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Knights of the Old Republic: Darkness Falls II - Alliances

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"So where did you go, anyway?" asked Revan, as Kira and Disciple helped him into one of the benches on the far side of the TARDIS console. "You just left us there to fend for ourselves."

"I had emergency business to attend to," he said shortly. "Now: What did you learn?"

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He ignored her. "I believe I know who could have killed Vogga Besadii Homati," he said. "He has a cousin - Sorba Besadii Mintal. Vogga recently entered trade dealings with... an unknown persona. He was reaping great profits - enough to make a fellow Hutt jealous, perhaps. I believe it is worth investigating."

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"Sorba's the only lead we have now," said Revan. "We should find him, and try to pry any information he may have about this Juppa character."

"Don't move," said the Valeyard, examining his injuries. "You have a punctured lung. In fact I'm quite amazed that your heart has managed to continue beating, considering the amount of pressure it's under at the moment. I'll have to treat you."

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"Right, Er- Eagle," Karda responded, a bit wrong-footed. "Keep with me, let's see if we can knock out some of the weapons arrays."


His fighter dove slightly, coming under the Republic squadron, then opened up with his blaster cannons. Several enemy blasts went past his ship, and he could see a pirate ship explode ahead. He swerved to the right, catching a fighter's left engine with several shots. The pirate spun out of control; Karda noticed a Republic fighter's engine explode into flame behind him.

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Disciple finished up what he was doing, straightening up and putting some things away.

"There," he said, "That should do it. You'll be up and about in no time."

The blond-haired Jedi glanced at Kira, who hovered in the corner, watching the proceedings with a far away look in her eye. He brushed her mind hesitantly, but found it blocked off, even her outer-most surface thoughts hidden from those in the room. Ignoring this, he returned to what he was doing, putting the medical objects back where he had found them.

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Eagle's Wing was somewhat larger than the fighter Karda piloted, but it kept up with him easily, a tribute to its fine design and construction. It swept downward less than a second after Karda's move and spun off, straightening out as it came behind and to the left of Karda.


"I do so love a good fight," it commented.


"Don't get too caught up in the moment," Crystal warned.


"Such good advice," the ship marveled. "Crys, will you marry me?"


"For good advice, you ask?" Crystal laughed.


"What better reason?" Eagle demanded.


"Oh, how about love?" Crystal challenged. "At any rate, isn't this business relationship much more fitting for us, dear Eagle?"


"I suppose," Eagle grudgingly admitted. And the marriage issue was postponed yet again...

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The Ssss settled into place, the docking bay was sort of liket he 'dry docks' of water world's, the ship wasn't designed to land, but the dock allowed for it. A hatch opened up ni the back and Brax stood up, "Come on." He said to the other two, Atton frowned faintly but pushed up and headed toward the hatch, Jasra was already moving that way when Brax spoke.


There was a sea of blue skinned people out there, at least a few hundred. Cheering went up when Brax apeared, he held up his hands. "It is good to be home!" He called to them, a smile touching his lips, acheer rose at this. "Revan has paid for his crimes, our people are avenged!" This took almost a full minute for quiet to come again, despite Brax's best efforts. "Now let us go celebrate." He motioned and the others moved out, heading off to the feilds outside of their underground village. "Atton, Jasra we will need to get changed. If anyone asks you are an albino Atton. The locals will wonder, but the will accept our word on it."

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"They're staring at us," Atton whispered to Jasra, as they followed Brax to a field where the Omwati were finishing putting up large tents in preparation for their feast.


"Yes, well, the last 'albino' they probably saw was Revan," she replied quietly. "And he wasn't well liked when he was here."


"Well, Sith Lords are generally disliked everywhere. It's an occupational hazard. But, erm..., no one's staring at you like they're staring at me."


"That's because Revan was a male," she said. "I'm a female."


"Great," said Atton. "I come halfway across the Galaxy on a rescue mission only to get mistaken as an albino Sith Lord. And I'm not even wearing black."


Jasra grinned. "Just relax, Atton. You're Brax's guest. You're unarmed. And there will be plenty of time later to quiz the Omwati about the missing ships, the Ysalamiri and Myrkr, and the warning we heard through the Force." An Omwati female handed her two mugs full of liquid, and Jasra nodded in reverent thanks. She handed Atton one of the mugs. "Just smile, drink some Yslat beer, and relax and enjoy yourself. You'll be fine."


"Yslat beer?" Atton took a sip. Then blinked. Then grinned. "Yslat beer!"

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"Hah!! Twenty again!" Atton said with a drunken smile on his face, slapping the richly carved wooden cards down on the table, displaying the numbers to the blue alien across from him. "Fork 'em over!"

The Omwati smiled knowingly and laid his own cards down, a combination of seven, five, three, four, and two, "But I have twenty one."

"Damn." the man grumbled, sliding the chips across the table. "You know, we really should play pazzack...I'd wipe the floor with all of you..."

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Revan tried to sit up, but thought better of it as his head began to spin. He fell gently back to into the bed, closing his eyes and forcing the nausea down.

"You never answered my question," he said, his eyes still closed.


((Sorry if this seems rushed... it was. I have about zero headspace right now...))

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