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Alright. Who broke the internet?

Flying Beastie

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The Sith



"Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under the knob."


Rogue 6

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Ya know, a little warning would of been nice... I was going insane without you guys to talk to!





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Yeah this is proably my most regular site and it was down for over a week!!!



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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Everyone is great Keyan. My son is growing like a weed and my little girl is a little chub chub. Or as the Dr. put it on her 2 month check up "she is off the chart for her weight". smile.gif In 4 more weeks i have to go back to swing shift. A lot of people on swings are getting layed off so they are getting rid of grave yard and we are all going to swings. frown.gif The only good thing is I will now get to have a normal sleep pattern.


How are you doing? How is the music intrests coming alone? You preforming anywhere? Charnigie hall?

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Actually, no. They did, back when I was a freshman, but now they know that I hate it and that's the way it is. I do feel bad, in a way, because for many people, college is the best time of their lives. I feel as though I am missing out on something great. The ratio of freedom to responsibility is at a lifetime high. But I have no desire for that kind of freedom, and responsibility has never bothered me. I just want to get it over with. And I am not joking when I say I hate it - I'm really serious. I hate getting up in the morning, I hate what I do all day, and the only thing I look forward to is the four hours of sleep I get once every two days (and I'm serious about that, too). I wouldn't even believe that a human being could live on that amount of sleep, but I am the living proof. Sigh...gotta head to class now.

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