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WTF of the week!

Darth Groovy

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2K Sports is still finalizing a solution to alleviate the "freeze" issue on Major League Baseball 2k6 for Xbox 360 that some of our consumers are experiencing. We should have a downloadable patch available once it has fully tested to first party compliance standards.


In the meantime, our dedicated 2K Sports QA team has tested and confirmed two work-around methods for those consumers who are experiencing the "freeze" issue:


Am I the only one who finds it EXTREMELY ghetto, that you have to "work around" known glitches in a game that just came out after a year of developement?! It all started with the greedy bastards at EA games for buying up the football franchise. 2Kgames countered that by buying up baseball. Now we have nothing to look forward too, but a lifetime of crappy games full of glitches. And why should it matter when you have a "captive audience" right?


Although you are not hearing anything in the news, I as a manager at GameStop get at least a dozen people a day complaining about the problems with this game. And even the ones not experienceing the problem for what ever reason, are telling me it's a pretty dissapointing game. One of the guys I work with, feels compelled to play it since he paid $59.99 for the damn thing when he bought it.


Sadder yet, this is not the first crappy sports game that has been released for the XBOX 360. :rolleyes:

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Is it just me that always assumed sports games have 'less content' to write than others, and therefore smaller less dedicated teams working on it?


Although I think many did share the prognosis that quality was doomed to decrease when they announced those licenses. It's sad : (

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Cool down, Grooveman. Glitches happen all the time, and in the end, it's a corporation. They're the baddies!


But I do despise the fact that they've bought all the sports rights and all. I understand "beating competition", but "immobilizing competition" is not exactly my idea of fair play.

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But I do despise the fact that they've bought all the sports rights and all. I understand "beating competition", but "immobilizing competition" is not exactly my idea of fair play.


I could not agree more. Now instead of making a "Good" baseball game, and competeing against each other for the ultimate product, they simply have to produce a game, since the competition is no longer there. Reviews I have read on this stinker, all seem to share in the description of otherwise "lazy graphics". Some people I work with have described certain character models that resemble Mr. Potato Head.

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Man, sports games ain't like they used to. Back when players were X's and O's and they ran around the little screen with that 'bleep' noise. Even a lady like me could understand them, without havng to memorize all those newfangled plays and whatnot.


Ah, those were the days.

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Bah. Sports games blow. Go outside and play it the way it was meant to. Ya know. Not in front of a TV screen.... I liked MLB '99 for the N64 and MVP Baseball '05 for the XBOX was alright.


I can't believe these companies can do this with sports games. Pretty pathetic. That's like companies getting exclusive rights to war games. OK, Gearbox can have WWII, Pandemic Vietnam, and EA can have post Vietnam :rolleyes:

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Sport's games were always a bore for me, so this doesn't surprise me one bit.



I think sports games are only fun to those who understand and appreciate the sport. The ONLY sports games you will find in my collection is a few Hockey games, and even those I am REALLY picky about. I hated NHL 2K3. I was a big fan of the EA Hockey games up until about 2003, which past that I found just kinda going through the motions, and not alot of updated options. ESPN NHL 2K5 remains the BEST Hockey game i've played on the XBOX. For me, that is the next best thing to actually going to the games, and the announcers were the real ESPN announcers, and really keep the adrenaline going. NHL 2K6 is good as far as gameplay, and new features (and good for the $20 price tag), but due to all these damn licensing issues, they removed the ESPN announcers which stripped the game of alot of it's charm.


I think what bores me the most is racing games. Bore me to the bitter end...

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Having an exclusive license for sports games really hurts the competition because gamers are stuck with a mediocre title. I always thought that the MVP Baseball series was better than the 2K one but EA Sports lost the MLB license. It was supposed to be payback for EA Sports taking the football license, but baseball is not as popular and most gamers "in the know" prefer MVP.


What is even worse was when there was competition, the 2K Sports games were $20 on the Xbox and PS2 with the EA Sports brand being $30 or higher. Now that nextgen is here, all games seem to have a $60 price tag and baseball fans do NOT have a cheaper option.

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Having an exclusive license for sports games really hurts the competition because gamers are stuck with a mediocre title. I always thought that the MVP Baseball series was better than the 2K one but EA Sports lost the MLB license. It was supposed to be payback for EA Sports taking the football license, but baseball is not as popular and most gamers "in the know" prefer MVP.


What is even worse was when there was competition, the 2K Sports games were $20 on the Xbox and PS2 with the EA Sports brand being $30 or higher. Now that nextgen is here, all games seem to have a $60 price tag and baseball fans do NOT have a cheaper option.



Yes, and sadder yet, all the people that want MORE games to keep them going are paying that steep price for mediocre sports games. After the 360 launch, you would be surprised at the negative feedback I got off games like FIFA, Madden, and NBA Live. Sad....really sad.

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I think what bores me the most is racing games. Bore me to the bitter end...


The original Need For Speed games were great. The original, 1-player one for Windows 95 was one of my first PC games. I loved it to death, though I haven't played it in years nor do I have a desire to. The reason being Need for Speed: High Stakes (essentially NFS3: Hot Pursuit with more cars, twice the amount of tracks, a wide variety of two player modes, and a career mode) is the greatest ever made. Let's please lose that rice burner, illegal street racing crap they're making nowadays and get back to the franchise's roots.


I'm straying way off topic now but had to say it.

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What's weird is all the different sports genre's having a game. I mean I understand football, baseball, and basketball, but I don't get ping pong, or paintball.


Or hockey, what's up with hockey? It's like everyone wants a fight, but there hardly is one where I watch. Although I do know one sports game that won't be coming out anytime soon.


Collage Lacross.

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