Sion and Nihlius confront Kreia at the Academy core? Dont remeber the name. It isn't Kriea that want to fight, its Sion and Nihlius.


And Nihlius can feed on people that is alive, he dont use a fleet to destroy Katarr, and he is trying to feed on the Exile, but he can't becasue the Exile is a hole in the force.

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Without the force powers, Nihilus may not be a match for Sion. But without force powers, Sion is dead. So Nihilus wins in either case.


I see Sion as the closest thing to an Undead you can come in Star Wars. He should for all intents and purposes be dead already, but somehow isn't. He can't be killed as long as he's mentally set on still existing.


As far as I understand in the removed cutscene Nihilus defeats Sion, but he doesn't kill him, since he cannot be killed. I'd say they are fairly equal in power, though in different ways, each on the opposing end of the scale.


Nihilus can kill anything he wants to, slowly or instantly, (with the exception of the Exile and possibly Sion) by sucking their life force from them. Sion cannot be permanently killed. One is the master of Offense, the other of Defense. :)


But he can be captured, Sion is crawling away from that battle. So Nihlius shouldent have so much problem to capture him. I got the idea from Planescape:Torment:)


Of course, he may be unkillable, but hardly unstoppable. The same would apply for Nihilus. Send a few batallions of Droids to lock him up alone on a dead world without as much as a cell of life within a few lightyears, and he's effectively neutralized as well, slowly starving to death. :)


(You mean the story about the murderer "blessed" with a permanent Pain Mirror, killing anyone attempting to hurt him? And the Harmonium locked him up and threw away the key instead of executing him? :))

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But he can be captured, Sion is crawling away from that battle. So Nihlius shouldent have so much problem to capture him. I got the idea from Planescape:Torment:)


Think Sion is easier to capture than Nihlius, Sion have the strength to not die, but Nihlius is so much stronger in the force, thats my opinion.


Of topic: Nope, at the endgame your soul want to lock you up because you can't die. If you choose one of the dialoug he say something like that.

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This is silly. If Sion got right up in Nihilus' face there wouldn't be a contest. Sion would slice him to ribbons.


And of course if Nihilus and Sion were engaged in a contest of force knowledge, Nihilus would likely win.


They're different machines meant for different tasks.

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your false they didnt plan to put her down , i mean stop creating your own information , wake up and bring us official information anyway i start to think i wont argue with you cause you wont acept the truth and make your own beleife .


first of all , at the time sion nihilus and kreia cutscene , Sion at this time wasnt anymore Kreia aprentice , they was same rank she never was the leader of the academy they was all at the same level.


she said herself in the game im not creating this information , she wanted more , she had a huger for power .


And about nihilus vs sion , we wont never know whos supperior but in game !!! Sion is stronger than nihilus end of story he made insane critical and take lot more hit than nihilus even with my insane stats build.

the game said that Sion > Nihilus. Even if your playing any class even if your playing Consular you just have to use Force imunity and Nihilus is a joke.


If realy Nihilus was stronger than sion or sion stronger than Nihilus they should have kill each other already cause this the way of the sith. maybe they wait to have an advantage on each other or just wait for the exile to kill the other. who cares anyway.


one is a sith who focus on the force , and the other is a sith assasin who strike wiout been seen.


the ability to feed on the force wont kill ppl , and i have proof of it , if you notice when your playing dark side , when your killing the jedi's master you feed yourself with them. Kreia told you that another who can do it . she also said that make you stronger for a time. what i think is , nihilus feed the power of what is killing. if realy he was able to feed from long distance i realy dont think he need a huge fleets like he have . HES not a human "Death Star" , everything i told you is real information official i dont make any speculation.


I'm not even going to try and counter all that. If you want to make a convincing argument, stop contradicting yourself with vague and poorly worded allusions to your perception of game events, which you insist on advertising as the only truth while you chastise others for "creating information". Learn to infer, buddy. Because in TSL a lot of the lesser plot points heavily rely on inferences that they expect the player to make.

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