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NSA wiretaps?


NSA wiretaps?  

122 members have voted

  1. 1. NSA wiretaps?

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  Chase Windu said:
just the general population these days is just too damn sensitive to every little damn thng no matter how small and insignifigant(sp?) it is.


The government illegally spying on the private phone calls of possibly millions of innocent Americans, and creating massive databases of every single phone call in the United States - including mine and yours - is neither small nor insignificant.

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the gov't has been doing this for about 40 years now. i can't believe that people are so ignorant. TK, you would be shocked if you knew all of the illegal activities that the government was doing, like adding ingredients in our foods to make us addicted and causing us to eat more. why do you think diet pills are so popular these days? the more fat people, the more pills, the more money that comes in. the gov't is greedy and they put the almighty dollar in front of everything else. if you hate it, move to canada.

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  Kirtan_Loor said:
the gov't has been doing this for about 40 years now.


That makes it alright? Okay. Your logic is superior. Something illegal has been going on for a long time, so it's not a problem. People have been killing and raping for ever. Does that make it alright? By your standards I guess so.


  Kirtan_Loor said:
i can't believe that people are so ignorant.


The ones who are ignorant are the ones who say that because the government does something illegally all the time it's not worthy of outrage.


  Kirtan_Loor said:
TK, you would be shocked if you knew all of the illegal activities that the government was doing


Right... because I'm so damn ignorant. Even though I'm watching CNN or MSNBC (note not Faux News) almost any time the TV is on.


  Kirtan_Loor said:
the gov't is greedy and they put the almighty dollar in front of everything else.


You say that as if I didn't figure that out already.


  Kirtan_Loor said:
if you hate it, move to canada.



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  Kirtan_Loor said:
[...]like adding ingredients in our foods to make us addicted and causing us to eat more. why do you think diet pills are so popular these days? the more fat people, the more pills, the more money that comes in. [...]

I'd like to see this substantiated. The government doesn't tend to get involved where the results are quite easily noticable or where the racket is monumental. In this case, both of these conditions are met - the physiological effects of addiction are quite observable, and with some rudimentary analysis, the source can be traced. This would be monumental due to the nature of our nation's food supply and the way food is distributed.


It is much more profitable for government agencies to import already illegal and already addictive drugs. The CIA is commonly accused of this to fund some of their more creative endeavors.

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  matt-- said:
It is much more profitable for government agencies to import already illegal and already addictive drugs. The CIA is commonly accused of this to fund some of their more creative endeavors.

You need to stop hanging out with Branch Davidians

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How long has the government tapped anyway? Probably since the technology was available....like Chase Windu said...it's probably just because people like to complain that it has turned into such a big deal...it just makes the complainers feel important and get attention...

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  legowar said:
How long has the government tapped anyway? Probably since the technology was available....like Chase Windu said...it's probably just because people like to complain that it has turned into such a big deal...it just makes the complainers feel important and get attention...


Or maybe because it is the government breaking the law to invade our privacy. You know, Nixon did these types of things. And he was impeached.

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  matt-- said:
I'd like to see this substantiated. The government doesn't tend to get involved where the results are quite easily noticable or where the racket is monumental. In this case, both of these conditions are met - the physiological effects of addiction are quite observable, and with some rudimentary analysis, the source can be traced. This would be monumental due to the nature of our nation's food supply and the way food is distributed.


It is much more profitable for government agencies to import already illegal and already addictive drugs. The CIA is commonly accused of this to fund some of their more creative endeavors.


you should read the book "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau

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  Kirtan_Loor said:
you should read the book "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau

You should give myself and other readers the basic concept and an short overview of said ideas from said book if you want such an incredible accusation to be taken seriously. That's just good debating.


Having skimmed the wikipedia entry on Kevin Trudeau, I gather that he's an infomercial celebrity in the areas of 'health aids, dietary supplements (coral calcium), real estate investment strategies, and memory-improvement courses'. I wouldn't put all that much stock in anything in his book unless he made some damn fine points. I would sooner believe that he's trying to sell some of his related products.


Also, Mr. Trudeau accuses the pharmaceutical industry of suppressing natural cures - not the government of the United States. It stands to reason that this would not be possible without the assistance of the FDA and the FTC at the very least, but that is only speculation and, as is the case of the original comment, has yet to be substantiated.


Edit: found this part of the wiki entry particularly relevant:

  Wikipedia said:
Critics of Trudeau point to his established criminal history and warn buyers to be wary of his advice. He has been called a confidence trickster, and a deceptive marketer, and has been called the epitome of the snake oil salesman, quack, or charlatan. Nevertheless, Trudeau's commercials have been quite successful since Natural Cures was listed in September 2005 by the New York Times as the number one selling current nonfiction book in the United States; despite the fact that the New York Consumer Protection Board was warning consumers that the book (first edition) "does not contain the 'natural cures' for cancer and other diseases that Trudeau is promising."
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  Kirtan_Loor said:


just read the book, you can get it for 15 bucks at walmart or sams club.


once your done reading it i might listen to you.

Considering the list of allegations against it's author, I will forego purchasing it.


I'm not particularly interested in getting you to listen, I was just discrediting your example.

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you have no ability to discredit my source due to the fact that you are only seeing one side of the story. in order to have the ability to discredit my source you must fully comprehend both sides of the story. if you don't want to buy the book then just borrow it from someone you know has it. once you read it i don't care if you decide to discredit it, just read it first. also, wikipedia is a horrible source for facts. a kid at my school almost got sued for putting false info on wiki, and if a high school teen can put whatever they want on wiki, then anyone can.


i'm just saying that before you try to discredit someone, you should fully comprehend their point of view.

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Kevin Trudeau is as dodgy as they come. Whoever recommends him must only do so because they are off their face prolly on whatever crap he is recommending them will 'change their lives', 'improve their memory' etc. This is a guy banned from doing infomercials, has numerous lawsuits against him and is found on sites such as Quackwatch.....yeah *real* reputable.


As far as wire taps go, dont you guys have a Bill of Rights to protect you from such things? What about the land of the free and all that? Now you cant even make a phone call without potentially having someone listen in. I know that sounds extreme but its entirely different from law enforcement where someone is under suspicion, you apply for a warrant based on the info you have and on the strength of that info you get permission to breach a persons right to privacy. This is far more vague and therefore open to abuse. They have to justify their actions you say; its easy to justify anything and if caught out, well just blame dodgy intel. And if you have a body watching the watchers, who is going to watch them, because at the end of the day, they are still a government body too. You guys in the US have fought long and hard for your freedoms and way of life and now your own politicians are proving to be your worst enemy. I hope this power does not see the light of day because a sad day it will be indeed.

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